Chapter 349

Shen Guanglin originally thought that as a child of the plane, as a time traveler, he should be invincible.

Regardless of what kind of historical figure, if you see labor and management, you can worship if you can't accept the head.

However, it does not.

Zhang Zhongmou said that he is 53 years old, and it is time for him to return to his roots. It is good to find a public job and spend the rest of his life in peace.

Since everything is going well, why did you come out to start a business later?

Moreover, Yongcheng in China is your hometown, so why build a factory in Wanwan.

However, this person likes duplicity, and married a colleague's wife at the age of 70. In this respect, he is really inferior to Yang. Yang just made people jealous, and he did nothing wrong.

Shen Guanglin just heard that this "godfather" of semiconductors had never been close to Huaxia. Later, he even ordered people to deliberately target another influential figure in the semiconductor industry --- Zhang Rujing.

Now Zhang Rujing is still young, only in his thirties, do you want to give it a try?
To be honest, the current Huaxia does not have a particularly strong competitiveness for international high-end talents.

And we have a very serious brain drain, very, very serious.

Shi Yigong is still a student of Wudaokou Technical School. He just entered his senior year this year and will graduate next year in 1985.

He once said that when he was in college, there were 2251 students in the whole year, of which 1712 went to Citigroup to study abroad, and most of these people left and never came back.

Shi Yigong is one of the few who went abroad and came back again.

However, Shen Guanglin was not discouraged, because among the staff working in Citigroup High-tech Company, there are many Chinese, and there must be some who are willing to go back.

If it doesn't work, let's attack the key points one by one.

Although Huaxia is not very good at semiconductors, the Chinese occupy a very important position in the semiconductor industry. There must be some people who are willing to return to China.

In 2020, I don’t know who made a statistic. Among the top 10 chip design companies in the world, 8 of them have Chinese CEOs or founders, including Chen Fuyang of Broadcom, Huang Renxun of Nvidia, and MediaTek. Cai Jieming, Su Zifeng of AMD and so on.

This is also the case in this era. There are many Chinese working in Texas Instruments.

Shen Guanglin soon met Zhang Rujing, who was just 35 years old.

The two had a meal, and then Shen Guanglin revealed that he wanted to build a semiconductor factory.
It's a pity that he can't come either. He is the kind of person who grew up in Wanwan, and he is not suitable to work here.

It is not yet 2000, and there is no communication between the two sides of the strait, and the Jiangnan case has not yet happened. Xiao Jiang will not open cross-strait exchanges until he is close to death in his old age.

Shen Guanglin was about to go back home when he met Zhang Rujing's father, Zhang Xilun, an expert in steelmaking, who was once well-known.

During the Anti-Japanese War, it was they who supported the production tasks of the Yuzhou Iron and Steel Plant, and many guns were produced by their factories.

It is a pity that this steel expert was kidnapped by Chang Kaishen.

Now, Zhang's father and son have actually immigrated to Citigroup, and they can return to China. The country warmly welcomes overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese. The mainland is tolerant and will not reject these children just because they left.

After hearing Shen Guanglin's words of mobilization, their father and son were really moved.

"Professor Shen, I can understand your thoughts, but the semiconductor industry is a money-burning industry. The domestic economic construction still needs funds. Where can the money be invested here?"

This is a very practical problem because the state really has no money to invest.

By the time the country is rich, it will be 20 years later. At this time, the international semiconductor giants no longer give China a chance to catch up.

"I have money, and I invest myself. As long as I lose less, I will make money. If we keep up with the development of the times, we will always make money." Shen Guanglin stopped pretending, he was a billionaire, and he had a showdown.

"how much money you have?"

"I don't know how much money I have. I always have a few hundred million. I still have a lot of patents that can be sold. I have some stocks of listed companies in Hong Kong and several large-scale factories."

He himself didn't quite believe what Shen Guanglin said, and he felt that Zhang Rujing probably wouldn't believe it either.

"How do you prove that you are rich?" Zhang Rujing really asked a very strange question.

However, Shen Guanglin was stumped by this sentence. How to prove it? Could it be that the plane only flies first class, and he needs to drink two bowls of soy milk.

Li Rong spoke from the side, "I can prove it, because I saw the computers we produced in the mall yesterday."


Several people were surprised together.

"The computers you produce have been sold to Citigroup?"

"Since when did our company produce computers?"

Both Shen Guanglin and Zhang Rujing were confused by Li Rong's words.

This is real.

Li Rong found it yesterday when she was shopping by herself.

A learning machine is being sold in the shopping mall, and the brand is actually the pinyin "PingGuo"

That's right, it is the computer learning machine produced by their factory, which is naturally a "computer".

This thing has been exported to Citigroup!

Li Rong explained carefully, it is the kind of keyboard computer that can be connected to the TV, and can be used for typing and playing games.

Shen Guanglin immediately understood that it was an "Apple" brand computer!
This is Shen Guanglin's bad taste. He gave the learning machine a Chinese name called Apple.

"Apple" brand home computer learning machine!
This is an independent company with its headquarters in Shencheng. In the future, this company will not only sell computers, but also sell mobile phones.

It is not uncommon for this computer to be sold to Citigroup. It was sold overseas with Fan Liu's fans, and the marketing channels are ready-made.

The function of this computer learning machine developed by Shen Guanglin is similar to that of Nintendo's red and white machine, but the price is much cheaper, only half of their price.

That's it, the profit is also very considerable.

Last year, Shen Guanglin achieved perfect success in the reverse engineering of the Nintendo Famicom that he brought back from Fusang.

The resulting integrated chip perfectly replicated Nintendo's various functions.

Shen Guanglin also provided a lot of game ideas for this purpose. He has applied for patents for the improvement of these games and computer learning machines.

Just wait for one day, if Nintendo wants to sue them for copyright infringement, they will have commendable means to counter them.

Shen Guanglin designs all classic games, and one of the most addictive games is a cube-building game.

That's right, it's Tetris!Now, it's called "Sinking Cube"

In real history, Russian Alexei Pajitnov invented this little game in June 1984.

Subsequently, this small game has been popular all over the world for decades, with sales exceeding 140 billion.

However, everything is different now. Shen Guanglin "invented" it in December 1983, and has registered a global patent.

It doesn't matter if the Soviet Union doesn't recognize it, as long as other countries recognize it.

Shen Guanglin himself didn't know when his learning machine was launched, but he was able to see it in a Citigroup shopping mall, which was a huge surprise.

Don't chat anymore, go and have a look.

Sure enough, the owner himself is playing with this keyboard learning machine, and the game board in the card slot is Tetris.

When Shen Guanglin was watching, the speed of Tetris on TV was getting faster and faster, and the shopkeeper still tried his best to support it until he scored a super high score.

"Boss, where did this learning machine come from?"

"I'm not too sure about this. It's probably HONGKONG. This keyboard machine itself is not very good, but the cassette they gave is really good. This game called "Sinking Cube" is a classic. I recommend you buy a set and put it on the computer. It can also be played on Nintendo's red and white machines."

(End of this chapter)

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