Chapter 361
This sentence is so fierce!
Is this what a scientist should say?
There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"It's a good idea!" You De approved Shen Guanglin's suggestion, and said that he would seriously consider this matter.

Shen Guanglin stepped down after speaking.

Shen Guanglin naturally thought that his words were worth 5 US dollars.

Because, if some people ran away without hearing his words, the loss would definitely be more than $5.

However, everyone thought Shen Guanglin was bragging.

The idealism of scientists is too taken for granted.

For so many years, Xiangjiang has always been like this, how could it be possible to change because of such a sentence.

After the banquet, even Meimei felt that Shen Guanglin was childish and cute, and she even liked him a little bit.

Only the boat lord thought that Shen Guanglin was right. He leaned over and said, my fishing boat for going out to sea is ready, and whoever you want to send to work can be arranged.

Shen Guanglin hadn't figured it out yet, he wanted to show his prestige himself.

It's a bit boring here, because he doesn't go to social parties, he just sits on the chairman and eats food. When others come to toast, he just touches his lips slightly, and it's the same when foreign devils from England come.

In this banquet, those foreign devils respected Shen Guanglin more, while most of the second-class citizens of Xiangjiang looked condescending, and they looked down on their own people from the bottom of their hearts.

Shen Guanglin is not used to them either, some people who came to toast, seeing that Shen Guanglin didn't drink, couldn't help asking Mr. Shen if he didn't give face, Shen Guanglin replied directly, "What contributions have you made, and what are the benefits of the country and the people? Do you need me to save face for you?"

Meme was stunned

As Shen Guanglin's female companion, she was surprised all night.

It is true that she has seen many big names in Xiangjiang, some people have only heard of them but have never seen them, but now that she sees them, she finds that she has offended them.

"Are you afraid?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"I'm afraid. I'm only 20 years old. I'm just a little girl who grew up in an amusement park. I haven't seen such a high society. You took me to see it, but I feel that I have nowhere to go."

"Why do you say that, isn't this bad old man and this old man very kind?" Shen Guanglin joked, pointing at an old man surnamed Bao and an old man surnamed Li.

But Meimei didn't appreciate it, "I saw our boss, but he didn't dare to say that he knew me, and the way he looked at me seemed wrong."

"Which one is your boss?"

"Lin Baixin from Huaxing Records, he is also my brother's boss."

The boss Lin saw Meimei looking at him, so he quickly turned his head away from them.

Instead, Shen Guanglin became interested, "Old man Bao, send someone to help me invite Boss Lin over. He is Meimei's boss, so I'm sorry if I don't say hello."

Boss Lin came over, trembling, with a helpless expression, as if he was constipated.

"You are Shen Sheng, right? I don't care about what you are dating with Amei. You can take away her money. I am really not an unscrupulous capitalist. I have never done anything harmful. Please let me go. After the banquet is over, you can go back, I still have to hang out in Xiangjiang."

so afraid?
"I still want to support and support you. I didn't expect you to be so timid?"

"I also have seniors and juniors, and I'm really not a gangster who can't stand the trouble."

"Okay, you go."

"thanks, thanks."


Zhang Renyong is a native of Modu. He lived in Xiangjiang with his family when he was young, and grew up in Bawenlou between Yau Ma Tei and Jordan. Because he had a beard at a young age, he was called Beard Beard Yong.

Hu Xuyong joined a society without any big ambitions. He photographed a ghost woman with children, and gave birth to three more children. The family of 6 was crowded together, and the living conditions of the family were not rich.

His own talents are also very limited, and he relies on collecting protection fees and sitting in the hall for a living. He has never done any major evil things in his life, but he just likes to gamble a little.

On this day, he just made a big four in the mahjong parlor, and before he had time to collect the money, several soldiers and policemen surrounded him with guns and live ammunition.

"Hu Xuyong, you are under arrest!"

Immediately, he was blindfolded and taken to a car.

When the blindfold was taken off, it was already a prison.

Before he could ask clearly about the situation, a few burly men rushed in and beat them up as soon as they came up.

It is useless to beg for mercy. If others don't listen, they will just beat them. This is a killing stick.

Hu Xuyong even once felt that he was going to die.

Fortunately, the villains stopped and began to interrogate him:

"Your name is Hu Xuyong, right?"


"Are you collecting protection money?"

"No. I haven't."

Another severe beating caused Hu Xiyong to twitch all over his body.

The interrogation continued.

"Your name is Hu Xuyong, right?"


"Are you collecting protection money?"


Then there is finally new language: "Then you are a member of 13K?"


There was another severe beating, and the interrogation continued after the beating was over.

"Your name is Hu Xuyong, right?"


"Are you collecting protection money?"


"Are you a 13K member?"


The other party wanted to fight again, and Hu Xuyong quickly explained: "I'm really not from 13K, I'm from the United British Press, not 13K. They don't like me at 13K either, don't fight, please don't fight, I suffer Can't stop."

With snot and tears, Hu Xuyong was beaten and cried.

Sure enough, they stopped beating him, and even helped him wash his face and change into clean clothes.

Shen Guanglin and Da Liu came in together, and then he saw the honest bearded Yong who looked like a quail.

"Sir, this is Hu Xuyong. We have conducted a preliminary interrogation. He is indeed a gangster from the gang."

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, he was reading the interrogation record,
But Liu said, "It wasn't him, it wasn't this Hu Xuyong, it wasn't this Hu Xuyong who smashed my workers and equipment."

"That's right, I haven't done anything evil." Hu Xuyong quickly argued that he was scared of being beaten.

It was indeed not Hu Xuyong who smashed Da Liu's project site, but Pan Zhiyong, who was the boss of 13K.

However, Shen Guanglin became interested in Zhang Renyong: "I heard that you married a foreign wife, right? You also gave birth to a daughter and two sons, right?"

"Boss, my family is innocent. Don't hurt them. I have never done anything. Please let me go. I have done nothing." Hu Xuyong was beaten several times, and then I'm going to cry.

"I won't hit you anymore. Go back to your life. Don't gamble in the future. Gambling is not good. It will harm others and yourself. From now on, raise your daughter." Shen Guanglin turned into a life mentor and taught Hu Xu to be brave.

"I will definitely listen!" Beard thanked Dede bravely.

The next step is to find Hu Xuyong who is 13K. Are you pretending to be confused with understanding?

Thirteen K is a loose organization, the founder died early, so this organization is a mixed bag, as long as you are good enough and courageous enough, you can rise to the top.

Hu Xuyong got his position by defeating the Daquan Gang, he was so brave and ruthless.

The real Beard Yong was soon caught.

The so-called toughness and the so-called loyalty are scum in the face of strength.

The process is iterative.

Hu Xuyong received a beating first, but refused to recruit, and even dared to approach him.

Another beating.

His tone was a little loose, and he began to judge the intention of the military and police to arrest him, but he was still dishonest.

Another beating.

When people are honest, they can do whatever they are asked to do, and they can say whatever they want. This is how life happens in many cases.

Hu Xuyong suffered a few severe beatings, and he confessed readily that he led someone to destroy Da Liu's project site. However, someone instigated this, and the instigator was Da Liu's fellow villager, the one who started his business by relying on plastic flowers Li Jiacheng.

Because they are optimistic about this land and want it too.

Now that the confession is over, what should we do next.

Hu Xuyong has no background, he just relies on a group of thugs to come to power, the Xiangjiang military and police also so-called, is there any surprise?

How many people under him?

There is still time in Stanley, so I can stay here.

Hu Xuyong thought he was trying to scare him, but the military and police really left, leaving only Shen Guanglin and Da Liu. The meaning is obvious, and it's up to you to deal with it.

Hu Xuyong immediately gave up and was not brave at all: "Boss, I will listen to you from now on, spare my life, I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and I am also instructed by others, I am just a tool , forgive me, I will be a cow and a horse in the future."

It seems to be okay, Hu Xuyong's club is not bad, and they don't do many crimes, so let's give them a way out, the key is that Shen Guanglin and Da Liu are not the kind of ruthless people.

What about Li Jiacheng?
I heard that he has two sons, what is Xiaoye doing recently?
I am not familiar with it.

I'm not familiar either.

This matter is no longer mentioned.

The matter was over with Da Liu, but not with Shen Guanglin, and there was still one person who hadn't dealt with it.

There is another person, that is Hong Hanyi, isn't he going to be imprisoned by Sleeping Beauty, so arrogant, shouldn't he be on guard.

Da Liu was born reckless, able to bend and stretch, so naturally he would not feel that the request made by another 13K person is a shame.

There are many people who covet beauty, and Hong Hanyi is not alone.

However, it can't work with Shen Guanglin. Now Da Liu is Shen Guanglin's subordinate, and Shen Guanglin can't let the women under him contribute their lives to seek safety. This is a kind of psychological humiliation, even worse than Hu Xuyong.

This person must be severely punished.

Hong Hanyi is the real boss of 14K, known as Brother Teddy, and he likes sleeping female stars the most.

He has actually started to wash his hands over the years. He sold D in the early years, but now he has stopped.

Not only that, he also opened a disco entertainment place called 438, waiting to retire.

This time he was arrested for hugging grass and beating rabbits, Hong Hanyi felt very wronged, he made a lot of confessions.

His people are inside and outside the police station.

Of course, there is no harm in having a large number of people. At least, he was not beaten, and he did not enjoy the killing power.

When Hong Hanyi saw Liu, he yelled, "You bastard, you begged me to help you, but you hurt me instead."

Da Liu was a little afraid to face this person, but Shen Guanglin was not afraid: "Are you the gang leader who wants 2000 million and sleeps with female stars?"

"It's me, who are you? Who's pants are not sewn properly and you are exposed." Hong Hanyi wondered if he was too kind. He hadn't done bad things for many years, and someone bullied him.

It was not the first time Shen Guanglin was scolded, but it was definitely the first time he was scolded face to face, and it was so harsh.

The whole person is going to explode, is he still a child of the plane, is he being so face-to-face.

"I'm bad guy, you're a boss, right? I want to see how sharp you are."

Shen Guanglin indicated that it is time to give him a killing blow.

But those police officers did not act. These people have been in collusion with him for a long time. They are all his own people. How could they take action? If you, Shen Guanglin, were not backed by the Governor of Hong Kong, who would care about you.

Oops, they are both 13K bosses, and they are treated differently.

Hu Xuyong was beaten to death, but no one dared to move Hong Hanyi.

Because this person has a strong background, many of his subordinates have infiltrated the police force, almost covering the sky with one hand at the middle and lower levels.

"Well, let's just use some tricks, don't let me go out, I won't say anything if I go out, you Yankee ran away, you fan Liu, just wait to blow the fan."

Hong Hanyi's voice was not loud, but it was full of deterrence. It really looked like a tiger was being bullied by a dog.

This kind of slap in the face can't wait for a moment, Shen Guanglin can only call Youde, your policeman and Hei Shi will be in the same group, they are the same, they are going to kill my whole family.

Youde's face was all black, he had indeed heard that the police station was a bit dark, but he didn't expect it to be in such a mess.

The police can't do it, we can only send military police.

The police station can't do it, so I can only send it to Stanley.

He never expected that there would be a day when Heishhui believed in the law, and Hong Hanwen's lawyer came to release him on bail.

Don't believe that Hong Kong is a society ruled by law, and the words of the Governor of Hong Kong are the law.

Bail is out of the question.

The boss is no longer at the police station and has been taken away.

Where did you go?

I do not know.

Spend your money now.

People are in Stanley, but it is hard for anyone to speak, unless the Governor of Hong Kong speaks.

Once a person enters Stanley, it is another scene.

Shen Guanglin didn't let anyone beat him either, there are so many lonely and unbearable men, do you want to taste the taste of a big boss.

Don't be in a hurry, everyone queue up, sign up enthusiastically, everyone will have a share.

Only then did the 13K people feel that the previous methods were no longer effective, and then they felt that they had kicked a rock.

Then find someone to negotiate.

The one sent was an actor named Chen Huimin, who had some friendship with Hong Hanyi.

"Why are you willing to let people go? It's better to get rid of enemies than to end them."

"If you kill all the enemies, there will be no enemies. Didn't he say that he will kill my whole family after he speaks out? Stanley is fine. If he is inside, then don't come out. I heard that Xiangjiang was the last executed prisoner. It was Huang Qiji of South Vietnamese nationality, who was sentenced to death for robbery and murder in 1966."

"Impossible, Xiangjiang is already proposing that there will be no death penalty."

"Then imprison for life. Those who traffic in D cannot be forgiven."

The negotiation failed, and 13K wanted to contemplate other means, but there was no chance.

On the second day after the incident, Xiangjiang's military and police set off together, bound to launch an anti-triad operation.

13K was personally identified as an illegal organization by the Governor of Hong Kong, and all people with this background were arrested, including Chen Huimin.

For a while, Stanley was overcrowded, which relieved the severe cold and hunger and thirst.

For many people, with so much fresh blood, this is a long drought.

(End of this chapter)

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