Chapter 353 Fame
Sister Zhao really didn't know if she was lucky or unlucky to meet such a family.

It is impossible for Brother Zhao and the others to live in the house, and it is difficult for Li Rong to live in it.

This kind of behavior seriously violates public order and good customs, and has nothing to do with being pitiful or not.

Naturally, Shen Guanglin would not support Sister Zhao's appeasement and nurturing. At this time, there is no stepping back. If you take a step back, you have to take every step back.

Let’s not talk about this man not raising his own family, but wanting a woman to support your new family, this kind of thing, alas, everyone yearns for it.

Brother Zhao is not the leading actor, and sister Zhao is not Yu Fengzhi.

Sister Zhao was also straightforward and didn't struggle at all. She was probably afraid that these people would make trouble repeatedly, so she went directly to the school to go through the resignation procedures.

Staying without pay, going to sea, and the trend of the times.

However, the only thing she forgot was going through the divorce procedures.

If you don't get a divorce, how can a newcomer come in?

She didn't care about that, she just went away.

The two children were temporarily handed over to Shen Guanglin's aunt to take care of them, and she went directly to Shencheng.

It's not for evasion, not for anything else, it's really necessary for work, and there is an audit over there.

It's long overdue to take a closer look.

After all, the business in Shencheng is booming, and the financial audit must keep up.

Let's turn grief and indignation into strength, let someone in the capital solve the matter in the capital.

Shen has no other skills, but he still has the ability to be a security guard.

Some people say that 1984 was the first year of domestic computers, and more than 2 computers were sold in China in this year.

In this era, a computer costs [-] to [-] yuan, which is a market worth several hundred million yuan.

This also shows that the country is still rich, at least they don't sell RMB.

Of course, those who buy computers are all units, and they don't care whether they use it or not, so buy one first and go back.

In fact, 1984 was the first year of computer learning machines.

Shen Guanglin's "Apple" company launched a home computer learning machine, which received a lot of praise as soon as it went on the market.

This computer learning machine is different from other computers. Its retail price is only 550 yuan a piece, which is about the same as a black and white TV set.

In a short period of time, there is not much publicity, and more than 10 units have been sold in China.

And the learning machines exported overseas at "the same price" have sold more than 30 units in Citigroup.

The "same price" here means that the initial price of the export learning machine is also 550, but the unit is US dollars.

This operation has the demeanor of Huawei and Laoganma, and it is very spiritual.

This also depends on the price comparison, because Nintendo's red and white machine is priced at US$698, and Apple's learning machine is priced at US$598, leaving the price difference to channel distributors at US$148, which is not a small amount.

Because, not only can they sell learning machines to make money, but they can also sell cassettes to make money.

These are money.

In the future, not only the Citigroup market, but also the Xiangjiang market and the Southeast Asian market can be explored.

No, Lin Guangwei also said that he is also planning to buy a batch of computer learning machines and sell them in Singapore.

The reason why this learning machine is so popular is that this cube game has played an absolutely important role. This game is really fun.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin felt that it seemed necessary to develop a handheld game console.

Perhaps, the semiconductor industry can be developed with the money earned from game consoles.

After Sister Zhao left, the matter gradually calmed down.

Shen Guanglin's life fell into peace again,
When he had nothing to do, he would sometimes stroll around the campus of Capital University with Li Rong.

However, he would not go to Weiming Lake easily.

Because there are too many people here!

"One Pagoda Lake Picture" is the symbol of Capital University, the lake is Weiming Lake, and the tower is Boya Pagoda.

Weiming Lake has been extremely lively in the past few years. Poets, writers, literary youths, and blind people from the capital and even all over the country come here every day to talk and talk, and make friends through literature and poetry.

I don't know what they usually rely on to survive. Does it mean that they don't have to eat after entering the cultural circle?

Because of these messy reasons, Shen Guanglin seldom comes to Weiming Lake, because it has been occupied by "cultural people".

Recently, he has come more frequently.

Shen Guanglin originally didn't intend to participate in this. If the two literati, Ma Dudu and Wang Shuo, hadn't come to him frequently, he would never have thought of coming to this place.

It's not about talking about love, and it's not about reciting poems to fight against each other, what are you doing here.

Today, Ma Dudu didn't come because of something, but Wang Shuo came again.

He didn't come to find Shen Guanglin to talk about literature, he came to Shen Guanglin to "appreciate treasures".

To be precise, looking for him is to sell "hidden treasures".

This time it was a friend of Wang Shuo's. They grew up in the same compound, and they were also considered to be one of the primary school students. Their surname was Zhu.

Xiao Zhu is now called Boss Xiao Zhu, and he has already gone into business. It is said that he has a lot of "four olds" hidden during the movement.

Now those things are starting to be valuable, and he needs capital turnover to do business, so he wants to exchange them for money.

Wang Shuo came to Capital University very diligently. After all, he is not yet developed, so he can't even make ends meet in many cases.

People want face, he can't always eat for free, and introducing one or two Tibetans with good things to Shen Guanglin has become his part-time job.

When Shen Guanglin came over, several people were talking about literature by the lake, among them were Wang Shuo and Boss Xiao Zhu.

"Mr. Shen, excuse me." Wang Shuo stood up immediately when he saw Shen Guanglin approaching.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry to look at things, but greeted everyone enthusiastically, and after a circle of Hua Ziyan, he said with a smile: "Why, you won't form a group to fool me again, right? I have a bad eye, so let me show you some products from the Republic of China."

Wang Shuo hurriedly said, "That can't be, it's because there are good things, so I sent them to you to show you. I sent this to Boss Xiaozhu for business. Just because now everyone knows that you like to accept old things. The starting price is also given for the stuff, so I can save myself the trouble of running around.”

"Have you asked Editor Ma to read it?" Shen Guanglin still believed in Ma Dudu's vision. With his eyes, Shen Guanglin had indeed collected a lot of good things during this period.

"No, old horse, he's always thinking about picking up leaks. He's so smart. My friends don't want to give him good things."

This is also true.

Ma Dudu doesn't have a lot of money, and his collection is almost entirely based on picking up leaks. Once he can't find any leaks, he will recommend customers to Shen Guanglin, which can be regarded as taking what he needs.

Shen Guanglin was willing to be taken advantage of.

"That's it. If there is something good, take it out and let the big guys see it."

Boss Xiao Zhu was also very cautious. He first took them to a gazebo, and then carefully took out a plum bottle from a box.

Plum vase?Or a plum vase with dragon patterns.

Shen Guanglin also has plum vases. It is a famous traditional Chinese porcelain with a small mouth, short neck, full shoulders, thin bottom and round feet.

Probably, it may be because the caliber is relatively small and only plum blossoms can be inserted. Therefore, after the Ming Dynasty, the bottle of this shape was renamed Meiping. In the earlier Tang and Song Dynasties, it was called Jingping.

Although Shen Guanglin has a lot of good things in his collection, his research on these antiques is not in-depth, and he only knows superficially about many things.

For example, as far as plum bottles are concerned, he only knows that plum bottles were more popular in the Song and Liao Dynasties. By the Yuan Dynasty, the craftsmanship of making plum bottles was quite exquisite, especially the blue and white plum bottles in the Yuan Dynasty, which were not only rare but also exquisite. expensive.

Blue and white porcelain originally flourished during the Yuan Dynasty, but this dynasty was too short, and many good blue and white porcelain were not handed down.

In some Jianbao novels, the frequency of encountering Guiguzi Xiashan Yuanqinghua is almost the same as that of Rafael in 82.

Yuan blue and white Shen Guanglin does not have it, but he does have the 1982 Lafayette, and there are quite a few.

Shen Guanglin originally thought that the 1982 Lafite was precious because of its scarcity.

It turns out that's not the case.

The grape harvest was abundant this year, and the quality of the wine was very high, so the taste was very good.

In this year, not just Lafite, any brand of wine is good and worth collecting.

Like the charter king, he especially loves to collect Romanee-Conti.

Shen Guanglin didn't care anymore, he had no other preference except Moutai.

Therefore, it is purely a bad taste to collect some worthless but very pretend Rafael.

When he doesn't want to pretend, he can leave it to future generations to pretend.

As soon as Boss Xiao Zhu took out the plum vase, Shen Guanglin only glanced at it, and stopped looking at it.

In Shen Guanglin's eyes, this is the object that opens the door, the standard Kangxi period imitation of a blue and white porcelain plum vase.

He has several of these things, and one of them is exactly like this one.

Perhaps, seeing more real things, one will naturally know what is real and what is fake.

Shen Guanglin didn't even get started, so he said directly, "The item is good, please make a price."

"2000! This is blue and white porcelain from the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty. It's a good thing, and it's still an official kiln, so there's nothing wrong with it."

As expected, Boss Xiao Zhu is in business, and he has a set of tricks in his mouth.

Shen Guanglin watched his performance with a smile, because the thing is indeed a good thing, but it is really expensive in this day and age when it sells for 2000.

Boss Xiao Zhu’s performance is still going on: “The Emperor Chenghua of the Ming Dynasty knows that he is the son of the captured emperor. The emperor’s job is not bad, and the country is relatively rich during this period, so their workmanship is really good. Well, it’s worth the price of 2000 yuan.”

It looks like he really did his homework.

However, Shen Guanglin still pointed at him: "This is not from the Chenghua period, this is from the Qing Dynasty."

"Impossible! How can this be a fake? It was copied from the home of the descendants of Baylor in the Qing Dynasty. I thought it was good, so I was not willing to cei."

Shen Guanglin smiled, "I didn't say it was fake, it was Chenghua porcelain imitated by the Kangxi official kiln. I don't know how to tell the difference, but I said it was based on the shape, decoration and painting, the characteristics of the characters and the handling of the bottom and feet of the utensils." Observation on crafts and other aspects.”

"Then how do you know this is an imitation of the Qing Dynasty, not this year's Chenghua?"

Boss Xiao Zhu still didn't give up, he felt that Shen Guanglin might be blindly lowering the price.

"Come on, I don't know if it's true or not. You can make a price. No matter how much it is, let the men see the sincerity. Anyway, the money is getting worse and worse now."

Shen Guanglin didn't know how much the bottle cost:
"It's fine to ask the price. Go to Rongbaozhai and ask how much they charge for this bottle. I will add 50% to you later. After all, you are Wang Shuo's friend, so you still have face."

"Mr. Shen, thank you." Big-eyed Wang Shuo blushed with excitement. Professor Shen is benevolent and meticulous!
It's okay, there is no benevolence and righteousness in business.

In fact, Boss Xiaozhu really has a lot of good things there. He also asked Shen Guanglin to go to see it another day. He can bring experts. It would be best if he could collect them all in one go.

This can have.

Shen Guanglin's reputation in the collection circle was thus established.

(End of this chapter)

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