Start with a college teacher

Chapter 373 Friendship

Chapter 373 Friendship
When Shen Guanglin came over, Li Li was going to attend a sorority party, but she didn't go to steal wild men.

She is not an emotional person, few people can affect her emotions, even Shen Guanglin seldom sees the moment when she is particularly emotional.

Unless it was at a certain moment, which gave Shen some sense of accomplishment, at other times, Li Li looked calm and breezy.

Since studying abroad for graduate school last year, Li Li has quickly adapted to the pace of her postgraduate studies.

It is still different from when I was in college. When I was a graduate student, I had more free time, and there were fewer courses. I spent more time on self-study or the teacher just played the role of solving doubts.

It is really rare to stand in a classroom in a classroom in the undergraduate period.

But she is still very busy.

Makoto Kobayashi's laboratory is not so easy to treat, they are always busy.

In fact, not only Kyoto University, but in the laboratories of some top universities, they do not have a prophet like Shen Guanglin. Many scientific and technological discoveries are made by trial and error bit by bit.

Yes, they have top minds, but they are more diligent.

Here, women are used as men, and men are used as animals.

7 days a week, 24 hours a day, a total of 168 hours a week, but the working hours of some laboratories are maintained at more than 100 hours for a long time, and some even 110 hours, otherwise, how to take the lead in scientific research competition .

Even though it was spring break, Li Li didn't have much free time.

Fusang is further to the east. She wakes up early at 4:[-] every day. She goes to the stadium for a few laps, then goes back to take a shower, and then goes to the laboratory for experiments or soaks in the library all day.

With Xiao Lincheng's care, she didn't have to do those boring and repetitive experiments.

However, everyone in the laboratory is working overtime, and she is too embarrassed to be idle, so she often stays with them until after 10 o'clock in the evening before going back to rest.

Li Li's friend Zhang Yue has also graduated, so she didn't continue her studies. Shen Guanglin introduced her to a job, and stayed in Xiao Lincheng's laboratory to do back office work and take care of Li Li by the way.

This is her task.

Zhang Yue did a good job, reporting Li Li's thoughts to Shen Guanglin from time to time.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin was always able to grasp the basic information about Li Li at the first time.

Now, within Kyoto University, there are basically not many people harassing Li Li. After all, her social circle is very small, and everyone who knows her well knows that she is from Shen Sang.

However, there is such a group, they don't know the depth, they probably covet Li Li's beauty, and often ask her to participate in various activities.

This group is called Huaxia International Students Association in Fusang, headquartered in Tokyo, and has branch organizations in various places.

The internal membership of this organization is complex, and indeed there are positive aspects, but there are even more negative aspects.

About two years ago, Shen Guanglin hit one of Li Li's suitors, who seemed to be a guy surnamed Qin who came from around the corner.

Now that person has disappeared, but Li Li seems to have a new suitor.

The International Student Association is a very annoying organization. They are used to moral kidnapping, often hold various activities, and always like to call Li Li.

Although, she won't come most of the time, and sometimes even if she does, she won't participate in the entertainment.

Because of Zhang Yue's presence, he was able to fend off many flies, but some big blowflies were the most annoying, always staring at people and harassing them.

This year's spring break has begun, and there are new international students coming.

At this time of year, the International Students Association will organize large-scale team building activities,
They had told Li Li a long time ago and hoped that she would be able to attend.

It was really hard to resist, and since the welcome fellowship really made sense, Li Li still agreed.

After all, people are social animals. The new batch of overseas students are here to report. Do you want to kiss or not? People from your hometown.

When Shen Guanglin came over, it happened that Li Li was going to participate in an event. Coincidentally, let's go together.

With Zhang Yue around, Shen Guanglin only took out the necklace and bracelet, but not the ring.

Amidst the booing, Li Li still put it on, making it even more beautiful.

"Mr. Shen, I have worked hard to accompany Lily, so don't I have some condolences?" After all, the relationship is already very close, and Zhang Yue and Shen Guanglin were joking.

Of course, Shen Guanglin took out a gift from the jewelry store, which was also worth several thousand dollars, and Zhang Yue happily accepted it.

"Mr. Shen, I love you so much, Lily and I will marry you together."

"Marry my dad? Do you want to be my stepmother? I thank him for the old man." But the scene of his cousin marrying Zhang Yue appeared in Shen Guanglin's mind. Oh, I can't even think about it, what should I do during dinner?
Every time I eat, I think of the first time I saw her.

The place where the fraternity was held was in a student club, and the students who entered with a ticket stopped Shen Guanglin and asked who he was.

Shen Guanglin said generously: "I am Li Li's husband in China, and I am here to spend the holiday with her.

The student guarding the gate struggled for a long time, and then asked the person in charge of the fraternity association to let him in.

Because if Shen Guanglin couldn't go in, Li Li and Zhang Yue wouldn't go in either. Many people just waited for Li Li's arrival to participate in this kind of friendship.

Not everyone has the enthusiasm to help new students studying abroad.

The student leader of the fraternity gave a speech on the stage, and the speaker gave some precautions for studying in Fusang. The words revealed the beauty of Fusang and the poverty of China.

No wonder Li Li didn't want to participate in this kind of activity, and Shen Guanglin didn't want her to participate either, it would simply ruin a group of people.

Noisy on the stage, the audience does not stop.

Li Li took out a book to read, and occasionally asked Shen Guanglin some questions and opinions about the field of quantum mechanics.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin can still fool around, because the quantum entanglement theory was originally carried forward by Shen Guanglin. In this field, he has the most say. This is what Li Li admires Shen Guanglin.

However, most of the time, when Li Li asked Shen Guanglin professional questions, he would not answer them. He said that when two people get along, don't confuse life with work.

In fact, he was a little timid in his heart, but Li Li couldn't tell if he didn't say anything, and thought it was his style.

An international student from another school watched Shen Guanglin and Li Li whispering to each other, feeling very uncomfortable, and couldn't help asking: "Student, are you from the same school as Li Xuejie? Why haven't you been together before?"

Zhang Yue looked aside and smiled, which meant that the challenger came again.

Shen Guanglin was naturally not afraid: "Oh, I'm not a classmate in her school, I didn't study, I'm her man, I made money in China for her to study."

Shen Guanglin smiled very honestly, but Li Li couldn't find anything wrong with what he said. Shen Guanglin didn't study. He used to be a teacher when Li Li was still studying at Capital University.

"It should be easier now. I heard that Li Xuejie's laboratory is paid."

"Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't have the money to buy a plane ticket to sleep with her. I haven't slept in the same bed with her for a long time." Shen Guanglin touched Li Li's cheek with his hand as he spoke, Li Li didn't show any expression , just tilted his head and rubbed his palm cooperatively, and then continued to read.

The foreign student was so jealous, this intimate gesture was too hurtful.

"You spend the money she earns now?"

"It's not now, but she started spending the money she earned last year. She went to study abroad before the child was weaned, and now the whole family is pointing at her.

As for earning a living, thanks to Fusang’s high wages, I can go to the Friendship Store to buy some foreign wine from time to time to pass the boring time. "

"She has kids? Yours?"

Before Shen Guanglin could continue to answer, Zhang Yue couldn't stand it any longer, so she burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at? I didn't marry you. You don't want to sleep in our bed tonight." Shen Guanglin became 'angry' and said to Zhang Yue dissatisfied.

"This classmate sleeps with you at night?" The international student's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Well, they live in a dormitory. There is only one bed in the dormitory, which is only 1.5 meters. The three of us are really crowded."

Is this a crowded thing? This international student doesn’t want to talk anymore. Although Zhang Yue is not as good-looking as Li Li, she still has a score of over 80. She took it out alone, and she is also a goddess-like figure. She actually slept with this ordinary person A bed.

It's too ruinous.

Everyone is not talking.

Next came the cultural performance time, and the talents of foreign students were quite broad. Some sang "The Son-in-law", some sang "On the Water Side", and some sang "Story of a Small Town".

Although Teresa Teng is no longer developing in Fusang, she is still the most popular female star in China in Fusang, the kind that has never been seen before or since.

In the past, Liu Yifei, the fairy sister, also went to Fusang to develop and released records, but the result was a complete defeat.

Shen Guanglin is not sorry that her development is not good, but it is a pity that she did not produce some meaningful educational films when she came to Fusang.

Then there was poetry recitation, where one of the international students recited: "Fusang is my second hometown, its moon is rounder, and the air is sweeter."

Shen Guanglin couldn't listen anymore, so he told Li Li let's go.

At this time, the host's words sounded on the stage: "The male companion of our beautiful classmate Li Li will be invited to perform a wonderful show for everyone, everyone is warmly welcome."

Just knew they would.

Shen Guanglin said, "Do you have a piano here? I want to sing a song with piano accompaniment."

There really are, in the world.

Shen Guanglin asked someone to bring it up, tried the sound briefly, and it was not bad.

"The big sword slashed at the heads of the devils,
Patriotic compatriots across the country,

The day of war has come!

The day of war has come!

In front are soldiers of workers and peasants,
There are people from all over the country behind.

Our military and civilians march forward bravely in unity,

Spot the enemy,
Kill it, kill it!
The big knife cut off the devils' heads."

(End of this chapter)

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