Start with a college teacher

Chapter 381 The Director

Chapter 381 The Director
In the car, Shen Guanglin asked how the box office of Hua Tsai's movie last time was.

The movie "Unstoppable Love" is actually very good in Shen Guanglin's opinion. It needs a story and a plot.

Wen Xiaoxia and Li Lizhen are also his favorite actors, have they already made a good start?

Hu Xuyong did not speak, and submitted a ratings report and financial statement, which were actually just a piece of paper.

Seeing the box office data, Shen Guanglin's face immediately changed, darker than a crow.

In this era, the idiom "the crow stands on the pig, I don't know who is blacker", is still valid. After a few decades, the pigs in everyone's impression will be white pigs, and black pigs will become a rare breed.

The box office of this movie in Benfu, Hong Kong is only 200 million!
How can this be?It's just unbelievable.

Hu Xuyong quickly explained: "Mr. Shen, we invested a total of 600 million in this movie, but in fact it only cost 400 million. Xiangjiang's box office is not high, but the overseas box office has recovered the cost, and there is still a profit of 113 million."

In other words, the movie only earned a total of 513 million yuan, and earned 113 million yuan. Is it embarrassing to say that it only made this little money?

"I think the quality of the movie is not bad. How did it become like this?"

Faced with such a box office hit, Shen Guanglin wondered if he came to the wrong era.

Isn't this era the golden age of movies, as long as the movies are lying down, they can make money.

Needless to say, this movie really made money.

There are 113 million.

1985 million in 113, what else do you think?
Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk.

The 113 million is due to Hu Xuyong's claim that Xiangjiang has a box office of more than 1000 million, and the quality of the film is indeed not bad, so it has sold a good result overseas.

Finally, there is no loss.

Hu Xuyong finally felt a little ashamed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, we have too few theaters in our hands, and those theaters are all in the hands of big water pipes. They won't let go of a newly established company like ours."

This is the reason for the threshold for new entry, Shen Guanglin understood.

"How many theaters are there in Xiangjiang now?" Shen Guanglin asked.

He is even thinking about whether to integrate resources by himself, or if he can't, build some theaters by himself.

"Right now, there are three biggest cinema chains in Xiangjiang, namely Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest, and Princess Golden. They all only show their own movies, and they don't show our movies at all. They just look down on people."

Hu Xuyong was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

He used to be just a protection fee collector, not a gangster like Ye Jihuan.

In Xiangjiang, a person like him has no status or face.The real rich, who would take him seriously, that is, he can bully actors and ordinary people.

The last time he made things difficult for Da Liu, Li Jiacheng was behind his back, but when something happened, Li Jiacheng would not admit that he had done these things.

It was also because of this that when Shen Guanglin wanted to mess with him, he gave in so quickly.

If the reaction is slow, he will go to Stanley to eat in prison.

"Let's not go to the studio, let's go to the theater first." Shen Guanglin temporarily changed direction, went to inspect the theater and then went to the studio.

After all, if you want to do something, you have to do it well.

It was still daytime, and it was still in the morning. There was no one in the cinema, and Li Li didn't like watching the movie that was being shown.

They inspected several theaters in a short time.

Sure enough, the movies shown in different theaters are different.

Shen Guanglin knew in his heart that cinemas in this era are different from cinemas in the future.

The current theater has only one screen, but there are many seats, and the venue is also very large. It looks more like a large auditorium or lecture hall.

No wonder they don't show other movies. It's just one screen. If you show yours, you can't show mine.

What will the cinema of later generations look like?

How can a movie theater have seven or eight screening halls, and some even have IMAX and 3D theaters, which is incomparable in this era.

However, this is also a question of business thinking.

Audiences in this era can go to any theater they want to watch, and they also know which movie they produce can only be watched there. .

Now the decline of Shaw Cinemas is largely due to their lack of production capacity, and they even plan to give up the theater chain.

Do you want to buy it?

purchase!There is no need to hesitate about this kind of thing, can it still be a loss?

Shaw's theater chain is also owned by the property, so how could it lose money?It depends on whether Shaw Brothers is willing to sell it.

Moreover, housing prices and land prices in Xiangjiang will also rise, and it is good to build a theater chain yourself, so many production companies have to ask themselves.

It is impossible not to be popular if it is transformed according to the model of later generations and adopts the mode of small theater and multiple screens.

Even, isn't Da Liu engaged in real estate? Isn't it better to open a modern movie theater for each real estate project to pull each other.

Shen Guanglin immediately called and asked ""Stock God Liu" to contact Shao Yifu to see how much he would sell it for.

Now Liu's mysterious operation in Xiangjiang has scared everyone.

Under his men, whoever he wants to live will live, and whoever he wants to die will peel off his skin even if he does not die.

Now, Hu Xuyong can't keep up with the rhythm of the boss.

"Mr. Shen, do you really want to buy a theater chain? It will cost two to three hundred million yuan! I heard that Debao's Pan Dickson is in contact with Shaw Brothers."

After all, Hu Xuyong has been in the industry for some time, and his ability is not good, but the news is still well-informed.

"Is it only two or three hundred million? U.S. dollars or Hong Kong dollars?"

"Of course it's Hong Kong dollars."

"Then buy it."

Shen Guanglin didn't expect that the biggest theater chain in Xiangjiang would only be so cheap.

Now that the theaters have seen it, let's go to the set. Zhou Runfa is also Shen Guanglin's idol.

Shen Guanglin also wanted to see the production capabilities of their film company.

Re-boarding the car, Shen Guanglin got the script of "Lust and Desire".

The story takes the cruel reality as the background. Facing the huge pressure of life and work, sex is certainly not a way out that can solve real problems.

However, after a hard day's work, it's a great way to unwind at night into a thrilling orgy with your lover.

and then?
The origin, process, climax, and result of the story are nothing, just start talking after work?
Is this still a movie starring Zhou Runfa?
"The plot of the last movie was too complicated. I asked people to simplify it without plot."

Hu Xuyong didn't know whether his decision was right or not, so he could only try it out, and he was going to let the housewife dragon perform sex in the next movie.

"You are really talented. It's a shame that Caribbean Company didn't invite you."

Shen Guanglin laughed angrily, he was even thinking, if he continues to support Hu Xuyong, will he ruin Xiangjiang Film if it continues to develop like this.

"What kind of company is Caribbean? Is it Citigroup's film company? I know Disney."

Hu Xuyong is still very proud, he didn't realize that he is still a film and television talent.

The studio is here, all the crew is there, and they're filming the interior.

There were a lot of people, but everyone was listless.

It seems that everyone is not very happy to be able to start work and cooperate with big stars.

Moreover, Zhou Runfa was not very happy either.

Hu Xuyong clapped his hands, "Mr. Shen has come to visit everyone, everyone applauds and welcomes."

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin saw Zhou Runfa who was shirtless, and an actress wearing a towel.

This spirit is wrong.

That does not work.

Shen Guanglin walked to their office,

"This movie is not going to be made yet. Please call some screenwriters for me. I'm going to make a new movie."

Shen Guanglin really can't stand them anymore, what are they doing.

"What movie do you want to make?"

"heroic nature."

It's about the same.

(End of this chapter)

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