Start with a college teacher

Chapter 382 New Movie

Chapter 382 New Movie

Shen Guanglin just asked them to suspend work temporarily, and did not say anything else to criticize.

Shen Guanglin also said that this is Da Liu's company, and the company will be renamed Great Wall Entertainment in the future, and everyone will be a member of Great Wall Entertainment.

Is it the famous Great Wall in Shencheng?

Great Wall Electric Appliances and Great Wall Clothing are both very famous, and now many people in Xiangjiang wear clothes from Great Wall.

Hearing that he was actually an employee of a big company, everyone suddenly gained confidence.

Moreover, changing the company's name is not without other benefits. Shen Guanglin still said some words of encouragement, and promised a salary increase. Each person will be paid an extra month's salary first.

"We are a formal company, and we are not allowed to engage in associations in the future. Great Wall Company is not short of money. Liu himself has served as a director of more than a dozen companies. You can imagine the financial situation of the group."

Shen Guanglin has been a teacher for a long time, and his ability to draw cakes has improved. The cakes he painted are loved by everyone.

Someone still asked timidly: "What kind of position do you hold in the group?"

"I am the chief scientist of the group. I can manage or ignore all the affairs of the group. I can be regarded as a free man."

Fatty Wang was the one who asked the question just now. Fatty Wang is also an old acquaintance of Shen Guanglin. He is now a member of the company. of.

Shen Guanglin especially estimated him, "Do it well, you can do it."

On the other hand, Da Liu's contact with Shao Yifu went smoothly.

Shao Yifu really wants to stop film production. He believes that after the rise of television, TV dramas will dominate the world. Who will go to the movies?

Although the Xiangjiang film market is very prosperous now, it is probably the last glory.

Shao Yifu's film and television company and theaters have been losing money, but TVB has made more money.

Shao Yifu wanted to transfer it, and Shen Guanglin wanted to buy it, so there was a possibility of a deal.

Shao Yifu also said that he wanted to meet Mr. Shen and exchange views.

What's so hard about seeing each other.

The meeting between the two took place at the hotel where Shen Guanglin stayed. Although Shao Yifu is old, his current status is not very high.

He was born in 1907 and is almost 80 years old now, but he is still in good spirits.

Of course, no one knows that he can live to be more than 100 years old, maybe he has done a lot of charity, and there are gods to bless him.

Shen Guanglin met this old man who influenced the entire history of Xiangjiang film and television, and the first thing they said when they met was: "I heard that you are a professor at Capital University?"

"Yes, and the most powerful professor."

Shen Guanglin also refused to give in, he was never humble.

"Why do you want to enter the film and television industry? Isn't it good to do scientific research?"

This is probably an exam question. After all, the old man is old, so he should find a successor.

"It costs money to do scientific research. I also want to find a stable source of income, so as to support my continuous investment in scientific research."

Shen Guanglin explained the reason why he keeps doing business, how to do research and development without money.

When I have money, I don't even have to invest in building an electron collider.

"What you said is very reasonable. I believe it. Then Shaw Cinemas will sell it to you. Xiao Fang, you can go back and do it."

"Good brother six." Xiao Dang is Fang Yihua, who is 51 years old this year, but he is well maintained, and looks like he is only 49.

"Mr. Shen, can you accompany me to the mainland?" This was an additional request from Shao Yifu

What does old man Shao want to do?
Without waiting for Shen Guanglin to ask, Shao Yifu answered by himself: "I want to do education, and I have made some money in my life, and I just want to spend some before I die.

I'm not good at my age, and I've always been stingy to employees, and they won't think of me well.But what about the money I earn?I want to devote myself to education, so it can be regarded as a name for life and death. "

"Yes, I can accompany you for a walk. The first stop is where do you want to go." Shen Guanglin agreed. Maybe this is the beginning of Shao Yifu's charity work.

"The first stop is Suzhou and Hangzhou. After all, I am from Yongcheng. Since Lao Bao, the ship king, has donated to Yongjiang University, I will donate some money to Zhejiang University. It is also a wish."

Feelings! "That's why I don't dare to say goodbye."

Shen Guanglin didn't participate in the specific negotiations on the acquisition of the theater chain. It was discussed between Da Liu and Ms. Fang. Both parties were not short of money, so it was naturally easy to talk about.

The new theater company was renamed Great Wall Cinemas. All the theaters under Shaw Brothers were priced at 2.3 million Hong Kong dollars, and Great Wall Entertainment bought them and assumed all the debts.

no problem!

Before going to Hangzhou, Shen Guanglin still had a lot of things to do.

For example, the revision of theaters, transforming one screen into 6 or 8 theaters, is a rigid requirement of Shen Guanglin.

Some of them can be remodeled, while others can be demolished and rebuilt. Anyway, Great Wall Entertainment is not short of money, and the big deal is to inject funds.

In addition, Shen Guanglin still has one more thing to do, that is, his own movie has not been arranged yet, "The True Colors of Heroes".

After Shen Guanglin thought about it, he decided not to be the director himself, and left it to Fatty Wang.

In the end, Fatty Wang was Fatty Wang, and he gave a version of "The True Colors of a Hero", which is really lustful.

As expected of a college graduate who graduated from a major, Fatty Wang is still capable. The script he wrote is very talented, and the readability is no less than that of Sister Fu Bai. Linlin is not a thing in the pool.

If that doesn't work, we still need to intervene.

With Shen Guanglin's intervention, the movie script was finally perfected.

Song Zihao and Mark Li are important figures in an international counterfeit banknote group, and they are also brothers who are like brothers.

At this time, Song Zihao's younger brother Song Zijie had just been admitted to the police academy.

One day, Song Zihao took his subordinate Tan Cheng to Wanwan to do counterfeit banknote transactions with the local gangsters.

Unexpectedly, Tan Cheng had already colluded with the crooked gang and betrayed Song Zihao.

Song Zihao was injured in a gun battle and was arrested and imprisoned by the police who heard the news.

When Mark Li learned that Song Zihao had been arrested, he went to Wanwan alone to kill the gang leader. He was also seriously injured and fled the scene with difficulty.

At the same time, for fear that Song Zihao would leak information to the police in prison, the crooked gang sent people to Xiangjiang to kidnap Song Zihao's father, and his father died in the scuffle.

Song Zihao's younger brother Song Zijie learned that his elder brother was the leader of the counterfeit banknote group and that his old father died for this reason.

Three years later, Song Zihao was released from prison and returned to Xiangjiang, determined to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, but he did not get Song Zijie's understanding.

At the same time, Tan Cheng who betrayed Song Zihao back then has now become the boss.

He hypocritically asked Song Zihao to cooperate, but was rejected, so he began to plot to harm Song Zijie.

Song Zihao couldn't bear it anymore, and together with Mark Li, they stole the computer floppy disk that Tan Cheng used to make counterfeit banknotes, and then prepared to hand it over to Song Zijie.

At the same time, he pretended to use a floppy disk to make a deal with Tan Cheng, planning to capture Tan Cheng alive during the deal.

Unexpectedly, Tan Cheng was also prepared, and the two sides launched a gun battle at the pier.

In the fierce battle, Xiao Ma died unfortunately.

The final outcome is that the bad guy is bound and the brothers reconcile, but Brother Xiao Ma died on the road.

This is a good movie, and it also achieved the classic image of Brother Ma, Shen Guanglin couldn't bear to let such a classic be lost.

Filming resumes.

(End of this chapter)

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