Start with a college teacher

Chapter 354 Lossful Export

Chapter 354 Lossful Export

The joy of collecting is as cool as opening and hanging.

The first time Shen Guanglin started hanging out was when he was playing chicken, oh, that was so sour.

It's cool to open and hang for a while, and it's always cool to open and hang.

It's Wang Shuo, the big-eyed thief, who is the most powerful. This kind of native stubborn master knows whose ancestors were prosperous. If you go to their house to buy something, there must be good things, and it is sure to be reliable.

Moreover, they were not afraid of others trying to trick him, because Shen Guanglin didn't take advantage of his advantage, he was just so pissed.

You ask 500 for an old object, right? Assuming the current market value is 1000, Shen Guanglin will give you 1500 directly, so that you don’t lose money, but let you have nothing to say.


Rich and willful!
Shen Guanglin didn't want to miss out at all, he had to buy it at a price higher than the market price.

Some people thought that Mr. Shen was stupid, but when they heard that Mr. Shen could get 5 US dollars for one class, they immediately changed their minds.

People just play.

This has the same meaning as listening to cross talk and sending flower baskets.

You have something good, I like it, and I am willing to spend more, what's the matter.

However, everyone didn't know that no matter how much money Mr. Shen spent to buy these antiques, it was actually a waste.

They couldn't imagine Shen Guanglin's happiness.

While Shen Guanglin was enjoying the happiness and couldn't extricate himself, he unexpectedly received a call from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, asking him to go to a meeting.

"I'm going to a meeting?"

Shen Guanglin felt a little puzzled.

Although, he is a great scientist with a high reputation.

Although, he is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Company, and he also has a lot of property.

However, he has never expressed any views on economic policy or economic reform.

Because the country's policies have been highly volatile over the years, Shen Guanglin has always kept them at a respectful distance.

Sometimes, not talking about state affairs is the greatest protection for oneself.

Much easier to 404 than talk.

Now the ministry suddenly found him, which made him a little confused.

But Li Rong said, "Anyway, that's what I said on the phone. I want you to come there early in the morning. The meeting will start at 10 am. Don't be late."

Li Rong is a senior student, and she found an internship unit, which is the laboratory of Beijing University.

She can even write her own internship comments.

"Did you say what it is?" Shen Guanglin was curious.

Li Rong shook her head: "I didn't say much over there, just let me inform you so that you don't be late."

Just go and go, don't bother to think too much.

Don't they know that they have a sum of foreign exchange in their hands at any time, and it is impossible to borrow money?

Sister Zhao called to report to work. Their company really held a large amount of foreign exchange, more than [-] million US dollars, which was in the account of the offshore company. Now the RMB there is not enough, and they want to transfer it from Jinmen. Money goes by.

This operation is not easy. After all, in terms of shareholding structure, there is no affiliation relationship between them, and the Jinmen Great Wall still has state-owned assets in it.

At the meeting the next day, Shen Guanglin didn't dress up specially, it was still his casual attire.

A man who knows how to dress is handsome no matter how he dresses.

Shen Guanglin drove to the meeting by himself. There is no navigation in the car now, but the capital is such a big city after all, so it is easy to find which ministries and commissions are there.

After Shen Guanglin arrived at the destination, he found out that there were many acquaintances there, including Comrade Lao Li.

Oops, everyone is acquaintances, so hurry up and let everyone know.

Lao Li's treatment was different. Shen Guanglin gave Lao Li a cigar, and others wanted it too, no!Just this one.

Everyone laughed happily.

"You are brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle."

Shen Guanglin could only tentatively say: "Brother Li? Going to fight a tiger?"

There was a roar of laughter all around.

Seeing this battle, there is no need to say much, Shen Guanglin already roughly knows what is going on.

Because most of the people I know are from the military industry system.

Call these people to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, what are they going to do? Isn't this a lice on the bald man's head?

The meeting started.

The leader of the Ministry of Economics and Trade presided over the meeting, but the leader of the military that I saw that day attended the meeting.

Everyone sits around an oval conference table, with a cup of hot tea, a small notebook, and a ballpoint pen in front of each person.

The guy is quite well prepared, and the notebook with red embroidered surface that Shen Guanglin bought in advance is no longer needed.

When the meeting started, a staff member came and distributed a brochure and an itinerary to everyone.

Shen Guanglin read the booklet first, which is a record book of customs and customs in Middle Eastern countries, and there are some simple greetings.

"Let's take a look at the itinerary first. After reading it, I'll talk about the specific arrangements." The leader explained.

Shen Guanglin looked at the itinerary, sure enough!This is the itinerary schedule of a Middle East delegation.

Sure enough, this oil country did not exceed Shen Guanglin's expectations at all.

This trip to the Middle East, although there is only one country to go to, but the itinerary still has several days.

The purpose of this trip has already been said, the general meaning is to first inspect the other party's weapons and equipment, and then recommend our own equipment to the other party as appropriate.

Finally got to this point.

The level of this delegation is not high, but it is very important. The colleagues are all technical talents and economic and trade talents.

This inspection is related to the survival and development of many enterprises in the future, and everyone has to pay attention to it.

The leaders of the ministries and committees then talked about the precautions for going abroad and some past experiences in the Middle East. The words were full of emotion, and the leaders said very humorously. Everyone mastered some basic conditions of the Middle East countries in the laughter.

Shen Guanglin listened very seriously, he really wanted to visit this country.

Because the law and order in this country is relatively good now, and there are no human bombs yet, Shen Guanglin really dare not go there in a few years.

Moreover, this Middle Eastern country is really worth visiting, they are very rich, and they are one of the four ancient civilizations.

It is Shen Guanglin's wish to come here to take a look at the magical ancient Babylon, take a look at the Sumerian civilization, and taste how the earliest civilization on earth originated.

Many people don't know that the Sumerian civilization was actually a civilization that appeared earlier than the Chinese civilization. When this civilization ended, the Chinese civilization had just begun.

Middle Eastern countries are rich in oil, if they don't start a war, then they really don't know what to do.

The reason why Shen Guanglin was included in this study group was probably because he has an international perspective, often goes abroad for inspections, and at the same time has a certain understanding of the military industry.

The leader still asked everyone's opinions next to each other. They asked Shen Guanglin if he would like to participate in this investigation group.

Someone Shen readily agreed, who would give me this kind of moment.

The leader also said that although this visit will not be published in the newspapers, its influence will be far-reaching. I hope you will work hard.

Next, the leader talked about organizational discipline and precautions, such as how the visiting personnel are composed, what to pay attention to when they get there, and how to deal with emergencies.

Of course, everything will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

The meeting lasted for 2 hours, and it was all about these confidentiality and organizational discipline issues, basically not talking about sales direction and sales strategy.

Maybe we have to take one step at a time.

The leader finally asked: "Does anyone have any questions?"

The field was silent, no one spoke.

Only Shen Guanglin couldn't sit still, and couldn't help but asked: "Can you bring an assistant? Can you bring a work secretary?"

When he said this, Lao Li's face immediately changed, and he spit out a sip of tea, which attracted everyone's attention.

Because Li Rong is now his work secretary, and she is still the one who gets paid.

Others don't know about this, but Lao Li knows it.

Who are the people here?What occasion is this?You still have a secretary?What do you think about traveling?

Li Rong is her own daughter, but she can't just take her around with her.

In fact, Lao Li was wrong. Shen Guanglin was planning to bring a secretary there. It was really the work secretary, not Li Rong.

After all, Shen Guanglin didn't plan to get too involved in the arms sale, it was better to leave it to his students.

The leader glanced at Lao Li and then at Shen Guanglin. He probably knew about their relationship, but he said solemnly: "Of course it is possible, but you have to apply in advance and pass the political review. And it's best not to bring Women, after all, there is MSL over there, and it is inconvenient for women to visit abroad."

"Understood! Thank you, the leader. I brought a man, and he is a graduate student of our Capital University. If there is no problem with his background, I will report the information later."

In fact, if it wasn't for this, Shen Guanglin might really bring Li Rong out.

"Is there any question?" The leader's eyes wandered around, and then fell back on Shen Guanglin.

"Yes! Can you arrange some free itineraries, such as visiting their museums, or can we visit their scenic spots and historic sites at our own expense after the visiting group is over, after all, it is one of the four ancient civilizations."

As soon as Shen Guanglin said this, everyone was stunned by his disorganization and lack of discipline!

This is a very important study abroad. You thought it was tourism.

The leader coughed heavily and said with a serious face, "No! Everyone is not allowed to leave the group and obey the discipline 24 hours a day. Professor Shen, really don't be too free and loose."

"Okay, then I have no other questions."

End of the meeting.

Several acquaintances flocked over to say hello to Shen Guanglin: "Xiao Shen, hold on a little longer, and let them arrange a few more feasting halls."

"Don't spoil Xiao Shen, drinking alcohol is not allowed in the Middle East."

Everyone dispersed one after another, and Shen Guanglin took Lao Li away, because he drove the car and could send Lao Li away.

Shen Guanglin's car was parked in a remote location, and he didn't want people to see him driving such a nice car.

"Professor Shen!" Someone behind him called him.

"You are?" Shen Guanglin could only turn his head and saw a middle-aged man who was about the same age as Lao Li chasing after him.

"My surname is He, and my name is He Ping. I am the manager of Libao Technology Company, and I am in charge of the business of importing and exporting equipment."

Shen Guanglin was in awe, this is the son-in-law of the boss.

"I have admired you for a long time. From now on, the import and export of equipment will depend entirely on your company. Great, great!"

This company will be very famous in the future. It has just been established in this era. It is completely a grassroots team, but it has already mastered strong resources.

"Mr. He, what do you need to hand over the code?" Shen Guanglin didn't know him well after all, and now it was time for dinner, so he didn't say anything about arranging a meal.

"It's impossible to talk about it. Professor Shen, you know that our company is poor and empty now, and we don't have any business. I have an immature idea."

Shen Guanglin really wanted to say, since the idea is not yet mature, then don't say it.

But someone Shen couldn't say that. After all, he would continue to mess around in society, so he couldn't be so incompetent.

"I think so. I think the quality of your Great Wall Electric's products is good, even better than imported ones. Has Professor Shen ever thought about exporting them?"

"Export? Our products are not competitive."

This is true. At the current exchange rate, it is really not easy to export products. We have to wait until the exchange rate of the RMB to the US dollar becomes 8:1, and then it will be the golden age of export.

"It's okay. What I mean is that we can let our company act as an agent for the export rights of your products. Just give us the ex-factory market price. We will sell it, and we will pay more if we sell less."

Shen Guanglin was really interested when he said this.

"How do you plan to sell it? Which countries are you going to sell it to?"

"Eastern Europe, that's where our strengths lie. We brought some of your electrical appliances as gifts to people, and they liked them very much." He Ping still did market research, and the products of Great Wall Electric were really good.

"Then at what price do you want to sell it? Our price is not cheap, and we will lose money if we sell it."

Of course Shen Guanglin thought about this, but he didn't do export business because of the damn exchange rate.

After all, when a company grows bigger, it still has to operate legally. It is illegal to exchange currency every day, and accidents will happen sooner or later, and it is only safe at noon.

At this exchange rate, it is not easy to make money.

But Mr. He said it's okay: "It's nothing to lose money, as long as you can exchange for foreign exchange, it doesn't matter if you lose some money."

(End of this chapter)

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