Start with a college teacher

Chapter 366 1985 years

Chapter 366 1985 years

Shen Guanglin has made great efforts in the joint construction of the police and the people.

At the beginning, he donated so many materials, now is the time to ask for something in return.

The three wandered around, but no one filed a case.

Someone also called Shen Guanglin to ask him what happened.

Shen Guanglin also truthfully told what happened: their laboratory hired a staff member, but the original unit deliberately came to make trouble, withholding the file and not letting go, and even trying to forcefully break into the laboratory to arrest the person, it is simply a bandit style.

This is your own fault.

You can't kill without nodding your head, your scientific research institute is too arrogant.

It's not a loss to suffer this beating.

Then, the three of them went in, on the grounds of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and attacking the secrecy unit.

Wait for the unit to come to pick up the person. If you don't come, you will have to turn it over to the labor agency.

I heard that the Miyun Reservoir is seriously short of workers.

Sure enough, the leader of the scientific research institute received a call from the police station the next day. The three people in your unit have been criminally detained on suspicion of committing a crime. Please come and explain the situation.

So what's the matter, saving people is the most important thing.

This matter can be big or small, what do you want to do by rushing into other people's laboratories to arrest people?
In the end, through negotiations, the scientific research institute made a public apology, Lao Wang was recorded as an administrative sanction, and they gave Guo Chengcai's files for free.

Now, he can finally conduct scientific research with confidence.

Shen Guanglin's first request was to produce gallium nitride, a necessary material for making light-emitting diodes.

Under the guidance of Shen Guanglin, the technological process of developing blue light diodes has also been sorted out, and a series of research can be carried out only when the equipment arrives.

It's easy to say, but difficult to say.

Being able to produce gallium nitride is only the first step. Let gallium metal contact ammonia gas in a high-temperature environment, so that gallium nitride powder will be produced.

But at what temperature to react and what concentration of ammonia gas is needed, all these need to be determined by experiments.

Even if gallium nitride is produced, how to purify it, and if it is vapor-phase deposited on the substrate, this is a difficult problem.

As for the subsequent packaging and testing, it is simpler.

It's not long before the Spring Festival, and the new base has not been built yet, so this matter can only wait for the next year.

Years ago, we still had to learn more and bring out the experimental dogs as soon as possible.

This winter is a weather with little rain and snow, whether it is dry or cold, it is cold anyway.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong did not live in Tiangong No. [-], they still feel that Fuyuanmen has the most festive atmosphere here.

When the winter vacation came, my aunt took my cousin back to Jinling for the New Year. They still felt that the capital city was colder. In contrast, although Jinling was cold, it would not freeze people.

The main reason is that my cousin doesn't want to spend the New Year with my cousin. He has too many tricks, and he plans to enroll himself in some winter camp, but he doesn't want to participate.

I'm still afraid that my cousin will spend too much money.

After all, I have already spent a lot of money on hiring a tutor for myself, and I really can't bear to spend more on him.

Shen Houdao has already decided that when he is going to university in the future, Yangcheng must stay away from the capital, a place of right and wrong, the farther the better.

My cousin is so enthusiastic, sometimes it hurts even when it is hard to be kind.

And so came 1985.

On New Year's Day, Shen Guanglin's company's party was finally turned into an annual party, and two events were held at the same time, one in Beijing and one in Shencheng.

In this era of lack of entertainment, everyone's enthusiasm for singing and dancing performances is very high.

Shen Guanglin has only one request, that he is not allowed to dance that kind of hip-sticking dance, because he is an old pedant.

If you really want to dance, you can dance for him in private.

Mr. Shen has no other skills, but he still has the ability to appreciate.

The party in the capital city was held at the People's Drama Theater, so that all the relatives who participated in the show can brag: I once performed on stage in the Drama Theater.

The hospitality was hard to come by, Shen Guanglin also performed a show on stage, sang a song about the motherland, the performance was not bad, everyone still gave encouraging applause.

The program that everyone loves the most is actually a lottery draw.

After all, this year's annual meeting is mainly based on the Great Wall Department. They made money last year, so they should be happy.

Everyone at the meeting today has a seat card, throw the number card into a big cardboard box, and Shen Guanglin will draw the lucky ones. The prizes are rich and the style is novel.

Refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, fans, and various prizes already have the demeanor of later generations of big manufacturers.

In this way, everyone looks forward to the annual meeting next year.

However, in comparison, the annual meeting held by the company in Shencheng is more distinctive and grand.

It was even more lively than TVB's annual meeting.

It's really a gathering of all kinds of big names, all Hu Xuyong called to support Su Youpeng and Zhang Peng.

It's just that Shen Guanglin doesn't have the skills to separate himself. He has never been in the capital. He doesn't know what kind of shit his entertainment company has become. There will be several blockbuster films released next year.

In a blink of an eye, it will be the 29th of the Lunar New Year, and every household has started to write Spring Festival couplets.

In this era, not many people bought printed Spring Festival couplets. They only bought a Kitchen God. Most of the Spring Festival couplets were handwritten by themselves or by people around them.

Shen Guanglin would definitely not do the job of writing Spring Festival couplets for others. Although his handwriting was good, his hobby was not here.

How much does it cost to write a pair of Spring Festival couplets?

Lao Li is the one who loves splashing ink.

The writing brushes he uses are all high-quality wolf brushes, Shen Guanglin specially collected them, and they are worth at least five or sixty thousand in later generations. If they are used now, they will be discarded after use.

Old Li doesn't care about that, Li Rong grinds ink and cuts paper.

Lao Li waved his hair.

The pen is a dragon and a snake, and a copy is quickly written.

"Xiao Shen, what do you think of my handwriting? I can't write it without 30 years of skill."

Even Li Rong felt that Lao Li's handwriting was really good and beautiful.

However, Shen Guanglin is a person who knows the goods. He has been visiting the Panjiayuan second-hand book market all year round.

In the world of calligraphy, there are two realms of getting started and not getting started.

Now, Shen Guanglin's vision has already entered the room, that is, the so-called insider.

"Well, your character looks elegant, but it loses its dignity and has no bones. It's not strong when it's peaked, but it's empty when it's time to write. What is it called? It's vulgar."

The corners of Lao Li's mouth were crooked in anger.

"Can't you say something nice?"

"Yes, your pen is very good. This is a red cloud crane from the Jiajing period. It is made of high-quality red sandalwood. It feels good in the hand."

Lao Li used Shen Guanglin's collection as a tool, and Shen Guanglin saw it, so why not give him a compliment.

"Why don't you remind me of such a good pen." Lao Li finally realized that he was wrong. He just picked up a pen from the basement, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive.

"Remind me, things are just for use." At this time, Shen Guanglin was indifferent again.

"For example, your purple sand pot, the one you drink from mouth to mouth, have you seen the bottom line? This is Xu Youquan's half-moon pot."

Lao Li didn't dare to move anymore, and sat on the chair honestly, "I just want to make a good fortune in the new year, Rhubarb, do you think we will have good luck next year?"

It was cold outside, and Rhubarb didn't want to go out, so he lay down by the stove to keep warm. When he heard Lao Li's question, he hesitated for a while, and said: "Wang!"

Because, if it doesn't respond, Lao Li's broom will be taken out.

(End of this chapter)

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