Start with a college teacher

Chapter 352 Household Affairs

Chapter 352 Household Affairs

After the National Day, the weather began to turn cold.

It's not just the weather that's cold, but also people's hearts.

Shen Guanglin only found out after hearing the report from his niece, Xiao Jiang, that something had happened to his property director, Sister Zhao's family.

Sister Zhao's first name is Zhao Ying, her husband is Zhao Ying, and she and Shen Guanglin are old acquaintances.

Sister Zhao has a very good personality. She is very good at telling pornographic jokes, and she doesn't get angry when she jokes. Everyone likes her very much.

Therefore, everyone usually calls her Sister Zhao, even some older comrades also call her that.

Ms. Zhao is a very nice person. She speaks sharply and does things hot, but she has strong professional skills and is a good helper for Shen Guanglin.

A sister Zhao who doesn't tell dirty jokes is not a good sister Zhao.

In fact, no one can know the pain in her heart.

Sister Zhao is still teaching at Peking University, and she has not left the establishment and teaching positions, but she is already the chief financial officer of Shen Guanglin's entire industrial system.

There is no way, there is no trustworthy person around Shen Guanglin who has professional ability in this area.

After all, he knew Sister Zhao from "Wei Mo", and she was one of the most trustworthy people in Shen Guanglin.

In recent years, Sister Zhao has been busy with Shen Guanglin, and her teaching and work have not been left behind. Naturally, the conditions of family life have also been greatly improved.

Because of work, she abruptly changed from a female hooligan to a strong woman.

The relationship between Shen Guanglin and Li Rong and Sister Zhao's family is very good.

In particular, after Shen Guanglin bought the house, he immediately gave up his dormitory at Capital University to their family, and it didn't matter.

Back then, Brother Zhao's family was in trouble, so he even borrowed some money from himself to leave.

Around that time, Sister Zhao began to hang out with Shen Guanglin, and her family's living conditions improved.

The living conditions of the family are good, but the emotional life of sister Zhao and brother Zhao is not good.

At that time, everyone lived in the faculty dormitory. Whenever the night was quiet, Shen Guanglin was always tortured by brother Zhao and sister Zhao.

Every now and then next door was performing live erotica, and he could only silently buckle his feet by himself.

Now, in just a few years, the two of them have already separated.

What about the remaining two children?
The two divorced, but they were no longer together.

The reason for the disagreement was not the imbalance in family status caused by strong women and weak men, but the fundamental reason was that the two lived in two places, and one of them had an affair.

Brother Zhao went to Citigroup as a visiting scholar at the end of the year before last, and only sister Zhao was left in the capital.

It's not that Sister Zhao doesn't want to go with him, she's too busy to leave.

Even after the completion of Tiangong No. [-], Shen Guanglin left a house for them, and Sister Zhao didn't have time to come and live there.

After all, it is inconvenient for a woman to take care of two children, teach and work, and live too far away. The living facilities on the school campus are better.

After Brother Zhao went abroad, Sister Zhao was busy with work, and there was really no one to take care of her at home. Sister Zhao sometimes asked her in-laws to come over to take care of the children. Anyway, the material living conditions were not lacking. Occasionally, the old man would live in Tiangong One when he came. No.

Isn't this kind of life going on?

It's a pity, Brother Zhao "changed his mind".

It may be that there are too many temptations outside, or it may be that the economic conditions of visiting scholars are better.

Brother Zhao found an international student outside, and the two lived together without a name or a role.

Moreover, just this year, they gave birth to a child and brought it back for "visiting relatives".

It's not that they really want to bring the child back, but that Brother Zhao's "new partner" has not finished his studies yet, but because of his pregnancy, he can no longer get the scholarship.

The economy is in trouble, and children have become a burden.

In desperation, I had no choice but to send the child back to China before making any plans.

As for the tuition fee, I'll figure it out.

Brother Zhao's plan is to bring the child back and give it to the elderly to raise him for a period of time, and then take him away after the two of them get better financially.

As for the wretched wife at home.

This is an unplanned thing, and he has nothing to do with it.

Send the kids to the country?
How can this be!

This child is no ordinary person, he has been a Citiman since birth.

Citigroup has such a rule that as long as the child is born here, no matter where the parents of the child are from, the child can obtain the citizenship of Citigroup.

This and the green card are actually two concepts.

A green card is just a kind of permanent residence, not a citizen. If you really want to become a full-fledged citizen, you still need to go through the procedures for naturalization. Only after approval can you become a citizen of Citigroup.

The place of birth is different, and citizenship will be granted naturally.

One day, Shen Guanglin was reading a book in the laboratory when brother Zhao Zhao Ying came to find him.

It is different when you are a visiting scholar. You know how to cut a suit when you wear a suit, and the shoulders are padded, which makes you look very decent.

Shen Guanglin raised his head and silently looked at this familiar but unfamiliar friend, feeling that he had really changed, and he was no longer what he was when he asked him to borrow money.

Moreover, he has not yet paid back the money he borrowed from himself.

"Brother Zhao, you are here, sit down."

Facing Sister Zhao's "ex-husband", it was impossible for Shen Guanglin to be very enthusiastic. Sister Zhao could almost be regarded as her number three person.

"Xiao Shen, Professor Shen, hello, long time no see."

Brother Zhao smiled a little stiffly, it seems that he should ask him for something.

Every happy family is alike, and every unhappy family is different.

Sister Zhao herself didn't mention all the things that happened after Brother Zhao came back, and Shen Guanglin had no position to say what was going on in Sister Zhao's family.

He just quietly waited for Zhao Ying's performance, watched him tell his purpose of coming here, and then refused himself, and let out a sigh of relief for Sister Zhao.

"Mr. Shen, I remember my family allocated a house in Tiangong No. [-]. No, I went abroad and never lived there. Now that we are back, can we move there for a while?"

Sure enough, it was for this purpose. Shen Guanglin had already heard from Jiang Zhenhua that Brother Zhao rented an apartment, but the conditions were not good.

Now his idea of ​​hitting on sister Zhao can be imagined by anyone.

"You really brought a little wife back?"

Shen Guanglin asked very directly, he was only interested in this, what he wanted to ask was can wives and wives really coexist peacefully.

Actually it can't.

After all, not everyone belongs to Shen Guanglin.

Brother Zhao's face was slightly embarrassed, but he still defended softly: "Xiaohui is a good girl."

"Sister Zhao's nickname is Yingying, why is she called Xiaohui again? Will she change her name to Haiyan, Cuihua or something like that in the future?"

Shen Guanglin's calm voice suppressed some anger, and he didn't know why Brother Zhao dared to find him here, Shen Guanglin couldn't help being angry already.

"Xiao Shen, you still like to joke so much. Can you give me the key to the house? My parents lived there for a while, and they returned the house key when they went back. Now they are coming over. I want They continue to live for a while."

What does this house have to do with him?Why does he feel justified?

"Where do you live now?" Shen Guanglin still asked.

"I rented two rooms next to the school, but the conditions are too bad. I can't let my children be wronged like we were in that era."

Brother Zhao looks full of masculinity. After all, his child is a born Citiman and deserves to be cared for.

"Are you talking about the two children of you and Sister Zhao? They are living a pretty good life. We have their dormitory here." Shen Guanglin said teasingly.

"Xiao Shen, you've probably heard about my family's situation, so let's not joke about it, okay? Your sister Zhao has so much money, can't afford to support two children?"

Shen Guanglin restrained his emotions, and clearly refused, "No! That house is allocated to Sister Zhao, whoever she wants to live in, she needs to come and talk to me."

"Your sister Zhao is angry, I dare not look for her."

"Then how dare you find me?" Shen Guanglin was very puzzled.

"Security, get him out! I don't know this person."

Sometimes you really can't underestimate a person's bottom line.

Sister Zhao came to find Shen Guanglin by herself, and also asked him for the key.

"I can't stand the two old men kneeling at the door."

(End of this chapter)

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