Start with a college teacher

Chapter 372 Spring Break

Chapter 372 Spring Break
Shen Guanglin originally decided to change his past and work honestly.

Facts have proved that he is not someone who can sit still.

The unruly and freedom-loving nature cannot be changed, and his temperament is just like that, both cowardly and courageous.

Shen is very yearning to find a quiet place in the bustling city, but he can't survive if he is really given a place where he can live alone.

Honestly, he had been teaching at school for less than two months, and finally he couldn't sit still anymore, and he wanted to go out and have a blast.

Of course, the reason is also very good, he wants to go abroad to inspect the production equipment.

The orders of new material companies have increased significantly, and some imported equipment still needs to be purchased, and some new production lines and new production processes want to be introduced.

There is no need to do these things by yourself. In fact, Lin Wenwei or others can do the same well. However, Shen Guanglin decided to lead the team out on his own. He hasn't been abroad for a long time. This time he plans to go to Fusang.

After all, Fusang is the center of semiconductors in the world. He wants to go there to see how advanced and lonely Fusang's semiconductor industry is.

It is said that in this era, Fuso's semiconductor industry was completely beating Citigroup.

I don't know when it started, and I don't know the reason, but slowly they lost the chain.

There is also a reason why Shen Guanglin brought people from the new material factory to visit this time. Without Shen Guanglin's participation, it is estimated that those chip manufacturers may not let them visit their core production areas, but with the name of a top scientist, everything It's all different.

Of course, I don't know why the timing is so coincidental. This time just happens to be Fusang's spring break.

The school year in Fusang is from April of this year to March of the next year, which is different from other countries in the world.

Therefore, their spring vacation starts in late March and ends in late April, and the length of the vacation is about one month, but it is a very weird way to take a vacation at this time.

Of course, Fusang also has a new year, but they celebrate the New Year in the Gregorian calendar, and the traditional New Year in the first month has been abandoned after the Meiji Restoration.

This time when he came to Fusang, Shen Guanglin didn't tell Li Li in advance, but he was going to give her a surprise. Of course, he also wanted to see if it was frightening.

After all, it had been a long time since Fusang came, and he still felt a little uneasy and guilty in his heart.

Really busy with work.

He really has something to do, no matter in Xiangjiang or in the capital, there are reasons why he can't leave, what else can he do, buy some gifts and bribe him.

As for those who came here with Shen Guanglin, they were all from their new material company. Many of them were going abroad for the first time, and they felt extremely novel.

Fuso is really strong.

Some people even didn't believe what Shen Guanglin said, Huaxia would be stronger than them in the future.

But looking at Shen Guanglin's confidence as the number one in the world, they felt that they were full of fighting spirit, at least we were working hard.

Shen Guanglin also took them to inspect Sharp, Toshiba, Todian and other companies, planning to purchase some production equipment and discuss some cooperation models.

Of course, Shen Guanglin did not participate in the entire negotiation process. He was the chief scientist and the introducer.

Sometimes we lament that Fusang people have a really good sense of secrecy. When you buy their equipment, they even set up a tent when they debug. You are not allowed to watch the whole process.

However, sometimes they would be extremely generous. This was the case when Shen Guanglin was invited to inspect the production line. All technical secrets were open, and they even asked Shen Sang if he had any good suggestions.

Of course there are. Shen Guanglin gave some directions for the development of the industry, but he also said that this is just a family opinion. As for whether the Fusang people believe it or not, he doesn't know.

In Dong@京电子, Shen Guanglin made a good move. He wanted to buy vapor phase deposition equipment, which he said would be used to produce football ene. He also gave some technical characteristics of PECVD and MOCVD in the future. These requirements TEL listened to overnight organization differentiation Yes, they believe that the development direction proposed by Professor Shen is insightful, and they will definitely arrange production immediately, and ask Shen Sang to try out the latest prototype as soon as possible.

After the work is over, you can go back on your own. Teacher Shen has other things to do, so I won't be with you.

Next is a shopping trip.

After wandering around Ginza for a long time, Shen Guanglin didn't know what to buy, so Shen Guanglin ruled out all clothes, cosmetics, shoes, and bags, because she didn't lack these things, and there was nothing new about them.

Then, he saw a jewelry store.

Shen Guanglin often buys watches, but this is the first time he buys jewelry.

He feels that whether buying a diamond ring or a necklace is a simple and vulgar behavior, no matter how exquisite the bracelet is, it is no more advanced than his Hainan Huanghuali bracelet. These are the beads he personally cared and learned from a certain browser. of.

However, at this stage of life, what women desire may be jewelry, especially jewelry with different meanings.

Young people in the new era like Shen Guanglin are usually insulated from jewelry stores. Before time travel, who is worthy of his nostalgia here? With that in mind, it is better to spend some money to play a few airborne games.

Fusang's jewelry store is similar in style to Xiangjiang's, and I don't know who copied who. Anyway, there is no such consumer market in China in this era.

There were not many people in the jewelry store, only a young couple sprinkled dog food while looking at the diamond ring.

The female clerk saw Shen Guanglin coming in alone, and to be honest, she was a little disappointed. He came in alone, and he probably didn't need many things.

However, the customer is God, and the waiter bowed deeply, "Welcome Guanglin, what can I do for you?"

At a glance, there is such a deep ditch, the old man wants to talk about being a teenager.

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, and looked at the counters one by one. These things were not worth his stay for too long.

"Sir, may I help you?"

I bowed again, and the sand blinded my eyes again, so white.

Not for nothing, Shen Guanglin finally replied in English: "Diamond ring and diamond bracelet."

The waitress understood and gestured, "This way please."

Shen Guanglin understands Fusang language, so she doesn't need to use such rich body language, he just doesn't know how to speak, and what he really masters is probably "one library, one library" and other vocabulary.

The waiter didn't look too big even if he was straight. Why is it so unexpected to bend over?

Shen Guanglin sat down, and the waiter began to introduce the styles and brands. In addition to Fusang products in their store, they also represent some European and American brands.

The young lovers felt quite strange when they saw Shen Guanglin buying a diamond ring alone and whispering among themselves, and when they heard that he spoke English, they immediately felt that he was a foreigner.

The waitress asked where Shen Guanglin was from, and Shen Guanglin said that he was from Huaxia.

The waiter's expression didn't change, but the young couple watching began to laugh, "Is he rich? I heard that the annual salary of Chinese people is less than ours for more than a month."

"But people also have the right to appreciate jewelry."

Shen Guanglin didn't pay much attention to style, he only looked at the price, and silently calculated the exchange rate in his heart, but the waitress might be considering his spending power, and the things he brought out were getting cheaper and cheaper.

"I don't want any of these, show me the most expensive one." Shen Guanglin finally got impatient. These things are all pretty, but they are too cheap.

"Well," the waiter glanced at the direction of the security guard, assessed the situation, and then said with a smile, "Sir, the most important thing to give jewelry to your girlfriend or lover is your heart. There is no need to buy expensive things. Diamonds are actually just carbon elements, if you want to buy them, I suggest you buy some gold or silver ones and pack them up.”

This waiter is okay, she can still think about the guests, she didn't act like a dog's eyes and looked down on others as Shen Guanglin imagined, and then waited for Shen Guanglin to come and slap her in the face.

The service of Fusang is still good. The bosses of those department stores in China must have an impatient look: "I love shopping, if you don't buy it, leave, and don't block the way of customers behind."

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir." The waitress really went to get the most expensive jewelry. Anyway, there are no customers today. This gentleman is quite handsome, so it's good to show him.

The young couple stopped picking jewelry, and just silently watched Shen Guanglin pretending to be aggressive, to see if he would really buy the most expensive things in the store.

The waitress came over and brought some dazzling bracelets and rings. The diamonds were indeed the size of peanuts, not even the size of pigeon eggs.

It turned out that the most expensive jewelry was nothing more than this. Shen Guanglin knew it well, and the converted price was only about [-] US dollars.

This is indeed the treasure of the town store, no matter how expensive it is, it must be customized.

"That bracelet is beautiful."

Women like shiny things, watching the waitress take out a string of diamond bracelets, the big ones are at least two or three carats, and the small ones are fifty or sixty, very delicate and dazzling.

"When we save money, I'll buy you a bracelet like this. That Chinese person will definitely not be able to afford it, just wait and see." The man said that he is not a stingy person, but the temporary economic conditions do not allow it. Let's watch the show first.

"Sir, the most expensive jewelry in our store is here. This kind of product is not easy to sell. It has not been sold here for a year. It is not worth buying it. Money is not everything in love."

Shen Guanglin wanted to recruit this waiter away. Such a person is suitable to be the front desk of his company.

"But what should I do if I only have money? Money can't buy love, but money can drive away rivals." Shen Guanglin said with a smile.

Soon, Shen Guanglin made his choice.

Two women's diamond rings and two bracelets of similar styles add up to $13, which is really not cheap.

The waiter was surprised to see that Shen Guanglin really had spending power.

Because this person really took out a Citibank card, successfully swiped the card and left.

It took only 5 minutes before and after, which is Shen's real speed, not longer than the time it takes to buy a pack of cigarettes.

(End of this chapter)

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