Chapter 359
The governor of Hong Kong is the god of Hong Kong people.

The status of the governor of Hong Kong in Xiangjiang is the same as Yuan Shikai's status in North Korea, which is simply unparalleled.

Today's England is the same as that of the Qing Dynasty, going from bad to worse.

Youde sent someone to send a message, asking Shen Guanglin if he would like to immigrate to Xiangjiang, and they could give him a title.

Of course Shen Guanglin refused, it was impossible.

He Shen is someone who is going to win the Nobel Prize, how could he need this second-class citizen.

Youde didn't persuade him any more, the future will be long.

However, the banquet that should be held will still be held.

The Governor of Hong Kong is finally going to hold a celebration banquet!

The specifications are very high, and all the famous people in Xiangjiang have received the invitation.

Shen Guanglin, an outsider, is no exception.

It is indeed worth celebrating.

Shen Guanglin decided to attend this banquet because he got the news that the governor of Hong Kong would help him improve his status, which was the request of several parties.

Now, Shen Guanglin is short of a beautiful female companion.

He didn't know many beautiful women in Xiangjiang, and even fewer acquaintances.

Meirenguan is a personal choice, but she has committed herself to Liu; Zhong Chuhong is also suitable, but she is not good-looking enough.

Otherwise, I'd better ask my brother's opinion to see if he has a suitable candidate.

This year is the big hit year for my brother. He just released a new song "Monica", which has been in the limelight for a while and has successfully promoted to the first-line male star.

Shen Guanglin called the paging station, and then called Zhang Guorong.

Not long after, my brother called back, and he was filming a TV series again, called "The Family of Martial Arts", and the heroine was Zhang Manyu.

Now Xiangjiang already has a pager, also called a BP machine, but there is no mobile phone yet.

Shen Guanglin has been paying attention to the development of the global mobile market.

To be honest, Huaxia and Xiangjiang are not developing fast. On the contrary, Fusang was the first to launch a mobile network and has been using it for several years.

However, they did not launch a mobile phone, but used a car mobile phone, which was on the Mercedes-Benz that Takeda provided Shen Guanglin with.

Then go to the set to play, there is nothing else to do anyway.

"A Family of Martial Arts" is a very old-fashioned martial arts story. It tells the story of a family that makes weapons in the late Ming Dynasty.

Fang Cunren, the eldest son of the Fang family, is in charge of the family business, while Fang Cunzhi, the eldest son of the Fang family, takes care of the family business.

One day, Fang Cunren learned that Duan Liuer (Zhang Manyu), the princess of Liucheng, was going to the Central Plains to buy arms, so he sent his illegitimate son Fang Haotian (Zhang Guorong) to approach her.

Then a shameless love story developed.

Martial arts without love will lose the foundation of survival.

Just like those low-quality action movies, there is no plot, and it is very unimaginative to watch.

Even if it's a bad feature film, even if the actors are not good at acting, as long as they look good, they are still widely acclaimed.

Love, no matter where it is, is an eternal theme.

"Shen Sheng, long time no see, this time you're going to Xiangjiang to have a girlfriend?"

The elder brother was very happy to see Shen Guanglin coming to visit the class, and immediately went to flip his wrist again.

Unfortunately, Shen Guanglin's wrist was clean, except for a slightly whitish mark indicating that there might have been a watch here.

Still don't improve your memory?

Shen Guanglin has already taken several watches, including flagship models such as Patek Philippe and Rolex.

Shen Guanglin has always been the one who plucks other people's wool, but it is his elder brother who always loses his watch.

"Be respectful, you are already a big star, why do you still miss my watch? Next time I will bring a digital watch and see if you still take it off."

Shen Guanglin enjoyed this kind of close friendship very much, and sometimes he wondered if he fell in love with his brother.

"You liar, the cheapest I got was a diamond-encrusted Omega, do you know how to wear a digital watch?"

My brother didn't gain anything, but he wasn't discouraged, and he was very happy to hug Shen Guanglin.

The two of them were exchanging pleasantries, and the heroine of the TV series also came over. She was still wearing a costume, and she looked very good, that is Zhang Manyu with a bit of baby fat.

"Brother Guanglin, when did you come here?"

Zhang Manyu's acting skills are good, pretending that she and Shen Guanglin are very familiar, Shen Guanglin doesn't like her too much, but he doesn't hate her either.

"I've been here for several days, and I miss you today, so I came to see you." Shen Guanglin still decided to make a joke, after all, this woman is pretty.

"A man's mouth, a liar."

"You took advantage of me, next time I will tell Sister Li Rong."

"How did I take advantage of you?"

After all, Zhang Manyu is still young and not very good at driving, so she is not the opponent of the old driver.

"I, you..." She didn't know what to say.

"Who is this young man?" A strange man interjected.

Shen Guanglin looked up, and a middle-aged handsome guy appeared in front of him. Isn't this Brother Xie, he is also in this play.

"Hello fourth brother, this is my friend Shen Guanglin." Zhang Guorong took the initiative to introduce to both parties:
"Shen Sheng, this is my senior Xie Xian, we all call him Fourth Brother."

"Hello fourth brother, I have seen your movie."

Of course Shen Guanglin recognized who this was. He knew that he had a beautiful ex-wife and two good-looking children, and he would find a young girlfriend in the future.

"Really, which movie of mine have you seen?" Xie Xian is not yet 50 years old, and he is really handsome.

Shen Guanglin has actually watched his drama, just a few days ago: ""A Thousand Rivers and Thousand Mountains Are Always Love", I like Wang Mingquan very much, can you introduce me some other day? I will treat her to dinner."

Hearing this, Xie Xian was a little unhappy.

Who are you? You have to meet female celebrities when you come up.

"Ah Quan doesn't eat all the meals that everyone invites."

Shen Guanglin was a little taken aback, isn't this person not good at emotional intelligence?
However, my brother stood up and made a relief: "I also know Ms. Mingquan, I'll help you make an appointment to have dinner together."

"Okay, let's just call today."

Originally, Shen Guanglin didn't intend to invite Wang Mingquan, it was just a joke, but now he really wants to treat him.

Xie Xian was a little surprised to see that Zhang Guorong actually called. He couldn't help but want to see who this person is.

He didn't even leave, and when he was invited to dinner, he followed the trend.

In fact, this person has no bad intentions, but has some genuine temperament, which Shen Guanglin soon discovered.

"Fourth brother has a son and a daughter, right?"


Shen Guanglin decided to let go of the past. He was still thinking about whether to tell his fourth brother that your daughter would become pregnant out of wedlock in the future, and the father of the child did not know who it was.

The fourth brother's daughter is only two years old now!

Their original plan was to go to an ordinary tea restaurant to deal with it, but Shen Guanglin said: "You are a big star now, shouldn't you treat me to a big meal, and the gift Cantonese food is good to go."

"Yes, what you said today is correct, everything is up to you."

My brother temporarily changed to another Michelin restaurant, and he was also afraid that Shen Guanglin would be really unhappy. .

People arrived soon.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin saw Wang Mingquan when he was young.

She is said to be young, but she is actually 35 years old. She was just divorced last year, and she is a mature woman who lives alone in a vacant house.

If Shen Guanglin is Cao Cao, then he will have an immature idea next.

It's a pity that Shen Guanglin is not, he already has Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and no longer needs others.

After all, Qiao Gong and Qiao Taigong are still alive.

Shen Guanglin didn't have any other bad intentions either, he was like a tourist, he just came here to check in.

Shen Guanglin's visit here was nothing more than that.

After the meal, Shen Guanglin didn't even ask Ms. Wang for her phone number and contact information.

However, just as they were about to leave, the Kung Fu Emperor came in with a group of people.

Met a fellow!
It turns out that they are also filming, and today is the first day of filming, so let's celebrate together.

What they were shooting was a movie called "North and South Shaolin".

It was also the first time for Shen Guanglin to meet the Kung Fu Emperor of this era, and of course his ex-wife, Senior Sister Huang. This Ms. Huang is not ugly. How could the two get divorced?

Several people introduced each other.

They have all heard of Shen Guanglin's name. Although they haven't seen it, they all know that Shen Guanglin is the pride of the country.

They adore him so much.

This is not good, now we are not allowed to engage in personality cult.

But let's not live it, pretending to be an expert is also quite tiring.

It was just a polite remark when the two met again, but Lianjie still said enthusiastically: "Tomorrow he will attend an important banquet, and you can invite him the day after tomorrow."

"" Is it Yod's celebratory dinner? "Shen Guanglin is interested. With Li Lianjie's current popularity, there is a high chance of being invited.

"Yes, you know too?" Li Lianjie was very surprised.

"" Well, I have also been invited. "Shen Guanglin looked indifferent.

"That's great! Where do you live? I'll pick you up then." Li Lianjie's voice was full of surprises. After all, he was only a 21-year-old young man with no plans.

"No need, I can go by myself." Shen Guanglin declined.

"Don't mind, I have a car! I just bought a car. This is the first big money I've ever made. They finally paid me as a normal actor." Lianjie didn't get any of the previous two films Too much pay, that is to say, he will make money from now on.

"That's all right, I'll get you all." Shen Guanglin asked if he couldn't refuse.

"It's a deal! Where do you live? I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"I live at his place." Shen Guanglin pointed to Zhang Guorong, he didn't want to tell them where his villa was, otherwise it would dampen their enthusiasm.

"How can that be? It's inconvenient for me to have Ah Mei here." The elder brother subconsciously refused, and he was really hiding in the golden house right now.

"I don't mind, who is Amei?"

"I mind." Zhang Guorong didn't answer who Amei was, but he didn't want Shen Guanglin to see her.

"It's okay, I can bring my own soap."

The relationship between the two is so good, this kind of thing is not something that my brother can just refuse.

Shen Guanglin really followed his brother back home.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard a girl's voice, "You're back!" It was Mei Yanfang who ran out.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, but he didn't expect that they would live together.

The elder brother was a little embarrassed: "There are guests coming today, you should pay attention to the impact."

Shen Guanglin could clearly see that Xiao Meimei was wearing a long T-shirt with two grapes protruding from the outline. What a trust, she didn't wear a Bra.

Ah Mei followed Shen Guanglin's gaze, and realized that she was not wearing armor, so she ran back to the room.

Shen Guanglin followed his brother into the house, it was okay, it was a clean three-bedroom apartment, and he didn't really need to pick up soap tonight.

"Drink soda or orange juice?" My brother opened the refrigerator to help him get the drink.

"No, just drink tea, Pu'er is fine." Shen Guanglin was not polite, he had received his elder brother and Xu Jinjiang at his own home, so he didn't treat himself as an outsider.

There was no boiling water at home, so my brother hurried to burn it. Shen Guanglin was not polite, and started watching TV while sitting on the sofa.

After a while, Mei Yanfang came out.

"You didn't see anything just now, did you?" Meimei is only 22 years old this year, exactly the same age as Hua.

"No, I didn't look down the neckline, so I didn't know they were purple." Shen Guanglin replied solemnly.

In fact, he really saw it along the neckline, it was pink, not purple.

"You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I'm a woman you can't get. It doesn't hurt to look at it a few times. Who made you brother's friend?"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand generously, "Get to know me, my name is Mei Yanfang, and I'm a singer."

"My name is Shen Guanglin, and I'm a businessman." Shen Guanglin also answered solemnly.

"You're not just a businessman, are you? This is the first time my brother brought a friend home. You are definitely not his ordinary friend." Meimei has moved here for half a year, and she has never seen Zhang Guorong take anyone home.

"Of course, I'm a watch merchant, and I've already sent 6 watches to your brother, and I'm here to deliver them this time." Shen Guanglin saw his own watch at a glance, and it was framed in a crystal box.

"I do not believe!"

"Ask him." Shen Guanglin pointed at Zhang Guorong.

"It's true. I actually took a few watches from him. Since Meimei is here today and it's the first time we meet, why don't you express it?"

The elder brother also took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the sofa and began to make tea for Shen Guanglin.

"Of course. These are a pair of Jaeger-LeCoultre couple watches. They are high imitations. The women's watch is for you, and the man's watch is for my brother. It can be regarded as a meeting gift."

Shen Guanglin decided to give them a pair of couple watches, wishing them a happy marriage.

"Have you brought this watch?" My brother asked a very strange question.

"Not yet." Shen Guanglin thought that his brother disliked him, so he quickly explained.

"Then I don't want it."

Brother refused.

Both Shen Guanglin and Meimei were taken aback.

Shen Guanglin understood a little bit. It turned out that his brother had no idea about her, and he didn't want to give her unrealistic imagination.

"Why?" Shen Guanglin still asked.

"After you win the international award, I will take the watch you brought to auction, so that it will be more valuable. If it's just a gift from you, forget it."

My brother didn't want it.

Meimei accepted it, with a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

Shen Guanglin also put on his watch, "In this way, Meimei and I are lovers."

"Then congratulations to you." The elder brother sent blessings.

"Aren't you jealous?"

"Meimei is my younger sister. She is happy. How could I be jealous?"

Meimei's face was a little ugly, Shen Guanglin changed the subject in time: "Which room do I live in at night?"

"This room."

"Okay, is there a lock?"


"I'm afraid I'm not safe."

(End of this chapter)

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