Start with a college teacher

Chapter 369 Research Funding

Chapter 369 Research Funding
The new material company started production.

After all, the area and scale of the factory are very large, and then the production capacity began to increase rapidly.

The industrial workers in the capital are really different. They don't need to be trained from scratch, they can be used immediately.

Of course, this wasn't dug out by someone, it was borrowed by Shen Guanglin, wouldn't it be okay to pay for it?

Lend me the workers, we will pay the wages, and we will give you an extra amount. Whatever their wages are, we will give you extra money in the factory.

Now, the borrowed workers are all powerful figures, and there are even legendary eighth-level workers.

The workers have come here, the income has increased, and the establishment is still there, how is everyone doing?
What their new material company produces is not materials, but various circuit boards and chips.

Among them, the largest quantity is for Shen Guanglin's learning machine in Shencheng, and some of them are control chips for refrigerators and washing machines.

The washing machine produced by Great Wall Electric has been able to provide one-stop service for cleaning and drying.

Refrigerators have also developed the function of keeping fresh at zero degrees. After all, Liberty is taking the road of overseas sales. If it does not develop quickly, how can it lead the world.

I dare not say anything else, but in terms of vision, Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Electrical Appliances beats the world.

Now, in order to show his merits, Lin Wenwei has also brought over some foreign trade orders.

Do the small orders by yourself, and bring the big orders to the boss.

The contracts are all big orders, costing millions of dollars. If all the raw materials are purchased in-house, then all the profits will be foreign exchange.

Is there such a good thing?

Low-end diodes can also earn foreign exchange?
Electronic oscillators, resistors, capacitors, these can earn foreign exchange.

Shen Guanglin's new material company placed a lot of orders to factories in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in one go, and agreed that all settlements will be made in foreign exchange. If you don't believe me, let's pay part of the money first.

Everyone is very happy. If you are willing to use foreign exchange for settlement, the price can be negotiated. It is no problem to be 30% cheaper.

As a result, upstream and downstream enterprises came out. Is this the so-called industrial chain?
There are more upstream companies, and the influence will come out immediately.

Then there is an endless stream of people coming to visit.

Visiting and studying is the most common group activity in this era.

From the beginning of "Learn from Daqing in Industry, Learn from Dazhai in Agriculture", various visiting and study groups have become popular.

If you want to travel, go to visit and study; if you don’t want to go to work, go to visit and study; reward employees, let them go to visit and study.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how Great Wall Electric responded. After all, it was Jinmen, and it was far away from Shen Guanglin, and he was not in charge of the business.

But here in the capital, Shen Guanglin could clearly feel that there must be too many people who came to visit and study.

Not to mention the locals in the capital, after all, they are the headquarters of various companies, so they should come to visit and study.

However, there are also many enterprises and institutions from other places who have heard the news, and they are called to learn advanced management experience.

How can our management experience be advanced?Isn't it just the introduction of several quality system documents, which other companies have been implementing for a long time.

Also, isn't it just that a few foreign devils with Western faces have been called from Singapore, why can't they speak Chinese?They can't speak Chinese, and Shen Guanglin doesn't want it.

The trend of thought in this era is very bad. Many people think that China is too backward and foreign countries are too advanced, so they think that everything abroad is good, and the moon in foreign countries is rounder.

Shen Guanglin seriously disagrees with this point of view, he is a nationalist, what's wrong.

Many people talk nonsense with their eyes open, talking about national quality. In foreign countries, the white-skinned foreigners must be the ones who run the red light first, while the Chinese who stand at the intersection and wait for the red light foolishly are Chinese people who have just left the country.

Now, Shen Guanglin gives speeches or interviews in many cases, and most of them answer in pure Chinese. Whether you want to listen or not, I have already received the money anyway.

Later, everyone also knew that when interviewing Shen Guanglin, you must prepare a translator. When he is happy, he will communicate with you in English, and if he is not happy, he will ignore you at all.

Who makes him an internationally renowned scientist? You can't do anything about him. Scientists, of course, can be willful.

Now, Shen Guanglin's new material company has become "famous" and has become a must-see scenic spot when traveling in the capital. It happened to visit Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School by the way. The Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan are not far away.

In fact, even after 40 years, visiting and studying is still a disguised form of rest and welfare system.

There was no way, Shen Guanglin was powerless to object, and could only make the best use of the situation.

You can come to visit and study, and the food expenses are at your own expense.

A group from out of town, right?Please pay for the accommodation fee yourself.

Do you want to visit Badaling?We also provide car service, but the cost should be borne by you.

The dormitory building, which was originally built a lot, can just be used, and it can be operated as a hotel, and it can also make a profit.

However, the new material company still pays the cost, and the reception staff must provide it themselves.

Always have a little product showcase.

The first floor of the office building is all used for honor exhibitions. Let's start with Shen Guanglin, what scientific research achievements he has completed, and what status these achievements have in the world.

Then there is the product line of Great Wall Company, from biological breeding to agricultural product cultivation, from clothing processing to electrical appliance manufacturing.

This is a large global company jointly controlled by several Chinese companies. The entire Great Wall Company has more than 7 employees.

The figure of 7 people is true, but they did not say that there are more than 5 people in the garment factory alone.

The number of overseas employees of Great Wall Company, that is, the group in Singapore, adds up to about 5000 people.

After the Honor Exhibition Center was built, special people were set up to explain it.

All the people who came to visit had a kind of admiration for Shen, or at least admiration, and the effect was very good.

Someone asked, Professor Shen holds shares in so many companies, is he very rich.

The answer here is that there is not much money, just enough to spend.

The funds used by Professor Shen's laboratory at Capital University were all collected from donations, but foreigners are not so generous. When the money was not enough, he had to use his own funds to make up for the hole.

When it comes to whether Professor Shen has money, of course he has money. When he goes out to give a lecture, foreign countries will pay him 5 US dollars for an appearance fee, but he is too busy and wants to devote himself to scientific research, so he will not go out if it is not necessary. .

Even the money he earned from his lectures was mostly invested in scientific research. Without money, how could he produce so many achievements.

After hearing this, everyone will think it makes sense. We Huaxia people are the smartest. The reason why there are few achievements in the past is because of insufficient funds.

At this time, the narrator began to give examples. For example, in an ordinary experiment, the cost of raw materials for one failure is 300 US dollars. They took 179 experiments before they succeeded. How much did they spend?
Visitors will calculate, oops, it costs more than 5, or US dollars.

Although it is a real story, it is obviously different after artistic processing.

However, letting the employees of the new material company be the narrator is always a bit lacking in voice and emotion, and it is still a bit rigid and not natural enough.

Then recruit people.

Lower the recruitment standards, IQ is no longer the first factor, appearance is.

The company immediately recruited a few good-looking girls from China Opera and Nortel to act as fronts.

You have worked here for a few years, I recommend you to go to major film crews to audition, especially you can go to Xiangjiang to shoot movies.

real or fake?of course it's true.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know that his film company made all salty films. It would be ridiculous when he got the title of a salty boss in the future.

Not to mention, China Opera and Nortel really know how to select students. Their company has recruited 4 interns who have not yet graduated, and each of them has a good image and good temperament.

Professional is different.

What people pay attention to is the shape of the sound table. After hearing it once, Shen Guanglin couldn't help but want to give them a raise.

A salary increase is not acceptable, breaking the salary system, it is always possible to increase bonuses.

Divide the house!Everyone has a share, and everyone has a set. As long as you are still working with me, this house will always be for you to live in.

In this day and age, even celebrities have to be paid, so it is a good choice to come to work here.

At least have a capital account.

These female employees are so popular that many male employees have to pass by the office building every day.

Just to let them see their chic figure.

Unfortunately, they only have Professor Shen in their eyes.

Every day, I have to study the brilliant image of Professor Shen in depth, and I want to introduce the great history of the company's development to the guests. If I want others to believe me, I must first believe it myself.

They really believed it.

Just like Lin Daiyu, she was immersed in it.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know how many fans he had gained.

Shen Guanglin did not have such a strong sense of accomplishment in the previous few ventures.

But this time is different, this time it can almost be regarded as Shen Guanglin did it himself.

Although he didn't do much, but he coordinated in the middle, which is his credit.

Recently, something happened that puzzled Shen Guanglin.

The school allocated 200 million RMB for him.

He didn't apply, what does that mean?
Who can blame this, who told you that the school did not cost a penny, and some leaders thought that Beijing University was targeting him.

With a conscience of heaven and earth, Capital University treats him like a treasure, giving him all kinds of love and freedom.If you want to take a class, you can, arrange it immediately; if you want to ask for leave, you can, someone will help you immediately.

If you want an invitation to visit, the school will give it to you immediately.

Do you want to go abroad?The school will help you immediately.

Not to mention taking the train and flying, although you paid for it yourself, you can't say that the school treats you harshly.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to take this money.

Perhaps, when the country has money, he may apply for research funding.

However, in the current situation, even military enterprises are fending for themselves, so he is a little uneasy about allocating funds.

His laboratory "wasted" more than 200 million dollars a year.

In Shen Guanglin's feeling, the universities of later generations are big dogs. If a school's budget does not exceed 985 million, it is a school that is not in the mainstream. Let alone [-], it may not even be able to pass a line.

For a normal secondary school, the annual "research" funding should exceed [-] million. Otherwise, with so many teachers, how can they survive?

In fact, there is another kind of bad imagination.

Shen Guanglin intuitively felt that if he spent the school's money, would they be able to take away his laboratory?

It's not that he likes to think in the dark, but he has seen how Brilliance Automobile lost its equity.

After spending the school's money, another leader will come over and say that the laboratory will be rectified. What will Shen Guanglin do?
At least the autonomy is gone.

Or make money and spend it comfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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