Chapter 379 Meeting
The lawsuit finally came.

Shen Guanglin had a hunch for a long time, and he felt it when the game console sold well.

Nintendo's response was indeed quite fast.

There are two well-known litigators in the game field, with Nintendo at the top and Goose Factory at the back.

Nintendo is that he bids farewell to others and is almost invincible. He has achieved one peak after another, and gnawed hard bones one after another;

In Goose Factory, others sue him and always fail to sue him, and he will always be sure when he sues others.

Seeing that one after another those who defended their rights and interests returned home.

Shen Guanglin didn't know about other cases, but the infringement lawsuit between Goose Factory and BNB was simply protracted and can be called a classic.

In the end, the goose factory really won the case.

The reason is that every line of code in the Goose Factory is typed out by myself, and there is no patent for the gameplay of the game. People copy your ideas without copying your code.

go cry.

Come on, let's go to Xiangjiang again.

It is estimated that Shen Guanglin still needs to sit down and direct this matter.

Otherwise, they have no confidence in their hearts.

There are so many helplessness in life.

Originally, I wanted to come out to spend a month in peace and freedom, but people are still people with social attributes after all, and there are always things to do that cannot be avoided.

Shen Guanglin took Li Li and prepared to go to Xiangjiang again.

Li Li didn't have anything to say, she just said what to do with the wedding photos, they haven't been washed out yet.

When the time comes to mail it to Fusang, what else can I do.

Where to honeymoon is not the degree, the most important thing is to see who is with you.

Li Li agreed.

It was not difficult to go through the check-in procedures. They went back to Los Angeles and went to the consulate to re-apply for the visa, and then they got the air ticket to Xiangjiang very quickly. If they had money, everything went smoothly.

However, they didn't live in the newly bought villa when they came this time, because the villa belonged to Li Rong, even the mosaic villa belonged to Li Rong, Shen Guanglin didn't want to bring Li Li to live there, it was inappropriate.

Living in a hotel is actually pretty good, mainly because neither of them has cooking skills, so Zhu Hotel doesn't have to worry about cooking, and everything is simpler.

Moreover, even a meeting can be held in the hotel, and it is convenient to report work or command remotely.

After Shen Guanglin arrived in Xiangjiang, he asked them to come too. After the meeting, he could take Li Li around.

Soon, Su Youpeng, Zhang Peng, even Huang Guangyi from Jinmen, including Lin Wenwei from Singapore all came over.

But they all only saw Shen Guanglin alone, and didn't see Li Li, the golden house cangjiao.

It is inconvenient to meet people.

This is the first battle after the establishment of their gang, and they have to use legal weapons they are not familiar with, and they must be prepared for a protracted war.

Therefore, everyone is both nervous and somewhat looking forward to it.

Nervous because no one has experienced this kind of thing.In particular, the place where the lawsuit took place is Citigroup, which is even more unfamiliar.

I am looking forward to it because this matter is actually a trivial matter. It is good for everyone to practice their hands. Even if the lawsuit is lost, it will be nothing more than that.

Big deal, let's not go to Citigroup to sell game consoles.

If it doesn't work, just change the brand and continue fighting, it can be a big deal.

When everyone arrives, the meeting begins.

Da Liu also attended the meeting as a non-voting attendant, because he will have something to look for later.

They opened a small conference room in the hotel. Shen Guanglin signaled for the meeting to begin. Zhang Peng was the first to speak. After all, he was in charge of this business.

"You can rest assured that Nintendo and the others complained in China, it's nothing to do with it.

The "Patent Law" in China has just been implemented, and we are the top three foreign exchange earning enterprises in Shenzhen. The care of governments at all levels is beyond their imagination, and no one will accept their lawsuits. "

Zhang Peng introduced the situation in China confidently, and he was sure about this aspect.

Zhang Peng is really good at blending relationships. Shen Guanglin sent him to Shencheng. I don't know if it was the right thing to do. Anyway, he feels that he is really at home.

Moreover, after Zhang Peng came here, he felt a bit reluctant to leave. He didn't even know that his wife was already selling mutton soup in the capital to start a business by self-reliance, and it was the daughter-in-law and old mother who joined the battle, and the family was happy to be well-off.

Knowing that he has a beautiful female secretary, he arranged it in another hotel.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about his personal emotional situation either. He felt that it was better for him not to interfere in other people's families. Everyone has their own way to go.

Well, it's really not fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps.

Then, Zhang Peng began to report again:

"The biggest problem now is Citigroup. Nintendo launched a lawsuit in Citigroup. There are two main points in the lawsuit. One of them is that they believe that we have infringed the cross-button patent of their gamepad, and the other is that they Think we copied their game idea. I just want to know, did we do it? How is it legally determined.”

It is no wonder that Zhang Peng is not confident, because now domestic electrical appliances, including Great Wall Electric, are all directly copying the mature products of Fusang.

Even if there is innovation, it is to improve on the basis of plagiarism, and it is definitely not to invent a brand new product.

The characteristics of the times.

However, Shen Guanglin had already prepared for the game controller.

Because the home learning machine was promoted by him alone, he was even afraid of ruining his reputation. He also specially used the new brand "Apple". electrical appliances.

Shen Guanglin was mentally prepared and prepared for action when he made this motion.

"Don't worry about this, let's form a team of lawyers first, and respond to the lawsuit in advance.

We don't have to be afraid of the several matters they sued, we have applied for patents.

Although the improvement point may be small, it is still a utility model patent.Since it has passed their certification in Citigroup, it will not be our infringement.

Therefore, we cannot simply judge that the appearance is an infringement of their patents. "

Shen Guanglin still made a lot of improvements on the gamepad, among which is the design of the grip, changing the cross key to four keys of up, down, left, and right, and fine-tuning the function keys.

It is estimated that when Nintendo sued them, it was a shot in the face.

Shen Guanglin continued to emphasize: "We don't want to be intimidated by them. Our biggest problem now is that we don't have a public relations team. This must be established in the future. We can't just pursue legal victories, but also have a firm foothold in public opinion, otherwise we will lose our reputation in the market." You can't compete with them."

These things are really about publicity.

Because Shen Guanglin has already applied for these patents in advance, and Nintendo's latest gamepad also imitates their patents.

This matter has to be countered!
Whoever is afraid of others, just go to court, and we can afford the legal fees.

After arranging this matter, Shen Guanglin asked about another matter.

"How's the stock going?"

"The sale is not ideal, only half completed, about 6 million US dollars. Many people want to take back the shares, but they have no money in their hands. They heard that we are preparing to sell the shares, and they deliberately lowered the stock price."

In fact, Liu himself was not willing to let go of so many director seats, but this was Shen Guanglin's instruction, and he had to follow it.

"Which company doesn't cooperate, directly accumulating money quietly, and shorting in reverse! They would rather lose money than kill their arrogance. There is no appeasement to talk about this kind of thing. Hurry up. If you can't do it, I will let others do it. Give it a try." You have a month, I need this money urgently."

Shen Guanglin has no feelings for Xiangjiang merchants. Since these people don't eat toast, they don't want to eat anything.

Somebody Shen didn't even want them to drink as fine, he was going to flip the table straight away.

"You do this, those who are not willing to buy back shares at a premium, you select to acquire a company, and then drive away the founders, let them have a look."

When Shen Guanglin said this, he was full of hostility. He was probably cultivating his own momentum, because he had already figured out how to operate in Fusang.

Shen Guanglin knew what was going to happen in the future, but everyone didn't.

"Mr. Shen, why are we doing this? Is there any major investment plan?"

The main reason is that everyone doesn't understand this, and they can't keep up with Shen Guanglin's train of thought.

Shen Guanglin still explained a bit: "I got the news that the five countries will soon sign an agreement on the appreciation of the US dollar. I think the Fuso currency will appreciate significantly in a short period of time. Now we will exchange all the money in our hands for Fuso Yuan, and then borrow a sum from the bank, and then exchange it after a period of time when the Fusang currency appreciates."

Shen Guanglin talked about his operation ideas, but after all, Liu has a mind for stock speculation. He expressed his opposition to Shen Guanglin's rough actions: "Actually, we can mortgage the shares to the bank, so that we can raise a lot of money without selling the shares."

Makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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