Start with a college teacher

Chapter 368 New Factory

Chapter 368 New Factory

Going to Goose City is just a whim, and this is not the most urgent thing to do at present.

Lao Li heard that Shen Guanglin's experiment lacked gallium, so he asked someone to send 10 kilograms, and now the problem of raw materials was solved.

Gallium was used in the military in the past, and other units may not have it, but their units don’t have it yet.

As for the problem of low purity, this is also easy to solve, just dissolve and then electrolyze.

Shen Guanglin learned the priority of things when he was studying, and he had three options.

They are important and urgent, important and not urgent, and urgent and not important. This is the order of handling things, and it depends on how he chooses.

Whatever, he didn't choose anything, because he didn't have any important and urgent things to do.

Here in Shen Guanglin, everything is neither important nor urgent.

When he doesn't want to do something himself, he can leave it to others to do it.

Now, the new material factory is finally complete.

As long as the money is in place, everything will be broken.

The factory area and living area have also been built, and the laboratory has finally been built.

This is a very standard biochemical laboratory, hidden in the far corner of the factory area, and it is downwind.

The entire biochemical laboratory is also built in accordance with foreign standards and requirements, because there is no standard in China, so there is no way to refer to it.

After all, your own safety comes first.

Many of the experiments they conducted were poisonous, harmful, inflammable and explosive, so we still have to pay attention to prevent safety accidents.

Now, some equipment that can be bought in China is already in place.

Some equipment that needs to be ordered from abroad is already on the way.

The equipment in Jinmen has also been disassembled a long time ago, and is now in the stage of assembly and debugging.

During this period of time, everyone was so busy that they couldn't take their clothes off.

Only Shen Guanglin is relatively free, he just needs to grasp the general direction, he doesn't have too many things to do, instead he has time to go back to school to teach.

Many people came to listen to his class.

This is a class worth $5, so it feels like it's about my level.

Two classes, the first class is used for roll call, and the second class reads two whole lecture notes. If teaching is like this, I will also.

But Shen Guanglin doesn't care, whether you like to listen or not, anyway, the students have strong learning ability, and the lectures are just to solve puzzles.

Moreover, this is only a freshman course after all, how difficult it can be.

This was the second half of last year, and Shen Guanglin took another freshman class.

He didn't follow the previous class to upgrade, and he can give up if he kidnaps the good students in the class.

He teaches freshmen every year, and it is a public class. How many students can he bring out?

In the future, there will be countless memories of celebrities. My mentor was Professor Shen Guanglin...

Is it beautiful?
Look at the thighs?Off topic ha.

However, now Shen has changed his mind.

Because it is already 1984, the time traveler should understand by this time.

The new students entering the campus next year probably won't have a very good future. Shen Guanglin doesn't want to be someone who changes the times, so he can only change himself.

If he is able to lead this class of students, he is not going to continue to lead new students, and he is not even going to continue teaching undergraduate students.

He doesn't know what will happen in the future. People have no long-term worries, but they must have near-term worries.

It's always good to think long-term.

Shen Guanglin is really free now.

Everyone is busy like a dog, and he still has the mind to walk the dog.

The one being walked is of course rhubarb.

Rhubarb is also free when it is not being walked.

In the entire Fuyuanmen, everyone knows that this is Professor Shen's dog, and they love it consciously.

However, when Shen Guanglin started walking the dog, it was no longer free.

In fact, rhubarb is very obedient, even if it is not on a leash, it will not bite.

Dogs in this era are all running around, that is to say, when they come to Shen Guanglin, they have to be put on a rope and a mask made of wire.

Because if you don't wear a mask for it, it doesn't bite others, but bites Shen Guanglin himself.

This guy loves tearing trousers and wet shoes.

Later, when he went out again, Shen Guanglin put on pants for it, so he had to tease it even when it got wet.

But it was still not happy, until Shen Guanglin pointed to the Chaozu restaurant and said, "Do you see where this is? The hot pot here is very delicious. You should smell it hard."

Rhubarb is honest.

In fact, walking a dog on a leash is a habit.

When Shen Guanglin was growing up, walking the dog without a leash was a manifestation of lack of public morality.

But in this day and age, only Shen Guanglin and Lao Li are interested in taking their dogs for a walk.

Why do other people have the heart to walk their dogs? The purpose of keeping dogs is to not want to wipe their children's buttocks.

Just let the dog run around, and if you lose it, get another one.

Of course, Rhubarb never ran around when he was at home, and he also knew that he was fat, and it might be worse if he ran around.

Moreover, even if it sees a beautiful bitch, it will remain indifferent and sit still.

Because its most precious thing was already in the hands of a butcher surnamed Chen who died two years ago. He was obviously a pig butcher, so why didn't he do his job properly?

It has been remembered in my heart, and it has become a dull pain.

In the dead of night, it licks the scar and still thinks, if it didn't happen, he would already be full of children and grandchildren.


Shen Guanglin didn't have the heart to observe Rhubarb's thoughts, he hadn't gone out for a while, he was just thinking about management issues.

Great Wall Advanced Materials is a company, and it no longer exists like the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University.

A company must have a charter, a business direction, and a profit target.

Even though the company has $5000 million in cash, its primary goal is to stay alive.

Shen Guanglin thought very well at first, and produced monocrystalline silicon cells.

Actually it is not like this.

After all, there are too many ways for a product to go from the laboratory to the production line.

In the laboratory, cost is not considered, what is important is quality and effect.

However, for mass production, success is considered, that is, the yield rate.

The production of monocrystalline silicon solar cell components requires blank casting, cutting, cleaning, stringing, and packaging. Great Wall New Materials does not even have the same mature technology.

Let's take the simplest example: cleaning.

Can silicon wafers be cleaned with tap water?cannot.

If you want to pursue quality, you must use pure water or ultrapure water.

The RO membranes of this era are valuable, and a Middle Eastern country uses them to desalinate seawater.

It is possible to build a pure water production line in China, and selling water will have good benefits.

If you really want to produce crystalline silicon battery components, you have to import a complete production line first.

And to build such a production line, 5000 million US dollars may not be enough.

However, he was not without gains.

When Shen Guanglin reviewed the production equipment, he discovered that there is no ultrasonic cleaning machine in this era.

How can this be?

In fact, this is a misunderstanding of knowledge.

In real history, Fuso scientist Yoshihide Shibano published the basic theory of ultrasonic cleaning in 1987.

He believes that in ultrasonic cleaning, it is the vacuum air pocket that really plays a cleaning role, which redefines ultrasonic technology and promotes the development of the industry.

Now, this discovery has to be attributed to someone Shen.

This era is truly golden.

There are too many sheep in Fusang, and the wool cannot be gathered.

What else to say, quickly divide a few people from Zhang Cheng's group, and set up an ultrasound special group.

And such a surprise.

However, ultrasonic cleaners are common equipment after all. It is easy to apply for a patent, but it is difficult to control others from infringing.

It can also make money by making this, but the promotion cost is a bit high, so let’s use it as an alternative.

It is also time to make a decision on what the new material company will produce.

After much deliberation, Shen Guanglin decided to produce circuit boards and chips first.

It's also high-tech, and there are ready-made templates to replicate.

Lin Wenwei had to rush over from Singapore to guide the work.

He said that Singapore has always wanted to invite Shen Guanglin to give lectures, and many Chinese also want to know Mr. Shen.

Where is the time? Isn't this busy every day?

What are you busy doing?

Busy drinking mutton soup.

My aunt finally opened a mutton restaurant.

Hu spicy soup is not popular in the capital, but mutton soup is okay, and it is very delicious when paired with a few sesame seed cakes.

New Materials no longer offers 24-hour free meals.There is lunch. As for breakfast and dinner, you can eat it yourself, or eat it outside.

My aunt's mutton restaurant is located in the company's dormitory area, and the business is very good.

Even the old lady with little feet moved in to help. She can read and write, and she can collect money to settle accounts and clean up.

Everyone is used to doing farm work, not squeamish.

Not only that, but there is also a grocery store next to it. This is prepared by Shen Guanglin for his "aunt".

Of course there is no problem if you want to move here.

Learn without worrying.

Of course not.

Guo Chengcai had six of the best students from the Department of Chemistry of Capital University under his command, and Zhang Cheng had more than a dozen of the best students from the Department of Physics of Capital University under him.

They may not have other skills, but they have a lot of learning methods and test experience.

Even some people's reading notes are still preserved, Xiao Shen is very lucky.

With everyone's efforts, the framework of the new material factory was quickly built.

There is no shortage of technicians. Lin Wenwei sent a few technicians from Xinjiapo to guide, and all other key technicians and management personnel were transferred from Great Wall Electric in Jinmen.

Although Great Wall Electric is also short of manpower, it is always easier to change from 1 to 2 than from 0 to 1.

Therefore, it is self-evident how important the coal washing factory acquired by Shen Guanglin when he established Great Wall Electric was self-evident.

Starting from nothing is the hardest.

The next step is to arrange personnel. If there is a shortage of personnel, then a large number of recruits will be recruited.

Now the technical department of the Jinmen Great Wall Department is almost dominated by Jinmen University.

It only took one month, from the MOVE-IN of the equipment to the product off-line has been completed.

This also creates a great wall of speed.

(End of this chapter)

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