Chapter 358
Shen Guanglin's father-in-law Lao Li is the main person in charge of this negotiation and the deputy head of the delegation.

His role is similar to the role played by Shen Guanglin in Iraq. The actual speaker is not him, but he is the signboard, and he is on vacation with Shen Guanglin in Xiangjiang.

Now, Shen Guanglin couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

Since it was a vacation, Shen Guanglin asked Lao Li to live in his home with the people from the working group.

After all, you have a need for confidentiality. If you live in a hotel, there is no confidentiality in the eyes of caring people.

Of course, it was the previous mosaic villa that allowed them to stay.

This is a failure of Li Rong's design. Li Rong and Shen Guanglin are not very willing to live in it, but in everyone's eyes, this house is still too luxurious.

The person who presided over the negotiation was a leader of the third president, who was fairly familiar with Lao Li, but Shen Guanglin didn't know him.

"Lao Li, we shouldn't spend such a waste of money. The country is running out of money, so we can save a little. It's good to rent a private house or find a hotel. If we don't talk about it in the future, we can live in a house like this. Come on, that's not a loss."

Lao Li looked at the leader and then at Shen Guanglin. He didn't know why Shen Guanglin arranged them here.

Shen Guanglin could only say, "This is my own house. You will be free of rent when you come here, as long as you pay for the food yourself, and there is a vegetable garden not far away. Maybe if you cook by yourself, you can even save money for vegetables." Woolen cloth."

"This is your house?" Lao Li was very surprised. He had never heard of it. This Xiao Shen could be messing around outside with Rong Rong behind his back. I heard that Xiangjiang is very messy.

Probably seeing what Lao Li was thinking, Shen Guanglin could only say helplessly: "This house was decorated by your family Li Rong, and there are her rooms and photos in it. You will know when you go in and see."

"Rongrong knows about this house?"

"Of course, we have bought them for several years, and we don't live much. When we go abroad, it is convenient to transit through Xiangjiang, and there is also a place to stay." This is the reason Shen Guanglin gave Lao Li, and it was also made for the negotiating team Explanation.

"How much does this house cost? Where did you get the money? Old Li, it can't be?"

The leaders of the three presidents had to be suspicious.

After all, I heard that Lao Li was transferred from the front line because he gave a project to Beijing University, and Xiao Shen is a professor at Beijing University.

If they hadn't made the results, I don't know what it would be like later.

"Leader, I have 5 dollars a class, and I don't need to use power for personal gain. I can earn a house like this and come back with you these few days." Although Shen Guanglin did not give many lectures, his reputation of [-] dollars a class But it got out.

Everyone really didn't say anything.

The last time Shen Guanglin gave a speech in Iraq, the domestic military experts judged that the graphite weapons he talked about were really valuable, and his class was worth $5, let alone $50.

From this point of view, Professor Shen's $5 per class is really not in vain.

The leader didn't say anything else, so he had to find a way for himself to step down: "Xiao Shen, the knowledge you possess belongs to the country, and it shouldn't be sold. It's not good."

Shen Guanglin couldn't agree to this, and neither could the people who visited the Middle East with Shen Guanglin. Xiao Shen made $5, but it was already spent on the inspection team, and it was not used as a means of earning money.

Shen Guanglin also explained: "Scientific research is not about building a car behind closed doors. You have to learn through communication and improve through learning. Do you think I came up with things like graphite weapons? When I was chatting with my friends from Citigroup, they brought them up. Arrived."

That's all Shen Guanglin can say. Anyway, he can't verify which friend said it. Besides, Citigroup does have graphite weapons.

"Don't Citigroup pay attention to secrecy? Such important military knowledge will be leaked as soon as it is leaked? That's what Citi's military does."

The leader couldn't help but was about to question. Although he was the one who benefited, it was hard to say that Xiao Shen hadn't leaked any military secrets.

"This low-end technology, does the Citi military need to keep top scientists like us a secret?"

This makes sense.

For a top scientist, especially a physicist, he has several ways to destroy the world, but they don't do it.

Of course, there is no support either.

Not to mention anything else, just say that during World War II, a scientist in the Soviet Union proposed that bombing Mount Fuji with aerial bombs could cause earthquakes, tsunamis, and even destroy the entire island.

Unfortunately, before it could be implemented, the devils had already surrendered.

The negotiating team stayed like this, because the timing of the negotiation was not yet ripe, and Saudi Arabia sent another inspection team to the country to inspect the fireworks production base.

The person in charge of the negotiation can just wait in Xiangjiang.

In this way, Shen Guanglin and the little prince established a personal friendship.

After all, the little prince is the big brother on the list, so the gifts that should be brushed must be brushed. Recently, the eldest brother bought a yacht.

After all, we are all friends, Xiangjiang is still fun.

Shen Guanglin's idea is to borrow the ship king's cruise ship to entertain the little Saudi prince.

As a result, people don't use it.

A brand new one shipped directly from Fusang is just money.

Moreover, the little prince said, you are the landlord, this boat is for you, just entertain me for a while.

This is like Liu telling Li Jiaxin, this house is given away to you, all you need to do is let me open a house here.

It's just that Li Jiaxin is only 14 years old now, she has just debuted as a model, and has not yet participated in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant.

The little prince can still play, as long as he takes off his burqa, he changes his life.

Yachts, helicopters, hot girls, you name it.

It's not that you can't do this.

Of course it is not allowed in Saudi Arabia, but it is possible when accompanying guests. It is an expedient measure.

From Mr. Shen's flickering eyes, the Saudi prince has already seen that it is him, Mr. Shen, who really misses it.

"I don't want to." Shen Guanglin resolutely refused to take the blame.

"No, you really want to." The little prince hugged a hot girl and held a glass of Lafite in his hand, refuting Shen Guanglin's fallacy.

Professionals should do professional things, and non-professionals can just wait in Xiangjiang.

The members of the inspection team came back soon. They were very satisfied with the results of the trip, and Huaxia even fired a cannonball for them.

The effect is good, it can really hit that far, and the accuracy is not bad.

Let's talk about the price next.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin had arrived in Xiangjiang, Da Liu couldn't help but came to him, and then told him about being harassed by Hu Xuyong.

I'm talking about national affairs, even related to the life and death of human beings, are you talking about a bastard with me?
Well, this matter is a big deal for Da Liu, and it is not a trivial matter for Shen Guanglin.

After all, the real estate company Shen Guanglin was also involved.

Shen Guanglin asked him what his plans were and how he wanted to solve this matter.

Da Liu said that he approached Hong Hanyi and promised to give him 2000 million yuan to settle the matter. Hong also agreed, but asked Da Liu to take the Beauty Pass with him. He also wanted to get to know the Beauty Pass better.

So bloody?

Will Xiangjiang Heishi be so rampant in this era?

Shen Guanglin was very uncomfortable hearing these words. Although the beauty pass was not his own, it sounded extremely uncomfortable to rely on a woman to resolve the predicament.

"You are the director of so many companies, can't you provide a little help?"

Shen Guanglin was also puzzled, isn't Xiangjiang a wealth society? The wealth controlled by Da Liu can be ranked first in Xiangjiang.

"Don't talk about providing help, it's not helpful at all. I suspect that there are their figures behind Hu Xuyong instigating this matter."

Da Liu also has hardships to speak of, behind the glamor there is nothing but bullshit.

Especially recently, Xiangjiang's economy has been improving, and these companies have become rich, and they have begun to reject the people who saved their lives in the first place.

Of course, you can't let your own people feel cold, after all, Da Liu is not bad, so Shen Guanglin asked Da Liu if he had any difficulties at present.

Of course there are difficulties!
The biggest difficulty at present is actually the problem of funds. The real estate company's own funds are almost exhausted. If they don't sell some off-plan properties, the follow-up funds cannot keep up, and the company may go bankrupt.

However, now the whole of Xiangjiang is rejecting them, and no one will buy their property, unless Shen Guanglin and Da Liu manage it themselves.

Then run it yourself.

No money?Someone Shen has.

It can be lent to the company or converted into shares. You can't lose money if you buy a building now.

Da Liu was embarrassed to mention this matter at first, but he didn't expect Shen Guanglin to be so kind. He was very grateful, so he quickly borrowed some money!

Shen Guanglin decided that it would be good to use this place as the office of Great Wall Electric Xiangjiang in the future, and there would be a decent place to discuss business in the future.

If it is not for sale, there is no need to worry about building a building, and it can be built slowly.

However, Shen Guanglin became interested in this Hu Xuyong who came to make trouble, and asked:

"Is Hu Xuyong's surname Zhang? He also has a son and a daughter in his family?"

"I don't know how his family is, but Hu Xuyong's surname is not Zhang, but Pan. He is most famous for using 30 knives to keep a powerful enemy in the museum a few years ago, and he became famous in one battle."

That's not the person Shen Guanglin imagined. How old is the actress who later made her film debut?

But Shen Guanglin still took this matter to heart.

How to deal with it?
Shen Guanglin didn't know many powerful acquaintances in Xiangjiang, the most powerful one was the ship king.

The only thing to do is to ask for his opinion.

"This matter is very famous in Xiangjiang. You said that piece of land is your property?" The land that Liu bought was a prime location in Xiangjiang, and the ship king had heard of it.

"That's right, otherwise, what am I doing all the way here? Isn't it just to solve this problem?" Shen Guanglin once revealed his background to the ship king sideways, and of course he used Lao Li's signature.

Not so, it is estimated that the ship tycoon will not become friends with him, especially Li Rong, who has gained the friendship of the four ship tycoon daughters.

Then the ship king suddenly realized, "You don't think that the industry run by Fan Liu is yours?"

"Fans are not." Shen Guanglin still refuted.

Others are the assets of someone like Shen, only the fan is Liu's own business, or how can he be called "Fan Liu".

The afterlife is terrifying!
"It's a good deal."

"Willing to listen to teachings."

"The easiest way is to spend money to eliminate disasters. After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing."

It is unacceptable for Shen Guanglin to do this, it is too disgusting, and the time traveler should not be insulted like this.

"Is there any other way?"

"Of course, for example, send them to go fishing. I have an ocean-going fleet. Do you want to think about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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