Chapter 356 LEDs
The Huaxia delegation really saw what **** is. (Correction: device-qi)
It was because of the pleasant talk that Hussein actually placed an intentional order of US$30 billion to the Huaxia delegation.

This is a big order of 30 billion US dollars!

Our current foreign exchange reserves are less than 30 billion.

The country spends too much foreign exchange for economic construction every year. Every little bit of money earned should be carefully calculated and used where it should be used.

Now that the military industry sector can get 30 billion US dollars, everyone doesn't believe it.

Until, Hussein, who is a scumbag, really sent the first payment, 3 million US dollars, all right.

Everyone had to believe it.

The first order is 3 million U.S. dollars, and the full amount is for guns and ammunition, especially consumables such as AK bullets and howitzer shells.

The cost and profit of this kind of thing are very fixed, and the quality of Huaxia is not bad, but the price is very cheap.

After all, many of our guns are ammunition in the same caliber as the old man, there are cheaper options, why doesn't Hussein use ours.

At the same time, Shen Guanglin also made a list of suggestions for weapon purchases for them, and also wrote on it the weapons that could be compared.

To do sales, it is important to be able to blow.

People like Ah Sanguo are especially good at bragging. No matter how bad things are, they always talk about the real thing.

Shen Guanglin didn't do that, he just made use of his strengths and avoided his weaknesses. Our benchmarking weapon is something we can fight against.

For example, our J-7 is against the old Maozi's MiG-21, but the price of our aircraft is really more than half cheaper than theirs.

Even if the price is half cheaper, this is already a lot of money for Huaxia.

But for Hussein, it's all worth it.

When you should be generous in business, you must be generous, and you must know how to choose.

In order to dispel Hussein's concerns about our weapons' backwardness, and to increase their trust.

Shen Guanglin really took out all his wealth and planned to send them a J-7= plus two Type 69 tanks. This is also a marketing plan designed by Shen Guanglin and military experts.

This is all work done in advance. There are a lot of plans for exporting these two weapons to Iraqis. The current situation is the most ideal.

At least, we've already received some of their orders.

In the plan, our J-7 corresponds to Maozi's MiG-21, and our Type 69 tank can also compete with the opponent's T-62.

Maybe there is still a small gap in some points, but our weapons are much cheaper than theirs.

These three weapons were given away for free, and the purpose was to verify the performance of Huaxia weapons.

After all, if you just talk about not practicing fake moves, if you give you a few days, you probably won't be able to try them.

Now that President Hussein has placed an order for the purchase of weapons and ammunition from Huaxia, it is enough to spend part of the profits on the purchase of these three large weapons, and there will be no loss.

Sometimes, the trial size is more expensive.

Anything can be tried, for example, love test before marriage, length, depth, etc. have to be verified one by one.

After Iraqi made a comprehensive comparison of the two weapons, Shen Guanglin didn't believe that they didn't come to buy them.

The process of negotiating with Hussein about the purchase of weapons was quite pleasant. Both sides had needs, and it was almost a hit.

However, Shen Guanglin's dream of going to Saudi Arabia to sell cannon wars was shattered.

Because we have not yet established diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, Shen Guanglin can't get through through formal channels, unless he is smuggled.

Smuggling is impossible.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia and China in this era are not friendly countries.Saudi Arabia also voted against China's entry into the United Nations.

Shen Guanglin wanted to go to Saudi Arabia for an academic visit, but formal procedures did not allow it.

Shen Guanglin is not a professional diplomat, so things are going to be a little difficult now.

However, if you really want to do it, there is no way at all. It is always possible to meet each other.

After all, the little prince of Saudi Arabia is about to become one of the sponsors of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and he is a long-term stable meal ticket, which is equivalent to the big brother in the Internet celebrity era.

For the big brother on the list, many Internet celebrities have to sleep with him, and Shen Guanglin is no exception.

Since you can't fly over there now, let's change the location at another opportunity.

The top priority is to quickly implement Hussein's order. This is half a spring for the military industry.

The other half is in Iran, but you can wait for Hussein to take advantage of it before making a move. This is called eating Party A and eating Party B.

There was nothing else to do now, Shen Guanglin went back home with the members of the inspection team.

The first time that Iraqis needed goods from Huaxia was not for new production orders, but for clearing inventory and disposing of the useless Type 56 rifles by the way.

At least half of all this is due to Shen Guanglin.

Before leaving, Hussain said that they wanted to gain the friendship of Professor Shen, and hoped that Professor Shen could stay and help them develop technology. Money is not a problem.

The problem wasn't money either.

This frightened Mr. Xiao Shen, he didn't want to let go of his good youth, can't he just stay here and play with human bombs?

In the future, it is better to be less involved or not involved in arms trafficking.

The group went back by special plane again.

Due to the need for confidentiality work, they did not report the results of the trip on the phone.

However, it can be judged by everyone's smiles: this trip must have a good harvest.

Those people in the country never thought that the harvest this time would be so great.

Otherwise, let Xiao Shen carry out similar academic and diplomatic activities a few more times.

In this case, the country's military industry will take a big step forward.

However, Shen Guanglin said that he would not engage in this kind of work in the future, and he would just start by himself. Everyone has experience, and they will all be familiar with the road in the future.

The hardest thing is the first time.

Can't find the location.

Sometimes you can't talk too much, just as Shen Guanglin said that he would not participate in this kind of thing, he turned around and immediately slapped him in the face.

The little Saudi prince solemnly invited Shen Guanglin to meet at a third-party location, and the location could also be decided by Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin agreed.

Then choose Singapore.

Shen Guanglin just happened to supervise the development progress of the handheld game console.

Not ideal.

It is now 1984, and it is really not easy to develop a handheld game console.

Among them, various issues need to be considered, and there are obstacles everywhere.

The chip problem is simple. After all, there are chip foundries in Singapore, and their design and production capabilities are getting better and better.

Lin Guangwei even plans to build a factory in Shencheng as the next step. This is driven by the general trend. After all, the boss is from the mainland.

Now the land price in Shencheng is almost free, the labor cost is also cheap, and the preferential tax policy is also very good. With such excellent conditions, as long as those who come to build factories will make money.

However, it is better to place the R&D base in Singapore.

In good conscience, there are more high-end talents abroad in this era. Even if there are good talents in China, they are unwilling to come back after going out.

Even if they stay in China, they will not go to private enterprises like Great Wall Electric.

Now, the development of handheld game consoles has encountered a series of problems, the biggest problem of which is the screen problem.

Shen Guanglin did not expect that now let alone LED screens, there are not even TFT-LCD screens.

The current LCD panels are still at the stage of electronic watches. If you want to produce a large screen with fine quality, the cost is a bit high.

That does not work!

It is necessary to quickly organize personnel to manufacture LCD screens with larger dimensions and better imaging effects.

The current computers are still CRT, when will we transition to the stage of LCD?

However, Shen Guanglin is not a major in LCD, nor is he Zhang Quandan, and he has never worked at Foxconn, so he doesn't know how to make LCD screens.

Of course, Lao Guo in this era probably doesn't know how to make LCD screens.

Since there is no way to produce LCDs, what will happen if we directly develop LEDs?
There seems to be a door!

The more Shen Guanglin thought about it, the more excited he became, this matter can be done!
Shen Guanglin does not have the foundation and knowledge reserve of LCD research, but he has the knowledge accumulation of LED research.

Even, Shen Guanglin himself can conduct LED research, he just didn't think of it.

It seems that there are also Nobel Prizes in this direction!
Shen Guanglin was so excited that he almost jumped up.

This era is really a desert of scientific research. Treasures are buried on the beach, and a random foot is a piece of gold.

Shen Guanglin has been researching semiconductor materials for a long time, which is monocrystalline silicon in layman's terms.

The purpose of his research is of course not to discover LEDs, but to study solar power generation.

The principle of solar power generation is actually to use the PN junction in the semiconductor to convert light energy into electrical energy according to the photovoltaic effect.

The so-called LED is actually the English abbreviation of light-emitting diode.

The principle it uses is also the PN junction in semiconductors.

In semiconductors, it is divided into P-type semiconductors and N-type semiconductors.

P-type semiconductors are also called hole-type semiconductors, and N-type semiconductors are also called electron-type semiconductors.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have unidirectional conductivity.

When a forward voltage is applied to it, holes and electrons are injected from the n-region and p-region respectively, and within a few micrometers near the pn junction, the electrons recombine, and in this way, they will produce spontaneous emission fluorescence.

In fact, the history of studying LED light emission has been a long time.

The first LED was a red LED made of GaAsP material by Holonyak et al. in 1962.

In the 20s, with the improvement of material growth and device preparation technology, the color of LED expanded from red light to yellow-green light.

Now, it's just the Blu-ray.

There are ternary colors in nature, which can be combined to produce various colors. The ternary colors are yellow, green, and blue. According to the ratio, they can be adjusted to any color.

Shen Guanglin has learned in his previous life that the discovery of LED blue light is somewhat accidental, and it is even a scientific research story:

Hiroshi Amano, a Fuso man, added Al when manufacturing GaN, and then achieved the low-temperature growth AlN buffer layer technology.

At that time, the equipment used in the production of GaN was MOCVD, that is, vapor deposition equipment, which is commonly used in semiconductors. Shen Guanglin bought several of them in Jinmen.

Once high-quality GaN thin films can be produced, the development of blue LEDs is just around the corner.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to wait for the little Saudi prince anymore, he wanted to go back to Jinmen.

(End of this chapter)

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