Start with a college teacher

Chapter 351 Chapter 363

Chapter 351
Shen Guanglin brought Li Rong back.

As soon as he came back, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, because Shen Guanglin's lovely mother-in-law was actually practicing Qigong.

Or maybe it's just because of boredom, I go out and walk around when I have nothing to do, and then I meet a group of "square dance" elements.

Watch it and join in.

What's more, she even said that she had found a sense of aura.

The smell of ghosts!

Could it be that the aura has been revived now, and another era of comprehension has arrived?

Shen Guanglin hurriedly went out to have a look at the outside world, it seemed that nothing had changed, the large group of people were still doing "radio gymnastics" outside.

In fact, what they practice is something called Xianggong, which was compiled by a Dutchman surnamed Tian.

The qigong craze has actually been around for a long time. I don’t know why it has suddenly become popular in the past few years.

Shen Guanglin said that these were all lies, but his mother-in-law didn't believe it. She had already experienced it personally, and said that Qigong had been passed down for thousands of years, so how could it be a lie.

Indeed, there has been a long history of qigong exercises, but people can't prevent people from using them at will.

"The muscles and bones are shrunken, so it is used as a dance to promote it." This is the description of Qigong in "Lu Shi Chunqiu".

"Huangdi Neijing", "Laozi", "Zhuangzi" and many other classics also have relevant records about qigong, but what exactly qigong looks like is unknown to everyone.

What era did Shen Guanglin live in?It is an era of highly developed information. At that time, how many times have Qigong been revealed, even the underpants have been exposed, especially, how can such things as Qigong be real.

But the mother-in-law still didn't believe it, and she also took out a ready-made example: Someone went to Xishan to perform "sniffing words with the nose" for a neighbor of the old man, and the neighbor of the old man really believed it.

This is a young man named Zhang Baosheng, who has been transferred to the 705 institute, and there are many exercises that he knows, the most powerful of which are: piercing through walls, see-through literacy, and shaking off pills from a medicine bottle .

I go!Such nonsense qigong, such nonsense supernatural powers!

Shen Guanglin can't bear this kind of thing at all, isn't it just some kind of magic trick, pretending to be a big garlic.

He Shen still wants to hug his thigh, how can he tolerate their nonsense?

It's not bad for someone like Shen to perform things like supernatural powers. He can fetch things from a distance and scare everyone, but other people who perform them must be liars.

But the mother-in-law didn't believe this evil, and took out the newspaper to make a plausible argument. It was indeed reported on it, and the writing was very mysterious, showing how powerful Zhang Baosheng was.

"Look, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine used high-speed cameras to take pictures. They took pictures of the whole process of objects passing through the medicine bottle."

What an unscrupulous organization!

Shen Guanglin was already angry, and everyone else could be deceived, but the old man of the Li family was not good at this stage.

He is old, but not old and foolish.

In the middle of summer, the weather was hot, and Shen Guanglin and Li Rong visited Mr. Li again.

Dutiful sons and grandsons, they still worry about the old man not being confused.

However, compared to the last time they came here to ask for something, they did not have such a strong purpose this time. They only brought some "ordinary" gifts, and they did not bring bamboo rats.

However, they also brought good things. They brought a few catties of golden cicadas, which were caught and washed and frozen in the refrigerator in advance, so that they did not need to be salted and kept a refreshing taste.

As for Brother Bamboo Mouse, they are only used when "doing errands". This time, there is no need to ask the old man to do errands, and it is better to bring ordinary gifts.

When they came this time, the bamboo rat that was given to the old man last time was still there. It already weighed five or six catties last time, and it is even fatter now.

Li Rong said that we should eat it, but the old man was reluctant, it was already his pet, and the old man was very lonely.

Or let's continue to eat big geese, anyway, there are more big geese.

There are many more geese in the old man's pet circle, and some chicks, all of which are underage and have not changed their bristles yet, so they are very cute.

Shen Guanglin was credited for this.

In order to cultivate the old man's hobby, he asked the people in the laboratory to design and make a thermostat, which is small in size but easy to use.

Goose eggs and eggs are hatched here.

Big goose is eaten for lunch.

"I heard that you went to the Olympics some time ago?" The little grandma was also concerned about them, and saw them on TV.

"Yes, grandma, we made a special trip to Los Angeles to cheer for the national team. No, we came to you as soon as we came back." Li Rong would still say that everyone liked her.

The old man was a bit busy, he just wanted to express his unhappiness: "You can also watch the game on TV, just to cheer, isn't this a waste of time and money!"

"Grandpa, don't listen to Rongrong's nonsense. We just stopped by to watch the Olympics. Our real purpose is to invite a Chinese-American who is an expert in semiconductor research. But he has concerns in his heart and refuses to come back."

Shen Guanglin explained that they insisted on staying in Los Angeles for half a month, but they only stayed in Texas for three days. In fact, it is easy to distinguish the priority from the secondary.

However, the old man's focus is no longer on why they watch the game, he wants to know why the Chinese expert didn't come:
"What concerns does he have?"

"Because his parents followed Chang Kaishen, he was afraid of being implicated when he returned to the mainland." Shen Guanglin told the truth.

"What age is this, the country has long since ignored this, let them go back boldly!"


After lunch, it was hot and I just went to sleep.

Shen Guanglin brought a few fans from Great Wall Electric this time, so he didn't need to install the air conditioner, and the old man didn't like to blow it.

According to the general arrangement and practice, Li Rong and Shen Guanglin who had lunch should take the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

But neither of them left, they insisted on staying and taking a rest, after all, they both drank alcohol, they didn't drink and drive, and they didn't grope while driving.

Since no one mentioned the matter of going back, the old man didn't say anything. It's rare for young people to come over, so it's okay to let them stay here for one night.

However, two people are not allowed to share the same bed!
Sure enough, it is a scenic spot, and the environment here is really good.

Shen Guanglin was awakened by birdsong.

Of course, this was the moment he was waiting for.

"Where is the old chief?"

"I'm just exercising in the woods ahead."

Shen Guanglin hurried over. The old man was doing Tai Chi. Fortunately, he was not involved in another matter.

"Grandpa, why don't you practice Qigong? I heard that many people are practicing it recently."

"That thing is useless. That's what they practiced in the big sword team that helped the Qing Dynasty destroy the foreigners. It's just a kind of hard qigong. They were defeated by the foreign devils later on."

Oh, the world is sober.

"What do you think about this, Xiao Shen?"

"I think this kind of scene should be controlled. Those supernatural powers are all fake, and I want to expose them."

(End of this chapter)

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