Chapter 355
There are no shortcuts to success.

When you are envious of other people's deep background, you should also think about the efforts made by others.

Mr. He's execution ability is really strong.

As soon as Shen Guanglin agreed to supply the goods, his car was already at the gate of the factory waiting to be loaded.

Moreover, there is no such thing as debt delivery.The cash is taken directly, and the money is also loaded in trucks. The guards are all guards with live ammunition. They look very mighty and domineering.

When Libao Technology was first started, the last thing they needed was cash.

To be precise, at Libao Technology, the last thing they lack is RMB.

In fact, many state-owned enterprises and even central enterprises do not lack RMB. What they lack is foreign exchange and the ability to earn foreign exchange.

Even if they lose money in business, as long as they earn foreign exchange, there will be no problem.

It's a big deal, just make a report to the higher authorities and let them erase the bad debt.

This is the so-called policy loss.

Countless state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and banks have all enjoyed this kind of treatment. The so-called traveling lightly, naturally they cannot bear too much pressure.

Even in later generations, there is a bank called Development Bank, whose annual losses are astronomical, but it doesn't matter, it can afford it.

Now, Mr. He has arranged for someone to take the money to pick up the goods, but Shen Guanglin is about to lose the chain.

Of course, they can't be allowed to pull them casually, even if they have money. If all the goods are exported by them, the domestic sales will be out of stock.

The products of Great Wall Electric are not worried about sales at all, although they are slightly expensive, but they have many functions and novel styles. A chip worth tens of dollars can bring many unexpected functions.

High technology, everyone recognizes this.

It is said that a well-known professor at Capital University is their chief scientist.

Since the domestic market is good, there is no need to take them out for export. Moreover, if Libao Technology takes away these products, it may not all be used for export, even if they are all exported, it will not work.

What if at some point in the future, they suddenly don't want the goods, won't they kill themselves.

The reason why Shen Guanglin agreed so readily this time is that he also asked for help from others. Shen Guanglin did not intend to accept RMB. He planned to cooperate deeply with each other to get what they needed.

Isn't your Libao Technology company a strong and powerful company? Let's barter, we don't need money, we need materials.

You just use steel, ethylene and other primary industrial products to exchange our finished electrical appliances, and you don't take advantage of yours, just take advantage of your resources and background.

This is what Libao Technology lacks most.

Now, Great Wall Electric has really encountered difficulties in raising production materials.

Since Shen Guanglin founded Great Wall Electric, even though the Tianjin government has given strong support, they still feel that this era is unfriendly to the manufacturing industry.

The profit is really good, but the supply of raw materials is also really difficult.

No wonder those wild private iron and steel factories can also develop very well, the gap in the means of production is too big.

Compared with Jinmen Great Wall Electric, Shencheng Great Wall Electric is different. They have a wider way to obtain materials, and they have foreign exchange in their hands, so it is easier to take the initiative in the transaction.

In Jinmen, it is too difficult to purchase raw materials, and there are many things that you cannot buy with money.

As a last resort, Huang Guangyi sometimes went to other factories to do lobbying work with electrical delivery coupons, just to get some production materials from there.

Bartering has been a longstanding tradition for them.

In the end, after several rounds of coordination between Shen Guanglin and Huang Guangyi, Libao Technology finally allocated a small half of its production capacity for export.

As for whether to add new production capacity, this is for sure, and the electrical appliance market can still develop stably for 40 years.

However, there is no need for Shen Guanglin to worry about these things anymore. With Huang Guangyi around, these things are not difficult to deal with.

Now, Shen Guanglin's main task is to prepare for his visit to the Middle East.

After all, he was the one who first proposed the idea of ​​doing arms trading, and Shen Guanglin often goes abroad, so he has more experience in foreign negotiations and exchanges.

For this trip, everyone still made various plans, and even simulated various negotiation scenarios. Behind every understated result is a lot of useless and boring work.

Shen Guanglin took the lead in this trip, because he was supposed to be a visiting scholar. Before the war, the University of Baghdad was a good university.

The day of departure was approaching. Under Lao Li's strong opposition, Shen Guanglin did not take Li Rong out, but brought an ordinary assistant who studied physics from the laboratory.

In fact, it is completely unnecessary, because Iraq is still a secular country, and their girls can also wear skirts and short sleeves normally, and there is no need to wear a veil.

Iraq at this time is similar to Iran before Khomeini's coup. They did not strictly follow the way prescribed by the Koran.

Everyone quickly formed an academic investigation group, Shen Guanglin was the deputy head of the group, and everyone was in his favor.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin couldn't say nothing. He prepared some cigars for everyone to smoke on the road. After smoking this, everyone would stop smoking.

There were not many people traveling with the group this time, and there were only a dozen or so in total. They were basically technicians from various weapons institutes. Of course, there were also a few professional foreign trade personnel, who were Mr. He's subordinates.

Even if these people are not familiar with Shen Guanglin, they are very familiar with Lao Li.

Even the leader of the team was not so serious, and he would ask Xiao Shen for advice from time to time, asking him about his experience when he was visiting abroad for academic exchanges.

After all, this is a normal academic exchange group.

Shen Guanglin can only say sorry that no matter which country he goes to, he will always be received by the local university. He is basically picked up from the airport, and he doesn't have much free time.

Even, sometimes there is no time to spend money that should not be spent.

As for what should not be spent, Lao Li is here, so I can't say.

Others will naturally ask Shen Guanglin about the long-standing topic, that is, whether he can really get 5 US dollars for a lecture at a university.

it is true.

Shen Guanglin gave an affirmative answer.

Sure enough, there was an uproar again. I will never earn 5 yuan in my life.

Shen Guanglin also said indifferently that money is something outside of the body, if you don't bring it with you when you are born, you don't take it with you when you die. You see, Emperor Wanli brought a lot of things down, but they were dug out.

Moreover, the University of Baghdad had already sent out an invitation for this visit, and judging by the itinerary, there was really time to earn some extra money.

Shen Guanglin has already made a plan. Everyone will share the money earned. There are more than 20 people, and each person can share 2000 US dollars. This is not bribery, but transportation expenses.

Shen Guanglin took his father-in-law on a trip for the first time, and it was quite pleasant.

The advantage of traveling with a group of scholars is that you can listen to many stories that you have never heard before and gain some useless knowledge.

For example, on the plane, an old man vividly told the story of the capture of Baghdad by a Chinese general.

And such a thing?

There really is.

However, that was the Mongolian general.

At that time, Mu Huali's subordinates had a general named Guo Kan, who led an army to the west.

The Western Expeditionary Army was divided into several groups. Guo Kan's group first captured Kashmir, and then pushed all the way to capture Baghdad and massacred the city.

Massacres were a hobby of the Mongolian army back then. It is said that they killed 2 million people successively.

After Guo Kan captured Baghdad, he continued to march westward, encountered the crusaders who were marching eastward, and then defeated them, all the way into Frank, and reached the banks of the Rhine.

It was at this time that Meng Ge died in Diaoyu City, and the Western Expeditionary Army stopped the Western Expedition.

Of course, the history of Liao, Jin and Xia Yuan is something we often deliberately ignore, and it is not considered official history.

The plane was very lively, and this was the first time for Shen Guanglin to take a special plane, and it seemed no different from the past.

There are also differences, that is, it is very spacious, even one person can sit in a row, and the seat can be seated freely, and everyone does not distinguish between first-class economy class, after all, they are all free planes.

Flying in this day and age is good for everything, the only bad thing is that too many people smoke.

After flying for several hours, the clothes are completely smoked, and the smell of smoke will not go away without soaking in washing powder.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Guanglin bought a lot of cigars, and everyone smoked them casually. They were imported from Cuba, and Shen was not short of money.

After several hours of "difficult" flight, the plane landed in Baghdad smoothly.

When they arrived at the airport, they realized that the security level they received was not generally high, and guards with live ammunition were on duty at the airport.

It seems that the other party also attaches great importance to their visit.

In the real itinerary, Shen Guanglin is just an ordinary staff member, he doesn't need to walk the red carpet, he just needs to watch the leader walk in front.

Get off the plane, oops, the weather is so comfortable.

It is quite cold in Beijing in November, and it is frosty, foggy, and very uncomfortable.

But Baghdad in November was as warm as spring.

Shen Guanglin didn't have time to sigh too much, and followed the crowd to get on the bus.

Mercedes-Benz all the way, this is Baghdad in the 80s, it is not inferior to the cities of Citigroup at all, and even more prosperous than the capital of this era.

After all, they have money, very wide roads, Mercedes-Benz cars, orderly buildings, and fountains that sway tears.

It's hard to imagine that this is a desert city, and it's hard to imagine that this will become a city full of human bombs.

"Xiao Shen, have you been to all parts of the world, have you been to these countries in the Middle East?"

"I've been here, only to Dubai, but never to Baghdad."

The current Dubai is probably not the money worshiping city in the future, but the current Baghdad is a bustling world center.

No wonder Hussein has the confidence to start a war, now they are really rich


(End of this chapter)

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