Chapter 360

The dinner is made by Meimei, and it tastes good. Children from poor families know a lot of handicrafts.

If my brother married Meimei, it would be a good match.

It's a pity that Goddess is interested, but King Xiang is ruthless.

The door of the room was locked at night, and Shen Guanglin slept soundly.

When I woke up the next day, my butt didn't hurt or itch, but it was three shots past the sun.

My brother still had a scene to shoot, so he left long ago, Mei Yanfang was still there, she was watching TV by herself, and by the way played with the watch that Shen Guanglin gave her.

Seeing Shen Guanglin get up, she opened her mouth to speak:

"I can't have this watch. I was just joking yesterday."

Meimei wanted to return the watch, and she was also emotionally affected for a while, but she didn't expect her brother to cut her face.

"Aren't you afraid to ask for it?"

Shen Guanglin shook his wrist. He was wearing a men's watch, which happened to be a pair with hers.

"I thought you were really fearless, but it turns out that you are also an idiot."

Meimei couldn't stand it, "I don't dare, if I want it! I dare to wear it outside."

"I don't believe it." Shen Guanglin made tea with a smile. The taste of this tea was not good, and it was better than nothing.

"I, Mei Yanfang, don't need you to believe me when I do things. If I say I dare to wear it, I dare to wear it."

"Alright, I have a dinner party today, do you dare to wear it to go out with me? If you go, I won't bring Zhang Manyu with you."

Shen Guanglin's decision to take Meimei there is also very good, this is a strange woman, if she does not lose her reputation, Zhang Manyu can't, if she becomes a poisonous queen in the future, how will it end?

"Just bragging, Zhang Manyu is a popular actress, and she can go to a banquet with you? Who do you think you are? Could it be that you are attending a banquet held by the Governor of Hong Kong?"

Meimei has just debuted, and her reputation is really not as good as Zhang Manyu's.

"You are amazing, I am just going to the Governor's banquet."

Shen Guanglin had a surprised expression, indicating that you really guessed right.

"Cut! If you attend the governor's banquet, I will accompany you, and I will accompany you in your wedding dress."

Meimei also gritted her teeth, this person is quite annoying, she insists on being stubborn.

"There's no need for a wedding dress, just a small suit. I'm the guest of honor, and they don't dare to have any opinion on what to wear."

"It's true, what do you want for lunch?"

"I want to eat under you."


Shen Guanglin is not picky about food, so a bowl of noodles with fried sauce is enough for each person at noon.

After dinner, the relationship between the two eased a lot.

Meimei became interested in Shen Guanglin: "You are from the mainland, what do you do?"

"I'm here to discuss business. I have an import and export business to discuss." Shen Guanglin waited for her to continue asking. When asked how big the business was, he said it was not big, only 60 billion US dollars.

Mei Yanfang didn't ask, but recognized his identity.

"That's about the same. I guess you also came from the mainland to do business."

Mei Yanfang's family also often has poor relatives from the mainland. Every time they come to Xiangjiang to buy goods, they will stay at her house for three to five days.

Perhaps, this Mr. Shen is a relative of Zhang Guorong's family, who came to buy watches and sell them in the mainland.

However, the quality of Gao Fang's watch is really good, and the rhinestones can still reflect light under the light.

The two chatted one after another like this, and fell asleep on the sofa when they were sleepy.

No one is taking advantage of others.

At about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Guanglin and Meimei were soundly asleep.

Hearing a knock on the door, Meimei opened the door and said, "You are Li Li."

"Hello, I'm Li Lianjie. This is my senior sister Huang Qiuyan. I'm here to pick up Brother Shen for the banquet." Li Lianjie is very handsome, and his smile makes people a little nervous.

"What banquet?" Mei Yanfang was at a loss.

"It's the banquet held by the Governor of Hong Kong. Didn't Brother Shen say, it's time to go."

"Is there really a banquet?"

"Well, really, is he there?"

"Here I am."

"You are Mei Yanfang, right? I've heard your song before, and you were the best newcomer last year." Li Lianjie said as he walked in, he saw her familiarity, and then saw the poster on the wall, and knew her It's called Mei Yanfang.

Meimei was very happy. She didn't realize that people recognized her only after seeing the poster:
"Yes! I didn't expect you, a big star, to know me."

"You are welcome, you are also a big star."

"No, I'm not yet."

Shen Guanglin was woken up by them, and then saw them complimenting each other there: "What are you talking about so happy."

"Shen Sheng, you're really going to the Hong Kong governor Youde's dinner party." Meimei's face was full of disbelief, wasn't he a poor relative who came to Xiangjiang to buy goods.

"Of course, didn't I tell you? You pack up quickly, let's go. Xiao Li, Xiao Huang, sit down."

Shen Guanglin was indeed older than the two of them. He was a university professor, so it would not be awkward to call them Xiao Li.

"Thank you." Li Lianjie pulled Huang Qiuyan to sit down very stiffly.

"Oh, I'm going to die!" Meimei suddenly entered the room and ran out as if in a panic.


"There shouldn't be so much garlic in the fried noodles for lunch."


The four started off together. Mei Yanfang really wore a slim suit, but Shen Guanglin insisted on wearing jeans, sneakers, and a knitted sweater.

He said that this dress was very popular in later generations, and Jack Ma and accountant Jia Bao all liked to wear it.

Li Lianjie believed it.

It can only be played by him.

Li Lianjie's car is not bad, at least it has a lot of space, and it is not embarrassing.

Xiao Li asked while driving: "Professor Shen, how long will you stay in Xiangjiang this time?"

"A week, maybe next week I will go back." Shen Guanglin replied.

"What are you talking about, you? Professor?" Mei Yanfang interrupted suddenly.

"Yes, you've gone to sea to do business, do you know if you go to sea?"


"Is there anything I can help you with?" Xiao Li was very enthusiastic. He didn't study much, so he especially admired cultural people like Shen Guanglin.

"Fight against the gangsters, can you do it?"

Li Lianjie smiled. He also knew that Xiangjiang's blackness would be rampant. He himself was not troubled by this for the time being, but their crew still paid the protection fee.

But he didn't know that Shen Guanglin really didn't joke with him:

"Really, if you have enemies, I'll clean them up for you."

"No, thank you, I'll keep myself safe, and never provoke gangsters." Xiao Li turned the steering wheel strangely, all his attention was on the road.

"That's fine, I want to hug the grass and beat the rabbits and help you destroy the enemies together."

"You know how to brag!" Mei Yanfang had already seen through his essence.

The largest hotel in Central has arrived, and the Governor of Hong Kong is here to entertain guests and friends.

There is a special parking boy at the entrance of the hotel. The four of them get out of the car and prepare to enter the banquet hall.

There was someone who checked the invitations at the door. Shen Guanglin and Li Lianjie each took out their invitations. Although they were both invitations, they were different.

"Why are your invitations different?"

"I'm a VIP."

"Yes, Professor Shen is a distinguished guest, so it should be different."

Meimei didn't know what Shen Guanglin was doing. He actually had a VIP invitation from the Governor of Hong Kong.

"Fangfang, why are you here? I still want to take you to this celebration, but my family doesn't agree." A greasy-haired boy suddenly came out of the banquet hall and greeted Mei Yanfang.

"Master Zhang, no need, I have already found the meal ticket, I can come in by myself."

"Who is this?"

"I, her concubine, did you see, I bought couple watches from Sham Shui Po, 500 yuan each."

Shen Guanglin is also hateful, he wants to deliberately stir up a little trouble, and then build up his prestige.

Mr. Zhang didn't answer, turned around and went back, because he saw Shen Guanglin's invitation.

Different invitations naturally have different treatment.

Li Lianjie was taken to the hall by the waiter to find a seat, but Shen Guanglin was treated differently. They were led to another place by the foreign housekeeper.

Like a wooden figure, Meimei followed Shen Guanglin into the hall, was led up to the second floor, and entered a small hall.

There are some middle-aged and elderly people inside, and Mei Yanfang doesn't know any of them, but they only feel familiar.

Shen Guanglin didn't know many people. Li Zhaoji, his son, and the ship king were all there, and he didn't know the others very well.

"Xiao Shen, you are here. Before I came, I planned to invite you to come with me. I didn't expect that you didn't come home yesterday. Ruanrou Township is a hero's tomb. This girl is very heroic. Xiao Shen, you are blessed." The ship king and Shen Guanglin is very familiar with him. Shen Guanglin has already told him that he will get angry with the Governor of Hong Kong at this banquet.

"You old man, this is my younger sister. Don't you plan to order a gift when we meet for the first time?" Shen Guanglin pulled Mei Yanfang in front of the boat king: "This old man is Mr. Bao, the richest man in Hong Kong. It’s no longer enough, the mouth is more damaged.”

"Little girl, don't believe his evil, this person is a teacher, he is used to fooling around." The ship lord also turned around:

"You still want a meeting ceremony? Can you explain why my wine storage is running low?"

"You can also drink my wine, isn't all my wine stored in your wine cellar." Shen Guanglin replied confidently.

"The 82-year-old Lafite, what's so good about two-year-old wine? Mine is the 69-year-old Romanee-Conti."

"If you don't understand its goodness, you will understand after ten years."

Shen Guanglin suddenly realized that the ship tycoon might not have been around for ten years, so he quickly changed the subject: "Your fingers are good, send me Mei Mei."

"You boy, okay! Did you like it? I won't give it to you. This is the jade wrench used by Kangxi. It has really drawn a bow. Girl, I gave you this wrench. One day he doesn't want you, you Just use it to exchange for a flat, and you will have a guarantee for the rest of your life."

"I can't have it."

"It's okay, just keep it, he can't marry you, I'll make it up for him."

"I'm not ashamed to be old. We're not the kind of relationship you imagine."

I can't chat with this kind of old guy, he's too good at driving, so Shen Guanglin took Mei Yanfang around the hall to see what Xiao Li was doing.

Xiao Li sat at an unremarkable table, and there were also some unremarkable people at the same table, Shen Guanglin didn't even know him.

The banquet has begun.

The Governor of Hong Kong briefly talked about the process of Xiangjiang's home negotiation and the significance of the joint communiqué.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin saw the figure of the leader not far away. He came here to hide his identity as the representative of Huaxia.

Fortunately, Lao Li is not here, but he can't bring Mei Yanfang around either.

I can only entrust her to the ship king: "You wait for me to come back."

"Why are you going?"

"Get rid of the violence and bring peace to the good, sweep away the gangsters in Xiangjiang."

The celebration was still going on. Next, the Governor of Hong Kong did not invite other people to speak, but said directly to everyone:
"We welcome Mr. Shen Guanglin, the greatest physicist in the world, to give a speech with warm applause."

"Look, it's my turn!"

Meimei was speechless in surprise.

Shen Guanglin straightened his clothes and stood on the podium:

"Some people may know me, some people may know me and hate me because I robbed your family of money. But it's okay, I'm not afraid.

I am a university professor, every time I stand on the podium, I think the audience is my students..."

Cut, what kind of garlic does this Yankee pack.Many people are muttering in their hearts that they don't care about technology, they only care about buying horses and making money.

"Many people think that I am a good teacher. After all, I have been a teacher for so many years, and I do have this problem. However, I came to this banquet today to make this speech, and you have earned it. Because I gave a lecture abroad, It is to charge [-] U.S. dollars, and Governor Youde invited me today, and I came up, and you didn't pay the money."

"Don't feel indifferent, under my podium, there have been President Carter of Citigroup, Prince Charles of England, King Harald of Norway, and Crown Prince Gustav of Ruidian.

You listen to my speech and treat them like them. "

Sure enough, everyone was pretended by him, and Xiangjiang people believed this.

"How do you prove you're not joking?"

Some people still couldn't understand Shen Guanglin's pretentiousness, and couldn't help but refute him.

"I have Prince Charles' number here, would you like to call one?"

"Who knows if it's true?"

"I know! I believe it's true, because Prince Charles specifically told us to treat Professor Shen well yesterday."

Youde came up to the platform in person, and he asked kindly: "Professor Shen, what do you think of Xiangjiang's current development."

"Xiangjiang's economic development is very good, but the social security is not good. In particular, gangsters will run rampant, seriously affecting normal business exchanges. For example, there is an organization like 13K. They smashed my project site and injured My workers also threatened that I would never be able to work, this is not what a legal society should have.”

Yoder was a little embarrassed, but this was the agreed process before: "Do you have any suggestions?"

(End of this chapter)

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