Chapter 365 Nothing
The weather has been getting colder and colder these days, and finally the first light snow in 1984 came later than usual.

Accompanying Xiaoxue was an invitation letter from CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Finally, I still think of someone Shen.

However, the reason they invited Shen Guanglin turned out to be that Shen Guanglin supported the Olympics and was an enthusiastic volunteer.

If this is the case, then I, Shen, will not go to this party.

Not only because of the weird reason for the party invitation, but also because this Spring Festival Gala was rated as the worst Spring Festival Gala in history, and they will even publish an apology in the newspaper in the future.

Shen Guanglin didn't want his first appearance on the screen to become a dark history that he couldn't get past.

Moreover, starting from this Spring Festival Gala, Qigong has become a performance program.

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he had a long way to go. Whether he should be an anti-counterfeiting person, Shen Guanglin was very entangled.

However, for Shen Guanglin, it was not without good things happening.

This year's Spring Festival Gala finally invited a famous film and television actor: Zhang Yu, who plays the role of Zhou Yun, is the image spokesperson of Great Wall Electric. Her participation in the Spring Festival Gala will also boost the sales of Great Wall Electric's products.

However, this image spokesperson should also be changed, because this one, like Chen Chong, always wants to go abroad.

Why is it so difficult to find a high-quality idol?

Although there were no house collapses in this era, Shen Guanglin didn't like the fact that actors emigrated at every turn.

Back to the Spring Festival Gala.

The reason why this year’s Spring Festival Gala was not well organized is mostly because the conditions for holding the Spring Festival Gala outdoors were not mature, and the broadcast and camera were not good enough, but they insisted on live broadcasting in Gongti regardless of their care.

As a result, not to mention the bad reviews on the spot, the TV broadcast was also a mess and the effect was extremely poor.

Now, Shen Guanglin's stall is getting bigger and bigger. In order to increase the cohesion, he is also thinking whether we should hold a New Year's art performance.

Let's show the demeanor of the workers in the new era.

Shen Guanglin's company doesn't have many people, but it has a lot of land.

Jinmen Great Wall Electric, Jingcheng Biotechnology, and a biotechnology sub-base in Langfang, plus the land of the new material company, if one day the industry really fails, it will be worth selling the land No small fortune.

Since there is no shortage of money, let's do it, and it will become the norm in the future, so as to give everyone a channel to vent their emotions.

When the time comes to this time, it is another year's Nobel Prize award day.

Every December is the anniversary of Nobel's death and the day when the Nobel Prizes are awarded.

This year's award presentation did not have Shen Guanglin's share.

The prize for physics went to Carlo Rubia and Simon van der Meer of Switzerland; the prize for chemistry went to Robert Merrifield;

Shen Guanglin couldn't say he was disappointed, he could only say that the time had not yet come.

After all, his debut time is still too short, and some people have waited for decades and still haven't got it. Will he be able to win the award in the second year for the research and development achievements of Shen Guanglin?

The Nobel Prize selection is not so fair. For example, during the Cold War, Lao Maozi's technology was not far behind, but they did not win many Nobel Prizes.

Shen Guanglin's goal is only the Nobel Prize. As for other awards, he doesn't care much.

Shen Guanglin has always been relatively low-key, which is contradictory. His achievements are too many, not to mention foreign countries, but everyone in China knows it, probably because he invented some input method.

Other achievements?
Who knows.

There were many things at the end of the year, so Shen Guanglin didn't continue to care about the laboratory, but what should happen in the laboratory continued.

The scientific research institute also has a security department. Although their authority is limited to the inside, it is probably okay to occasionally use public equipment for private use.

Lao Wang's negotiation failed, and the next move was to directly send someone to arrest him.

Go straight up and put on the handcuffs, take him away, what's the matter with Fei.

Things just slipped away like this?

If you beat a snake and don't die, you will be blamed.

Soldiers are expensive and not expensive.

On this day, Lao Wang came to the door again with two security officers. With yesterday's experience, they once again entered Shen Guanglin's laboratory smoothly.

Guo Chengcai felt that since he had turned his back on him, why are you still here? It's useless, and I won't go back.

"Come here today, have you already applied for the scientific research project for me? How much is the funding? Is it 500 yuan? It's about the same as my monthly salary?"

Lao Guo also had a day when he could feel proud, and he knew that Lao Wang was not here to do personnel affairs.

Lao Wang didn't say anything else, he directly gestured with his eyes, grab him!
The two guards from the security department had also practiced before. When they went up, they pushed Guo Chengcai to the ground and restrained him with handcuffs.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined, take it away!"

This is ready to take him away, it is easy and pleasant.

However, Capital University has a security department, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory also has a security department, and they are more capable, all veterans.

It's just that the people who usually enter and leave the laboratory are also students. Only when entering the laboratory building will they check their ID cards. If they enter the dormitory building to have a meal, everyone will not care too much, as long as they have a student ID card.

This is a good relationship with Shen Guanglin. Many years later, what they miss most is that Shen Guanglin's laboratory management is not strict. As long as you have a student card from Beijing University, even if you are studying Chinese language and literature, you can still go in and have a meal. eat.

However, the three of Lao Wang and the others came to trouble Lao Guo today, and the people in the security department had already remembered it in their minds.

It can be stopped for a while, but it can't be stopped for a lifetime.

Playing hard to get is the effective way to solve the problem.

Seeing that Lao Guo was caught as expected, they who were hiding in the security department were immediately elated.

The last time my brothers were beaten up, Boss Shen rewarded them with a lot of money and things, and this time the opportunity to make meritorious service is coming again.

Old Wang led two people to escort Guo Chengcai to the gate, and they were going to leave immediately, after all, what should be done had already been done.

At this moment, the captain whistled, and seven or eight people rushed out from the guard room, one of them was holding a Wuliu style: "You dare to come to our laboratory to commit crimes, hit me."

This battle was carried out heartily, and everyone hadn't exercised so vigorously for a long time. They were sweating, so transparent, and they were going to go to the bathhouse to take a bath.

The water heater in the dormitory is really convenient for taking a shower, but it loses the essence of northern men.

It is more comfortable to take a bath.

Guo Chengcai didn't say a word either. He tidied up his clothes and went to the laboratory. Before leaving, he made eye contact with the security chief.

None of the three Lao Wangs was spared, and they were all miserable with bruised noses and swollen faces.

In fact, although these three people looked bad, their injuries were not serious, and they beat people very well.

This matter can't be left alone, the three people staggered to the Zhongguancun police station to call the police.

"Comrade, I want to call the police." Lao Wang's cheeks were a little swollen and painful, and his speech was a little awkward.

The police station has only one internal staff who manages the household registration on duty. He looked up and said, "I'm just a household registration policeman. The director has gone to the scene. If you have anything to say, please speak slowly. I'll write it down for you and show him when the leader comes back." .”

These three people are going to fight, isn't it true that men in the capital are loyal, and come here to find a place after losing the war?

"I am Wang Jun, the office director of the research institute. This is my work permit. These two are my colleagues. Today, we went to the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University to find the staff of our institute. They not only refused to release them, but also beat them. .”

It's been a long time since Pharaoh Wang has enjoyed the treatment of punching and kicking, and he feels very wronged.

The police didn't understand, and they took up a pen to take notes and didn't know what to write: "Please explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, otherwise I don't understand what happened."

"The staff of our scientific research institute were detained by Shen Guanglin's laboratory. I want to call the police." Lao Wang's tone was filled with resentment, and he unconsciously raised his voice.

"You don't need to speak so loudly, I can hear you." The policeman wrote a few words casually on the letter paper, and then asked: "You said they detained your colleague, is it kidnapping?"

"Yes! That's right, it's kidnapping! Hurry up and find someone to rescue him, he's been locked up in the laboratory." Lao Wang thought about taking Guo Chengcai out of the laboratory and said that his beating couldn't be in vain, even if he couldn't stay If you live in Xiaoguo, you have to beat him to calm down.

"No." The policeman shook his head and refused, we can't call the police.


"Their laboratory belongs to Capital University, and their school has its own security department. You should go to the security department to report the case. Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not under our control." The police stopped taking notes, and instead studied the spring of his ballpoint pen.

Kapa Kapa is quite interesting, and the red and blue colors can be switched freely.

"But it's the person who guards Kekou in their laboratory, and the person they beat."

In fact, Lao Wang didn't know that the security department of Shen Guanglin's laboratory and the security department of Beijing University did not have a direct affiliation relationship, but a work guidance relationship.

"Then you should go to their unit. It seems that you, an old comrade, don't seem to be ignorant. Does your unit not have a security department? No one will tell you about the affiliation relationship. What are you eating?"

"No, comrade, we belong to other work units. Now their laboratory detains people from our unit, and we go to the door to ask for them, but they don't give them, and they beat them. What I hope now is that you organize the staff and put Our people were rescued."

Lao Wang thought, why can't we explain clearly to this person, wouldn't it be over if you send someone to support us?

"can not do this."


"The level is not enough." The internal staff did not write the transcript, but picked up a newspaper, ready to read state affairs: "What level are they, deputy ministerial level, what level is their security department, at least they are right, what level are we?" , deputy department."

"You know what I do, no, I'm nothing."

It's their chore and they have to deal with it themselves
(End of this chapter)

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