Chapter 377 Reward
Shen Guanglin's words caused everyone to fall into a heated discussion.

This phenomenon is too weird, why don't scientists mention this phenomenon?Is there some hidden secret?

Is science about to enter the stage of idealism?
No one knows that many scientists have given various explanations for this phenomenon, but none of them have made a convincing answer.

Whoever can solve this problem will win the Nobel Prize.

Shen Guanglin brought up the old story again, and everyone wanted to see how Shen Guanglin explained it.

How else to explain it, Shen Guanglin himself didn't know the specific reason.

He is not Einstein II, nor is he the Copenhagen School. He can only discuss this topic based on some theories and opinions of later generations.

Of course, he had no intention of challenging Einstein's theory of relativity.

Shen Guanglin used the theory of quantum entanglement to give a preliminary explanation for this phenomenon. Of course, he also said that this is just a family opinion.

Everyone was even more confused.

The concept of quantum entanglement was first proposed by Schrödinger. However, the phenomenon of quantum entanglement does exist, and it has been discovered for some time. The key is to see how to explain and understand it.

In the theory of quantum entanglement, if two entangled particles are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, and the state of one particle is observed, then the state of the other particle is already known even if it is not observed. Running state, when changing the running state of one of the particles, the state of the other particle will be changed accordingly.

How they connect and communicate has always been an unsolved mystery.

From this, many superstitious things can be deduced, such as telepathy, such as special functions.

Shen Guanglin continued: "In Huaxia's "Avatamsaka Sutra", there is such a sentence, which is called: "Only the mind is manifested, and only the consciousness is changed."

It means being or not is determined by your heart.

Your heart is not on it, and you can't see it even if you walk in front of your eyes.

And what changes have taken place in "it" is also determined by your consciousness.

You can only see changes in what you see, not what you cannot see. "

Everyone is starting to get confused, is Shen going to subvert the world's cognition?
"We used to think that the world is material, there are no gods, no supernatural powers, and consciousness is another kind of existence that is opposed to matter.

But now we find that the matter we know is only 5% of the universe.

Two quanta without any connection can be entangled like a god.If consciousness can be analyzed in molecules and quantum states, consciousness is actually a kind of matter.

Since there are 95% of the matter that we don't know in the universe, then souls and ghosts can exist;
Since quantum can be entangled, the sixth sense and supernatural powers can also exist. "

Shen Guanglin thought to himself, perhaps, this is the theoretical basis for the research on supernormal functions in various countries in the world in this era.

"However, let me say one thing here. In the next few decades, neither the sixth sense nor supernatural powers can be clearly confirmed. This will become a conjecture in the future."

After decades of exploration and development, quantum entanglement has matured in Shen Guanglin's time, and it is no longer a purely idealistic view.

However, the "information" it transmits is not limited by the space distance, and the principle of determining the final form only because of "observation" has not been overcome.

Shen Guanglin also proposed quantum communication and quantum cryptography based on this understanding.

Because its fundamental principle is a pair of quantum entangled particles. In later generations, some scientists have even realized the entangled state of 6-8 ions.

Shen Guanglin still emphasized that as long as one observes the operating form of one of them, he will naturally know the operating form of the other, so that "encryption" can be realized to ensure that the information will not be stolen during transmission.

Similarly, changing the operating form of one of the quantum will also change the form of the other quantum, and this communication technology may be used for interstellar communication.

In real history, IBM researchers only proposed the theory of quantum communication in 1993.

However, Shen Guanglin proposed this theory two years ago, and Citigroup's National Science Foundation and Advanced Research Projects Agency have also invested funds to study this project.

Now, when Shen Guanglin talked about this topic again, everyone listened with their ears straightened up, and they really gained a lot.

However, Shen Guanglin was not going to say more.

I know some more, but I won't say it.

Just play.

In later generations, around 2017, our country made a major breakthrough in this field.

The quantum science experiment satellite "Mozi" launched by our country first successfully realized the long-distance communication of two quantum entanglements.

At that time, two quantum entangled photons could continue to maintain their quantum entanglement after being distributed to a distance of more than 1200 kilometers.

What you like to think is your business, I only say what I think is right.

The lecture is over.

The media and scholars at the scene surrounded Shen Guanglin. They still wanted to know more, but Shen Guanglin said that his laboratory is doing further research, but due to limited funds, the progress of the research is not fast.

No, it's been two years, and his own research results on quantum entanglement are only so much.

If you want to see the updated research results, please donate quickly.

Of course, the questions they asked were not all about quantum entanglement, and some people asked him what he thought of Alice's middle-class dream.

How can he see it?
He just stood aside and looked at it slowly. He is not a middle-class man, he is just an ordinary scientist in a developing country.

He has no money and cannot afford to marry Alice.

Everyone doesn't believe it.

The media asked Shen Guanglin how much does he earn in a year?Is it true to charge $5 for a lecture.

Shen Guanglin said that the US$5 for a lecture is real, it was charged by his team, and it was not fully used for personal consumption.

The income that really belongs to him is just the salary paid by the school laboratory, and there is not much money.

The money collected by the team is naturally used for the team, such as accommodation expenses, such as transportation expenses, such as the expenses needed for life improvement, all of which are paid out of this fund.

In fact, most of the labor fees given for the lectures are used to supplement the research and development funds of the laboratory, which is also well documented.

The whereabouts of each amount of money donated to the laboratory is also very clear. Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four accounting firms, is helping his laboratory with financial audits. Donate money, please rest assured that it will never be used for Personal consumption.

Shen Guanglin also said that he has also served as the chief scientist of many companies, some of which have dividends, and most of this fund is also used for laboratory expenses.

His money belongs to the laboratory, and the laboratory's money is still the laboratory's.

Shen Guanglin went on to say that no amount of money was meaningful to him, and it would be better to find out a difficult problem that has troubled him for a long time to make people happy.

Everyone was in awe.

Soon, Shen Guanglin's laboratory received another large wave of donations.

The scientific research funding for next year and the year after will finally be available again.

Shen Guanglin is the same as the popular anchors of later generations, and Shen Guanglin is the super Internet celebrity of this era.

Everyone saw that Shen Guanglin's topic was good, so they gave rewards desperately.

Come on, no matter how much money there is, I, Mr. Shen, can't have too much.

(End of this chapter)

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