Start with a college teacher

Chapter 378 Prosecution

Chapter 378 Prosecution
After the trip to Los Angeles, Shen Guanglin and Li Li's next stop is Hawaii.

After all, what should be remembered has already been remembered, so there is no regret.

Next is a new page in life.

The honeymoon trip really begins in Hawaii, 4000 kilometers away.

Hawaii is an island of Citigroup located in the Pacific Ocean, near the Tropic of Cancer.

The climate here is very special. Here you can experience 15 climate characteristics in 10 climate zones in the world. It is a world-renowned tourist attraction.

Strictly speaking, Hawaii is an island-type climate regulated by monsoons.

The annual temperature in Hawaii does not change much, the average temperature is 24°C, and the so-called winter will not be lower than 20°C, and even in summer, 30°C is already the upper limit of heat.

It was March when Shen Guanglin and Li Li came. It was considered winter and the rainy season, and the temperature was still over 3 degrees.

They came here not only for their honeymoon, but also to take pictures. What they took were not other photos, but wedding photos.

This was Shen Guanglin's suggestion, and Li Li agreed.

Wedding photos have not yet become popular in China, but Shen Guanglin knows that it will become popular in the future.

In fact, Chinese people like to take pictures the most. From the Lafayette in the late Qing Dynasty to various images in various historical periods, photos record history.

Now they are also taking wedding photos, recording their history.

There will be a great market for imported wedding photos in China. In a few years, everyone will have to take several sets of wedding photos when they get married.

Rather than reshooting later, it is better to do it now in one step.

Shen Guanglin took Li Li to take wedding photos, which meant that they were "married".

This is what they said to themselves, and from then on, they will start calling each other "wife" and "husband".

Shen Guanglin didn't tell anyone about this, including their mutual friends.

According to his status, it's hard to tell anyone. After all, he will have another "wedding" in the future. It is estimated that the wedding will be very grand, but now we can only take one step at a time.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to make a fuss, but he also didn't want to wrong Li Li too much.

If you can't satisfy her formally, you should make more compensation in material terms.

In fact, Li Li doesn't care. Although she has been educated in Fusang for several years, she also knows the domestic situation.

In China in this era, if you want to get married, you only need to get the approval of the organization, get a certificate, have a shabby room, give out wedding candy, and hold a simple banquet to start a family.

Therefore, she didn't have the experience and willingness to make a big deal at all.

It will be different in a few years. If you can get a certificate and you can finish the job, it will be easy for the groom, but the brides will quit.

They think that if they don't find something for men to do, they will be too wronged themselves.

This man must have worked so hard to get a wife, and they will be afraid of marriage, so they won't think about getting married again.

In fact, as long as they meet a more beautiful girl, they will still have other ideas.

In China in this era, domestic materials are still relatively scarce. It is already a matter of face for a man to have a new bicycle to take his bride home.

In order to make up for the guilt in his heart, Shen Guanglin directly bought a Ferrari, which should be enough.

That is to say, in Fusang, if Shen Guanglin dared to transport Ferrari to China, he would become a different kind of celebrity in no time.

The Great Wall Biological Base is equipped with several Mercedes-Benz cars, and many people have already clamored to trace its source.

Some people are even asking whether Shen Guanglin embezzled the laboratory's scientific research funds.

So what if it is embezzled, they are just eating carrots and worrying about it.

The lab money was cheated by Shen Guanglin by virtue of his strength, he could spend it however he wanted, there was no restraint mechanism at all.

If you think the laboratory is not good, you don't have to donate.

Fodu is a predestined person. On the list of the most taken advantage of, Takeda is the top brother on the list, DuPont is the second brother on the list, and some time ago there were a thousand other big brothers on the list.

However, in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, he is the absolute emperor, keeping his promises.

The wedding photos were taken by the sea, with sea, sand, surf, coconuts, and two posers.

It took a whole day to take wedding photos, both of them were very tired, but very happy.

Shen Guanglin was not bold enough to take special wedding photos, for example, the one without clothes.

Even so, Li Li already felt a little exposed, which was not her usual style, but luckily these photos were for herself.

After all, a woman only lives once in her life, and Li Li has also seen how wedding photos are taken in Fusang.

This trip is a "wedding".

Shen Guanglin didn't prepare the "three big pieces" or "four big pieces". Being able to prepare a set of wedding photos is already all he can do.

Looking for a church that no one knows for a Western wedding?
Do not be silly.

There are indeed churches in Hawaii, but Shen Guanglin doesn't want to deceive himself.

He doesn't want to engage in those wedding vows that have some and nothing, isn't it obvious that he is talking nonsense.

He obviously didn't just love her alone, he also loved other people.

They came here to relax and travel, not to feel bad.

When it comes to tourism, Hawaii is really fun, not to mention the sea and beaches, as well as ring volcanoes and hot springs.

Such a good tourist attraction, the Fusang people used to drive many boats and many planes to carry out an armed parade here, but their gamble failed.

Now, they are launching a second challenge to Citigroup, but it is not a military challenge, but an economic challenge.

Now, their per capita GDP is close to that of Citigroup, and it is possible to overtake it.Whether in shipbuilding, automobiles, appliances or semiconductors, they have challenged Citigroup.

Now Citigroup is retreating steadily, and Fusang is advancing steadily, and Citigroup is getting angry from embarrassment.

Now Fusang is full of confidence and thinks that he will definitely be able to defeat Big Brother, but Shen Guanglin knows that they will fail.

It is estimated that the five countries have already started negotiating. In what month was the "Plaza Agreement" signed?
It is said that in the months since the signing of the Plaza Agreement, the Fuso dollar appreciated by 20%, and even appreciated by more than 50% at its peak.

Shen Guanglin couldn't sit still when he thought of this matter. There are still a few months before the Plaza Accord, should he hurry up and exchange the US dollars in his hands into Fusang yuan?

If it’s really not possible, sell all the shares of Xiangjiang Company. Originally, Xiangjiang Company doesn’t pay much dividends. Taking advantage of the current market conditions, they can still sell them at a good price.

This matter has to be done quickly, otherwise the time will run out.

Shen Guanglin immediately called Da Liu and asked him to "clear" his shares.

"Have you really thought about it? The stock market in Xiangjiang is just right now." Da Liu was a bit reluctant. After all, apart from other things, being a director of a listed company is quite happy.

But these shares belong to Shen Guanglin alone, and he has absolute right to dispose of them.

Shen Guanglin cashed out the shares, and those business owners were very happy.

They have long wanted to "redeem" their shares, and now their chance has finally come.

Even premiums are negotiable.

However, just as Da Liu was reluctant to part with cashing out, Shen Guanglin received another call from Xiangjiang.

The call was jointly made by Su Youpeng and his uncle Zhang Peng.

It is really inconvenient to communicate in this era. Su Youpeng had to go to Xiangjiang to make a phone call to find Shen Guanglin, otherwise he would not be able to get in touch at all.

To make an international long-distance call in China, let’s not talk about the lack of authorization, and the manual transfer is extremely troublesome.

International calls are not so easy to make.

Su Youpeng said two things on the phone.

First, Nintendo has sued them, and they believe that Apple has plagiarized on the home computer learning machine and is suspected of infringing their patents.

Second, Nintendo has complained to Huaxia about their copyright infringement and asked the Chinese government to deal with Apple.

(End of this chapter)

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