Start with a college teacher

Chapter 374 A Better Choice

Chapter 374 A Better Choice
The sorority ended with Shen Guanglin's untimely singing.

His unsightly behavior made everyone very dissatisfied.

Singing whatever song on some mountain top, when you are on the territory of Fusang, don't do such things that make everyone unhappy.

Shen Guanglin said, it is not my duty to make you happy, I have the right to be patriotic.

Get him expelled from the International Student Association!

However, this person did not join this organization, he just came here with Li Li.

But to expel Li Li, many people are still reluctant.

Everyone still has unrealistic fantasies, what if the goddess gets close to him.

The meeting was over, and the secretary of the fraternity asked Li Li why she was going, and there was a dinner party later, asking her if she would go.

Shen Guanglin replied on her behalf: "I don't have time. I'm very busy with my schedule in Fusang. We're going to open a room now. I brought the baby here, and she wants to breastfeed the baby."

The secretary stopped talking, and classmate Li already has a child?

Li Li was also a little embarrassed, she whispered to Shen Guanglin: "When did I have a child? I still have to breastfeed the child."

"I'm still a child." Shen Guanglin replied.

Sheraton, threesome.

Shen Guanglin's original plan was to invite Zhang Yue to dinner and then let her go, but she refused, and said that I have never stayed in such a good hotel.

There are many places she hasn't lived in, so let's open one for her.

Isn't it just $300 a day, what a big deal.

Shen Guanglin also said, you can live next door to us, don't come knocking on my door in the middle of the night, or you will be nice to me.

"I'm missing a man right now, if I have a man to nourish me, will I be like this, huh!"

Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk to her, he kicked Zhang Yue out.

Finally returned to the world of two people.

very nice.

A dense atmosphere began to brew in the air.

The next action is naturally to take a bath, and then to do what should be done but not allowed to write.

As people grow older, people do change. Li Li's body is indeed more mature, and her figure has developed better. She is no longer the original pair of A's, but now she is also in B size.

As for CDEF, Shen Guanglin is not superstitious.

Not to mention the artificial ones, most of the ones that can grow to this size naturally are short and fat.

Poor breasts are standard for tall beauties.

The battle lasted two hours.

After the first break of the cloud and rain, Shen Guanglin still had some ceremonial things to give her, and that was the diamond ring.

Of course, in addition to the diamond ring, a car key.

This car is now parked in the garage of the Sheraton Hotel.

Before coming to Fusang, Shen Guanglin called the little prince. He wanted the best sports car and asked him if he had any recommendations.

In the concept of the little prince, the best sports car is naturally Ferrari.

It happened that the little prince had a red limited-edition Testa Ross that hadn't been driven yet, so he asked someone to deliver it right away.

No matter for Shen Guanglin or the little prince, this car is not expensive, only 160 million US dollars.

When Shen Guanglin led the delegation to visit, the car had already been transported to Kyoto. Shen Guanglin put the car in the hotel in advance, and it was to be given to Li Li.

In fact, what Li Li valued more was the diamond ring.

When Shen Guanglin gave her the bracelet and necklace, she didn't care, she took them with a smile, but she was not happy from the bottom of her heart.

Shen Guanglin gave her a ring, and she was really happy.

Turning on the horse, it's another journey.

Shen Guanglin had a premonition that he would not last long in the country.

From the new year to now, his sister Li Rong has stopped letting him drink and smoke. He knows why.

Maybe, we really have to go this far.

At most, that is to persist for another year or two.

There is no problem with my sister, but he hasn't made arrangements for my sister.

"Give me one like this first, you can wear it first, and I'll order a bigger one for you later." Shen Guanglin was very guilty, because he was reluctant to part with everyone.

It's nonsense to love only one person in your life.

Who hasn't had their first love yet.

Naturally, Shen Guanglin's first love was not the Li Li sisters. His first love would go back to his junior high school days, when he liked a girl, the kind he liked very much.

At that time, his confession was carried out through phone text messages. At that time, the functions of mobile phones were not advanced enough. He had to encrypt and lock the text messages sent back to him by girls, fearing that the subsequent text messages would overwrite the previous information.

Later, the text messages were full, and he was reluctant to delete every text message, so that new text messages could not come in.

Until another day, he saw the girl's mobile phone, and found a lot of other people's messages in the sent one, the content was similar to what was given to him.

In terms of importance, he probably ranks fourth.

From then on, Shen Guanglin believed that love without supervision is not true love.

He doesn't have time for a 65-page PPT.

"Are you going to marry my sister this year?" Li Li lay in Shen Guanglin's arms, drawing circles on his chest.

After two battles, both of them were very tired.

"I don't know either. It depends on your parents' arrangements. I don't have any elders who can make decisions in my own family. Everything is up to Lao Li." Shen Guanglin felt that it is very likely that their affairs will enter a new era after Li Rong graduates. It's the stage, but it's not easy to tell Li Li about this matter.

However, he certainly cannot give his sister a title, unless he immigrates to Saudi Arabia.

Li Li didn't ask for more. She felt that her current life was actually pretty good, and she didn't meet anyone better, and she didn't have any idea of ​​finding another one. The only problem now was that Shen Guanglin wasn't with her. around.

Shen Guanglin gave a suggestion: "How about you go back to China and work in Jinmen? I will build a laboratory for you, and you will be the director. You can also go to Jinmen University or Nankai University to teach and preside over the laboratory by the way."

"Let's talk about it, you're going to go shopping with me tomorrow." Li Li hasn't figured out what to do yet, and we'll talk about it after she graduates from graduate school.

"No problem, I will be with you throughout the holiday. The world is not as big as you."

Shen Guanglin decided to give Li Li the best living conditions. He is already worth 10 billion US dollars, and he should do things that meet his worth.

The next day, Li Li went to the laboratory to pack her things, and Shen Guanglin stopped at the gate of the university.

Outside the car, stood a young girl with long hair and a shawl, and she was tapping on the window lightly.

Shen Guanglin rolled down the car window and frowned: "Are you? What's the matter?"

The girl had exquisite facial features and a pure face. She looked at the car and Shen Guanglin, and said hesitantly, "I haven't seen this kind of car before. Can I go in and have a look?"

It seems that Fusang also has green tea, which is not the legendary medicine.

Had he known that Ferrari had this charm, he would have bought one a long time ago.

Unfortunately, this is Kyoto, and Li Li will be leaving soon.

If it was before the crossing, Shen Guanglin would agree, and he would even go fishing at the gate of the university with various drinks.

After all, the Porsche 911 is a good car.

However, now Shen Guanglin still wanted to refuse.

He could only shake his head, "I still have something to do, you can find someone else." After speaking, he was about to close the window.

The girl began to say something inexplicable, "I lost some money in this place yesterday, and I don't know who picked it up. I can thank you in every way."

At this moment, Li Li came out, graceful and graceful, and compared with this girl, the verdict was decided.

"No, I have better options."

(End of this chapter)

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