Chapter 364 Bonuses
Asking Guo Chengcai to come to work, Shen Guanglin of course agreed.

After all, the old Lutou introduced it, even if it was a pig, he would still want it.

Lao Lu is a treasure with a wealth of experience in struggle. Only by following such a person can one learn more life philosophies.

Old Li can't do it, he can only give birth to daughters, which can be considered somewhat useful.

Otherwise, if you come here every day to eat and drink, Pu'er will stop him.

Shen Guanglin was willing to have him, but Xiao Guo said coyly, "I didn't graduate from Peking University, but from University of Science and Technology. Can you accept it?"

What is this nonsense?

Of course not!

Although Xiao Guo is 40 years old, he is still not very old. He should go to our school to study a blog.


Xiao Guo didn't understand this kind of humor, so Lao Lu could keep up with it.

"Congratulations to Professor Shen for making it to the next level."

"It's all about cultivating talents for the motherland, it's just a matter of duty."

Shen Guanglin has indeed upgraded.

Starting from next year, the school will allow Shen Guanglin to be a postgraduate tutor to start guiding students, and this motion has been passed by the school's academic committee.

However, he is not yet able to direct the Ph.D., and has not yet been scheduled to this stage.

When it was time for dinner, the three of them walked out of the chilly Beijing University campus and walked towards Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

It's cold, and it's warm to walk around.

Cycling in this weather, even at noon, when the wind blows, the nose is sore, with tears and snot in the nose.

Now, almost all the open space between Capital University and National People's Congress belongs to Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin gave money to the original units, and they moved out.

There are also more rigid units that will not leave, just to keep you disgusted.

Ah, the current material conditions are not good, water and electricity cuts are inevitable, and the septic tanks will also be blocked.

Shen Guanglin proudly pointed to the construction site in the distance and said, this is the great land laid down by someone from him, Shen.

Of course, the original words are not like this: "This new base is an integration of industry, education and research, and the main research is gallium nitride and solar cells. Therefore, Mr. Guo will have a bright future when he comes here."

The construction site is really big, the walls have been built, and they don't want people to see what's inside.

When researcher Guo heard Shen Guanglin talking about gallium nitride and solar cells, he couldn't help but have something to say:
"Professor Shen, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"You can say good things, but don't say bad things."

Xiao Guo couldn't adapt to Shen Guanglin's speaking style for a while, and was a little stunned.

But old man Lu said: "You speak boldly, you were introduced by me, there is no problem. I know Xiao Shen's style, he is not right with people, he is not afraid of his own people."

What is this called!

Shen Guanglin thought about it carefully, he is really such a person, as long as he is one of his own people, he can be forgiven for doing some wrong things, but not for outsiders, not to mention pennies and pennies, but it is also a severe punishment.

This is the so-called position without principle.

It must be Nankai's fault that my students from Beijing University had conflicts with Nankai's people.

Only when one's own people have conflicts with each other can there be a fair competition environment.

You can't do whatever you want after a journey, right?

Xiao Guo organized the language: "Actually, I also did research on solar cells when I was in the Academy of Sciences."

"How did you do it?" Shen Guanglin felt a little surprised, this is too coincidental.

"It is made of gallium arsenide. I have made various compounds for gallium. Among them, gallium arsenide also has a photovoltaic effect, which has a much higher power generation than silicon. However, gallium arsenide is a poisonous material and is not easy to use. "

Xiao Guo's research on gallium is very in-depth, and he has been working in this field for 20 years.

If the Academy of Sciences hadn't abolished this project team, Shen Guanglin would not have obtained such talents.

Later generations of Hanergy used to be a photovoltaic giant. They manufactured gallium arsenide flexible batteries, but unfortunately they closed down before entering the application company.

However, even if it is not used in photovoltaics, gallium arsenide is widely used in semiconductor materials.

All right, in Shen Guanglin's mind, Xiao Guo passed the inspection.

At noon, they verified the quality of the lunch in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and it was really good. Xiao Guo ate four steamed buns.

This steamed bun is made with soda flour. It is big and not sour. When you eat it in your mouth, chew it carefully, and the salivary amylase will act on it. It is so sweet.

Shen Guanglin has made up his mind to want him, and Guo Chengcai has made up his mind to come over.

Now, the last problem that hinders Xiao Guo's coming is the organization.

Because Shen Guanglin's laboratory has no establishment.

Even if there is an establishment, Shen Guanglin no longer intends to give it any more.

The new job position he provided at Great Wall Electric has no establishment, it's not impossible, it's just unwilling.

It is because of the good benefits and high salary that many college students are willing to join Great Wall Electric even if they do not have a salary.

The new unit has a new atmosphere. This is a newly established company. The purpose of this company is to produce and develop LEDs and solar cells.

Therefore, they are not state-owned enterprises, so they have no establishment.

Externally, this company can be regarded as a purely foreign-funded enterprise, and the establishment of a staff is of little significance, but to increase constraints on itself.

Of course, Shen Guanglin still left a part of the shares for the laboratory, for the convenience of profit transfer.

Everything else is fine, but there is no way, how should I tell my family.

Xiao Guo lives in the courtyard of the Academy of Sciences, not far from Lao Lu's home, but Xiao Guo is a single-employee, so the accommodation conditions are much poorer.

His wife didn't have the quota to enter Beijing back then, and then she managed to find a job in a textile factory, but the salary was not good.

Life can be lived, but both families have poor relatives and need help everywhere.

Moreover, the family is still crowded in one house, and this kind of embarrassment is a true portrayal of many people's lives.

In this era, there is no concept of commercial housing. If you want to improve your living conditions, you have to rely on units to distribute houses.

If the units with good benefits can still be ranked according to seniority, there will always be opportunities for improvement if they survive.

But these years the Academy of Sciences is really poor, so when Shen Guanglin moves other people's cakes, they will really work hard.

As for universities, your full-time job is teaching, and scientific research is not your first choice, so what are you always doing with your hands.

Xiao Guo's project was abolished partly because Shen Guanglin's laboratory did a good job of researching semiconductor materials, which made them feel that it was meaningless to repeat the research.

In fact, silicon carbide and gallium arsenide are not the same.

"No! You can't resign! You don't know how much you own, and you still follow others into the sea. Who do you think you are?"

Xiao Guo told his wife about his plan to change jobs, which drew a scolding from his wife.

People are not young anymore, and they quit their jobs and change jobs. What do you think?

"This is a job introduced by Mr. Lu, and I didn't just look for it randomly." Xiao Guo had no choice but to move out Mr. Lu.

"That doesn't work either. How can you survive without the establishment? How can we survive?"

"This unit is the Great Wall Company, you know. It's the one that advertises on TV. The name of my unit is Great Wall New Materials. We are a company."

Hearing this, Xiao Guo's daughter-in-law's attitude softened. Although she is a textile worker, she has heard of Great Wall Electric and knows that their refrigerators and TVs are good.

"You are a company? How is the treatment?"

"I don't know the benefits yet, the salary is 500 a month."

"How much, 500?"

This is a reward for Xiao Guo's abandonment of the establishment, which is directly three times the original salary.

Xiao Guo's original salary was 130 yuan a month. It is a bit difficult to make a living in today's rising prices, but 500 yuan a month is beyond their imagination.

"I'm going to visit your unit."

Of course I have to go and have a look. Shen Guanglin gave Xiao Guo three dormitories, which are the dormitories of the laboratory.

He did not continue to allocate a house in Tiangong No. [-], because many people "do not deserve their virtue."

The house is too luxurious, and it feels unnatural for them to live in it.

Another reason is that the new base will build a family area for employees, and housing will be provided here again. The specifications may not be as high as Tiangong No. [-]. If you get used to living there, you will have a psychological gap when you move to a place that is not as good as before.

Xiao Guo went to work smoothly.

The original unit did not resign, and the job was suspended without pay. Everyone is familiar with this business.

Let's set up a scientific research team first.

Recruiting people can only choose from Beijing University, and Wudaokou Technical School is also not acceptable. This is Shen Guanglin's rigid requirement.

This time, students from the Department of Chemistry are recruited.

After so many years, the grievances between Shen Guanglin and the Department of Chemistry have become a thing of the past. Although the two sides did not smile, the grievances and enmities are gone.

Shen Guanglin won a lot of scientific research funds for the school, and the Department of Chemistry also participated.

Everyone is a literati, and we still need to show some face, so it is not good to deliberately target Shen Guanglin again.

The main reason is that if you lose, you will admit defeat.

The next day.

There is a serious atmosphere in several lecture halls of the Chemistry Department of Beijing University.

The few classrooms in the department were all occupied, and many teachers who were not usually seen also appeared in the examination room.

Shen Guanglin gave a lot of subsidies to the invigilator, and everyone was willing to help him.

The students are also very excited, finally it's our chemistry department's turn!
The Department of Physics has assessments and exams for admission to Shen Guanglin's laboratory every year, but the Department of Chemistry does not have one, and everyone has suffered unfairly for a long time.

The Department of Chemistry of Nuo University only recruited 6 students this time, with 4 grades, and an average of only one and a half students per grade. The fierce competition can be imagined.

Everyone stopped laughing when they entered the classroom.

This solemn atmosphere is incompatible with the free and lively style of study at Capital University.

Just looking at today, everyone thought they had come to Wudaokou Technical School, which has a strict school spirit.

However, looking at the poems and songs on the desk, and the carving of "Li Anhong, I want you!"

Let people clearly know that this is Beijing University.

The exam is about to start, and several top students are there encouraging each other, "You are going to be the first in the exam again today."

"No, I just want to get a full score in the test, the first is not important."

The exam has begun.

The test papers were distributed very casually. They were not strictly exam questions, but divergent thinking questions, mixed with a few chemistry professional questions, but they were all related to compounds and semiconductors.

Shouldn't such a topic be given to the physics department? Professor Shen still has a preference for physics.

What is Professor Shen doing here?

He is receiving an award.

Because of his success in negotiating abroad, his superiors rewarded him with $1000.

Everyone is the same standard.

Shen Guanglin didn't ask them to pay for the travel expenses, and even provided them with accommodation. You negotiated a big contract of 63 billion US dollars, so you just give me 1000 yuan?
"Thank you, I just wanted to buy a large electrical appliance, and you solved my urgent need."

Shen Guanglin's words embarrassed those who came to present the award.

Who doesn't know that Professor Shen costs $5 for a class.

(End of this chapter)

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