Chapter 371
This is Shen Guanglin's weakness.

In this situation, although you can't recite a poem, you should drink three cups.

Li Rong's persistence for several months was completely broken at this moment.

Serve wine, serve good wine.

Fortunately, the Jingcheng Hotel also has Moutai, as well as foreign wine.

The leader doesn't drink Moutai anymore, he wants to drink this wine when it will be gone, so let's take advantage of Zai Xiaoshen's opportunity to taste foreign wine.

"Hey, this wine is not good, it smells like traditional Chinese medicine." In fact, most foreign wines do not suit the palate of Chinese people, and many people drink foreign wine just to pretend.

Shen Guanglin deeply agrees with this.

"Do you need me to do something?" Shen Guanglin poured wine courteously, and at the same time ordered the waiter to bring the best dishes.

Compared with the kind of dishes that cost hundreds of thousands, the dishes of Jingcheng Restaurant are still cheap. Signature Tan family dishes such as yellow braised shark fin, clear soup bird's nest, Luohan prawns, etc. are already very expensive.

Those high-priced dishes in the capital usually come from mountain farmhouses or inconspicuous places. Under the banner of mountain delicacies, they are actually ordinary reservoir fish, domestic chickens and ducks.

But why are they expensive? It's because the person who takes you to dinner is expensive.

What you eat is not food, but relationship.

Not to mention, everything is in the meal.

Everyone is their own person, and the school leader told Shen Guanglin what he should pay attention to.

Go back and be honest, don't make any fools, write an application and report it up early, and unite with the old comrades. Some people can't make things happen, but they can do bad things.

But don't worry too much. As one of the three major university organizations, their advantages in Beijing University are still obvious. They have enough old students and influence. They and Wudaokou Technical School are the Guanlong family in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Although the Academy of Sciences is powerful, they are not united and have a complex composition of personnel. That is the Wagang Army, which is not worth mentioning.

Full of wine and food.

Everyone came with joy and returned with joy.

This meal was quite worthwhile, worthy of the status of the Beijing Hotel, and worthy of Shen Guanglin's hospitality.

For Shen Guanglin, the two things the leader said are actually very important. One of them is about the trademark, and the other is about the selection of faculty members.

Shen Guanglin decided to write the application when he went back.

In the past few years, the lack of selection of academic committee members is not because the door has been closed, but because the attractiveness of academic committee members has declined.

It is difficult for everyone to support themselves, and serving as a member of the academic department does not bring much benefit, so why should it be used.

However, the issue of trademark registration must be taken seriously.

Last year, West Germany's Dazhong Automobile and Modu Automobile reached a cooperation and started the magical journey of Poussin.

At the same time, two other units also want to come to China to test the waters. Mercedes-Benz plans to set up an office in Xiangjiang first, just to find a name with a better translation.

Therefore, they are optimistic about Mercedes-Benz, but this business watch has been used up.

They were still thinking about whether to spend some money to acquire the name, but some people said, no, just let them give up the trademark.

Because the contact information of the trademark registrant is Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Jingcheng University, they took it for granted that the trademark belonged to Jingcheng University.

This was the scene where the school leader mentioned Shen Guanglin.

In fact, this trademark belongs to someone Shen. After all, a company in Xiangjiang also belongs to someone Shen.

It is impossible not to pay attention to this matter, and the rule of law is also inseparable from the rule of men, so it is still necessary to prevent them from giving and receiving privately.

In case, there are some investment terms, and some leaders reciprocate and cook raw rice into cooked rice, wouldn't that be in vain?

Since the Western face is so easy to use, this matter is also simple.

There are not many other things in Xiangjiang, but there are quite a few down-and-out foreign devils. It is good to have a few of them come here to act as a facade.

Men can't do it, but you can fix a few women, and the female foreign women are more pleasing to the eye.

If Shen Guanglin stepped forward for this kind of thing, they might not give face.

On the contrary, let the foreign devils come to fight, and they have to pay attention to it.

When Shen Guanglin registered his trademarks, these trademarks covered a wide range.

Automobiles, electronics, electrical appliances, smart products, and catering, almost cover all the scope of business.

Probably, any big brand is like this, they don't do anything else, just to keep your competitors from disgusting you.

There are English people and lawyers in Liu's company. Shen Guanglin urgently dispatched them to the Trademark Office to investigate the situation.

The result was not bad. The investigation team from Xiangjiang rushed to the capital, but the other party did not give away their trademark as a favor. It was just a false alarm. The trademark was still under their name and was not used for other purposes.

However, this motion is indeed there, but it has not yet been implemented.

so close!

Ever since he knew that the school was going to put him on a horse and send him off, Shen Guanglin was full of energy.

Neither Shen Guanglin's laboratory nor the new material factory went.

His job is to be a teacher, to teach. Others are not important. The most important thing is to teach and educate people.

Now, Shen Guanglin is preparing and attending classes in the office every day, translating foreign teaching materials, and following up with advanced technology.

Moreover, he began to participate in the seminars of the teaching and research group, and he was not absent from the democratic life meeting held by the college. He even actively participated in the Sanitation Movement. This enthusiasm is full of enthusiasm, even more enthusiastic than that of the young man who just graduated.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin still has a few senior assistants, and there are many things that don't need to be done personally.

They have followed Shen Guanglin for several years and know his habits, so they cooperated very well.

Since Shen Guanglin changed his thinking, the welfare of the whole school has improved a lot. Great Wall Electronics donated a batch of living materials to Capital University, and each teacher can distribute some practical small appliances. Everyone thinks that Xiao Shen is quite good. Will be human.

I haven't been to the laboratory for a long time, and when I went again, I found that my cousin, Shen Houdao, was also there.

Moreover, he was copying study materials.

It's a little rare, he actually knows how to study?

"Don't be in a hurry, let's have lunch together. I haven't seen you for a long time. How is your study?" Shen Guanglin's love for his cousin was something no one could understand, not even Li Rong.

Isn't he just a cousin, does he need to be so caring? He is even closer than his own son.

Alas, how should I put it, Li Rong doesn't understand.

But, who knew that Shen Houdao belonged to Xiaoqiang, he couldn't be beaten to death, and he was easy to beat.He has his own ideas at every turn, and his execution ability is very strong, and it takes a lot of effort to correct them.

He is good at everything else, but he is a bit rebellious and doesn't like to study.

This time he took the initiative to copy the study materials, and Shen Guanglin felt that his efforts were not in vain.

However, after a few glances at it, Shen Guanglin felt something was wrong. Why would you make five or six copies of a study note? Isn't that a waste of paper?

Shen Guanglin stopped his next move and asked him what was going on.

"Several classmates think my study notes are good and want to borrow them for use. I will bring a copy for them."

Shen Houdao smiled sincerely, but the corners of his eyes couldn't help turning to the other direction. This is a habit Shen Houdao has had for so many years, and it happens every time he lies.

If Shen Guanglin didn't know him well enough, he would have been fooled.

"Whoever wants the information, tell me the name, and I will go to the school to verify."

"Zhao Jinjun, Liu Yang, Marshal Zhang, Li Caihua, Liu Sijun"

He didn't stumble when he spoke, and it seemed that it wasn't a lie in this respect, so Shen Guanglin asked in a different direction.

"Did you take their money for photocopying these study notes?"

Shen Guanglin's grasp was very precise, and Shen Houdao's expression immediately became a little unnatural:

"No, no,... yes, I took the money." Shen honestly admitted that he knew that Shen Guanglin would not beat him, but only let the old man beat him.

Now the old man is still in Jinling, he is not afraid.

"Brother Lin, these study materials are very useful! You see, this book belonged to Li Liang, the number one scholar in Qilu the year before last, and this one belonged to Ma Chenglin, the number one scholar in Suzhou Province. Book"

Shen Guanglin didn't listen to him and continued, "How much do you charge them for a copy?"


"Your classmate."

"It's 3 yuan a book, they only have so much money, after all, they are students in their own class, so they can't be too dark.

"Then do you know how much it costs you to copy such a copy?" Now that printers with copying functions are rare, Shen Hou said that if you use it like this, 3 yuan will not be able to recover the cost.

"No money, it's all free." Shen Houdao said confidently: "Why do you ask for money for your things, we are like brothers."

Smoke rose from Shen Guanglin's seven orifices, "Yes, I don't want your money, so I don't need money to buy it."

"Anyway, I haven't seen you use it. It's just a decoration if you don't use it. I'll help you use it. This is called running-in. You need to run-in a tank of gasoline to buy a motorcycle.

Shen Guanglin really wanted to kill him.

However, this is a business opportunity discovered by Shen Houdao after all. Shen Guanglin decided to mention it: "This business can be done, but it needs to be standardized, scaled up, and formed into a team."

"How do you say? I already have a group of people in my hand." Shen Hou said goodbye, but he is quite talented in attracting people.

"Are you forming a clique at school to bully your younger classmates? I'm going to tell my uncle, you've been doing something wrong at school, and see if he beats you." This is also Shen Guanglin's trump card, and it's almost tried and tested.

"Don't! Brother, you are my own brother. I beg you. The old man beats people too hard. One beating can hurt for a week. He beats me as easily as if he is addicted to it. Don't fight me." .Hey, when I have a son, I will do the same."

Shen Guanglin:
We can't continue talking about this topic, let's get down to business.

"Your idea is very good. It is very promising to make teaching supplementary materials. Just do junior high school students and senior high school students. Let your teachers write junior high school textbooks. High school teaching supplementary materials can use the student notes of these famous universities. Find someone The printing house prints it, then hires a bunch of kids to sell it, and gives them a commission."

Shen Houdao thought about it for a while, the more he thought about it, the more he knew.

This thing can be done!Make more money than opening a grocery store.

Only then did Shen Houdao feel that it was not accidental that his cousin was able to succeed.

I earned dozens of dollars and am still complacent there.

Shen Guanglin's direct move is to fully occupy the capital's teaching aid market.

(End of this chapter)

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