Start with a college teacher

Chapter 363 Window Paper

Chapter 363 Window Paper

The movie "Unstoppable Love" is really good. Friends who haven't seen it can go and see it. Unfortunately, only 100 minutes of the 80-minute movie have been deleted.

This is probably Hua Tsai's first large-scale movie, Wen Xiaoxia is only 17 years old.

However, someone Shen refused Meimei's initiative to throw herself into his arms. Taking care of her is about feelings, not feelings. In the final analysis, she is still not beautiful enough.

If she is Wen Xiaoxia, there is no if.

Somebody Shen likes girls who are good-looking but have few stories.

He didn't want white clouds floating in the blue sky, and grass under the white clouds.

"This movie is not bad, what about the remaining two?" Shen Guanglin is very satisfied with this movie, it turns out that Hu Xuyong can also make good works.

"The rest is still being filmed. When the time comes, we will show it again and again, and it will be a hit." Hu Xuyong patted his chest, expressing that he must do a good job.

"Okay, work hard, and find Liu when you encounter difficulties."

Shen Guanglin didn't have anything to say, he left Hong Kong and returned to Beijing with a copy of the film.

This movie can be used as an educational movie, let's take Li Rong to watch it together.

Even Shen Guanglin didn't know what kind of sparks the combination of the little fat man and Hu Xuyong would produce.

The warrior who fought the evil dragon back then has now become the biggest cancer in the Xiangjiang film and television industry. The so-called evil dragon is himself.

When Shen came to Xiangjiang next time, he found that the market was full of such things.

The weather in Beijing was indeed much colder than in Xiangjiang, and people shivered as soon as they got off the plane.

Li Rong said, why are you back? I still want to go over there to find you.

I'm done and retired.

It's so cold, but it's still warm in the car. Now Teacher Shen has a business worth hundreds of millions and wants to talk to her.

Where is it, in the car?Is it the airport?
Today's cars don't have dark sunscreen, but they have curtains.

People who pass by raise their hands, is it easier to use the co-pilot or the rear seat.

The heating in the car worked well, and the two of them were so hot that they took off a few clothes.

People are always busy.

Shen Guanglin came back to research and develop LEDs, and he didn't have nothing to do.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Shen Guanglin knew that the most important material of the blue light diode was GaN, but he didn't know how to make it.

Zhang Cheng came to report on his work. The Ga thing is quite stable. Even if the temperature is heated above 1000 degrees Celsius, they will not respond.

Moreover, this thing has a very low melting point, but a very high boiling point, and it does not boil until it is heated to 2400°.

After tossing for so long, GaN has not been produced.

This is difficult.

And he, Shen, did not study chemistry, and Wu Xiaoyun, who studied chemistry, did not come back when he arrived in West Germany.

Shen Guanglin wishes he could be omniscient, but unfortunately he is not. After so many years of chemistry, he is better at physics.

Shen Guanglin was wondering whether to find a powerful Maverick to use, how about starting with those future academicians?
Forget about Nankai’s group of people, they can’t do whatever they want, and grab credit No. 1.

However, it is not so easy to really find a good person.

These days, as long as they are good, they all try to go out, go out to be exchange scholars, apply to study abroad, anyway, they are dazzled by various ways.

And those who really stay, either have poor IQ, or poor EQ, or have big plans.

None of them are a good match for someone Shen.

Then choose from among the students of Peking University, it is more reliable to train yourself.

People like Zhang Cheng, aren't they already able to provoke the leader of the laboratory?

Now, more and more people are haunting Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and this laboratory building is no longer enough.

It's not that the venue is not big enough, it's that a lot of experimental equipment can't be opened.

It wouldn't look good if the experimental equipment was placed in a biotechnology company. After all, they are all independent units with no affiliation relationship with each other.

Want another piece of land?

The report was typed up, but the above did not approve it.

This laboratory has exceeded the specifications, and it has not brought any benefits to the local government. It has not even solved a few jobs. It is all used by students from your Beijing University, and all the output is useless theories.

If you want to do it, do something that is technologically content but labor-intensive.

Is it impossible to build a car?
Shen Guanglin knows that sooner or later the production capacity of traditional cars will be overcapacitated, but what about new energy vehicles?

Has Jobs returned home?
Xu Hengda can't do it either.

Can we buy land with money?

This is quite possible, a place like Zhongguancun is terribly desolate, who wants to spend money to buy this place.

Shen Guanglin is willing to spend.

The Wudaokou side is now desolate. Let’s talk about what it will look like in the future.

To build an LED industry-university-research base, first take 1000 mu. After all, it is only 2 yuan per mu. In a few years, the houses here will cost more than [-] yuan per square meter.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the development of LEDs can only be handed over to Zhang Cheng to take charge of the overall situation.

Zhang Cheng has done a good job in presiding over the overall situation in Jinmen. He has made great progress in wafer research, and there is even the possibility of a breakthrough.

However, the cooperation between several parties is becoming more and more unpleasant now.

Fusang people are not fools, you use our money to do your own experiments, don’t bring such fun, we do business and not charity;
Nankai people are not happy, you don't give me the results, even the interns don't use us, what do you mean?
The ones who enter the laboratory to do research are those of your Peking University. Can we only enter the enterprise to develop electrical appliances if we open it?

The students at Capital University are not happy either. After all, doing research in the laboratory requires less money and more work, and they have to travel between two places.

The students from Nankai went to Great Wall Electric, and if they copied a product from Fusang, they would get a lot of bonuses.

Isn't it just reverse engineering, what's so difficult about it.

People's hearts are not old, and morale is declining.

Then let's break up.

Great Wall Electric has basically no use of Nankai here, and it has almost become the world of Jinmen University.

Although Jinmen University is not as famous as Nankai, its strength is not weak, students are very easy to use, and it is easy to be satisfied.

The key is that there is no mother-in-law.

Shen Guanglin bluffed 5000 million US dollars from the little prince, and the money will be used in the new laboratory in the capital. In the future, the research and development base will move to the capital to operate, and the capital still has a lot of talents.

learn from mistakes.

It is easy to think of a partnership, but it is very difficult to think of a separation.

Takeda is okay, we only need the equipment of Soccerene, and you take the rest.After all, Shen Guanglin is a strong presence here, and they can't say anything if they really make a decision.

The trouble is Nankai, they didn't pay, and the people who paid didn't do anything, and they broke up, but they have to share the equipment proportionally, or you can pay.

Shen Guanglin invited them because he wanted to develop solar energy, but after 20 years of research, they failed to make any progress, which is still the case now.

Shen Guanglin has money and equipment, but they have no idea, they can't spark the spark of love at all.

Fuso’s solar technology is changing day by day, including gallium arsenide, heterojunction, monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, silicon-based thin film, and various product directions. They, every day, guard the few photovoltaic products used in aerospace to show their qualifications .

Even if the students want to try new methods, the first thing they think of is to suppress, attack, you have achieved results, where do you want to put us?

Then start a new stove, what do you like, anyway, I, Shen, have already learned what I should learn, let's go back to the capital!
Braving the severe cold and permafrost, the new laboratory is still under construction.

It's cold, but people's hearts are not cold, but they are full of enthusiasm.

The meat joint factory sends pork over every day. Everyone eats well, has enough oil and water, and works vigorously.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was in class at school, and member Lu of the Academy of Sciences brought a young man over.

Speaking of young, I have already gone up in my 40s.

"Xiao Shen, your course is so exciting, my old man wants to come over and be a student." Old man Lu was not polite, he went to Shen Guanglin's office and asked for tea. He knew that Shen Guanglin had good products here.

"The old man is in a good mood, why do you have the time to come to me? Have your carbon nanotubes produced any results?"

Shen Guanglin is also sluggish, he is a member of the joint laboratory, so he doesn't know if he has achieved any results.

Now the joint laboratory does not study carbon nanotubes, but instead studies carbon fibers.

Who made Shen's graphite bomb so feasible? Isn't that what the most advanced scientific research team does.

I am a brick of the motherland, and I can be moved wherever it is needed.

Just a few days ago, Shen Guanglin gave them an idea.

If you want to make carbon fiber, you cannot directly use carbon or graphite to make carbon fiber. You can only use some carbon-containing organic fiber raw materials, combine organic fiber with plastic resin, and then carbonize at high temperature, maybe you will get good things , try it out.

They tried it, and it turned out to be really good.

After carbonizing polyacrylonitrile fibers, a fiber is obtained, which not only conducts electricity, but also has high strength and light weight, which is much stronger than steel.

Use this kind of thing to make only graphite bombs, what a shame.

Of course, Commissioner Lu came to see Shen Guanglin today, there must be something else. After Shen Guanglin made a joke, he seriously asked him what was the matter.

"This is Xiao Guo, he studies gallium. I heard that you have been ordering this material and recruiting talents in this field recently, so I will send it to you."

Lao Lu has always been concerned about Shen Guanglin's scientific research, knowing that Xiao Shen has been making reserves in this area recently, so he sent him here.

"Hello, Professor Shen, I am Guo Chengcai from the Academy of Sciences. I used to be Mr. Lu's working secretary. I have been researching gallium for many years, but there is no result. Now my research group has been abolished, so Mr. Lu brought I came to you to look for opportunities."

If you doze off, give me a pillow.

This is a typical scientific researcher, and Shen Guanglin can tell from his temperament.

"Why did you think of coming to me?"

"Mr. Lu said that your welfare here is good and you can eat enough. I have three children in my family. The eldest daughter is [-] years old, and she lives in the same house with us. There is really no place to live."

This is true, Shen Guanglin can just meet his needs.

However, Shen Guanglin is not doing charity here, he still has to test whether this person has real talents.

"I want to make gallium nitride now, how do you think it should be synthesized."

"I have actually synthesized gallium nitride. Gallium metal is heated at high temperature, and ammonia gas is passed through, and gallium nitride powder will be produced."

A word awakens the dreamer.

This is the window paper.

(End of this chapter)

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