Chapter 383
Movies are finally ready to restart again.

"Tomorrow" is a good movie, and everyone is very excited.

Ever since they knew that they were a member of the Great Wall Company, many people have been asking about the situation of the Great Wall Company.

The more you inquire, the more it becomes a mystery.

No one knows who the boss of Great Wall Company is, but it is said that the shares of the companies that Liu is a director of are all owned by Great Wall Company, and there are as many as 17 companies in total.

And some people have been to Shencheng and know that the largest company in Shencheng is Great Wall Company. There are more than 5 people in the Great Wall Garment Factory alone. I don’t know how many people there are in Great Wall Electric, but their factory area is too large, and half of the park is theirs. .

Being able to work in such a big company with a dark background and not being offended, what is there to be dissatisfied with?
Since the company is taking the formalized route, everyone has re-signed the labor contract in the past few days, and, in the future, the company will implement the director responsibility system.

In other words, the director is the project manager, and the expenses of the entire team are all part of the shooting budget. The director who makes a profit gets a commission, and the director who loses money is a waste of work.

The little fat man feels a lot of pressure, but it seems that he is more active in his work?
The director does not get paid, but gets a commission, so that he can be motivated.

The preparation of the new movie is very fast. Shen Guanglin called his good friend Zhang Guorong to play Song Zijie.

Zhang Guorong happily agreed, and he also brought Mei Yanfang to join the company, and he will be an employee of the company from now on.

When Mei Yanfang saw the beautiful Li Li, she immediately sealed up the little secret buried in her heart.

No wonder Mr. Shen can sit still, his girlfriend is always pretty.

Li Li walked around with Shen Guanglin, looked around, kept quiet, didn't speak, and took out a book to read when she was free.

Later, everyone knew that this woman was not a vase, she was a master's student at Kyoto University, and she studied physics, amazing.

Now that Zhang Guorong and Mei Yanfang are here, let's call another good friend Xu Jinjiang over too.

This Great Wall Entertainment Shen Guanglin made an important decision. He asked Zhang Guorong to be the deputy general manager of the company, in charge of the artist's economic business.

Brother doesn't like to support the younger generation, just to give you the opportunity to support.

As for the other characters in the movie, we still invited outsiders in the end.

As Song Zihao's candidate, Fatty Wang pulled on his beard and bravely invited Dilong.

In this way, the framework of a starring role is built.

Of course Zhou Runfa played the role of MARK Li, that is, Brother Ma.

Actress Zhou actually didn't want to play this role, how much difference could there be between "The True Colors of Heroes" and "The True Colors of Heroes"?
It's all about sex, and the homophonic stalk is coming, which is the same as Yin's hands are so wet.

He was forced to act in such a movie in Jianghu, and there was nothing he could do about it. It was unreasonable for Xu Wenqiang, who was originally handsome and unrestrained, to engage in flesh and blood business.

However, when he got the script, he suddenly discovered: everything is different!

This turned out to be a very good script!
The most outstanding character in it is Xiao Ma.

Finally, it is no longer a salty wet film!And it is expected to become a classic, amazing, lucky, has the time finally turned around?

Originally, according to Fatty Wang's suggestion, they really wanted Li Li to play Song Zijie's girlfriend Zhong Rou, but Li Li didn't want to.

She just took a look, the time to stay in Xiangjiang is running out, and she has to go back to continue her studies.

This is the woman brought by the boss. She is unwilling to do it, and no one dares to say a word.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while and made Li Li the chairman of this entertainment company. From now on, this will be her company.

As for Hu Xuyong, it would be nice to be the general manager.

All the company's money comes from Shen Guanglin, you still can't resist.

That's not true, Hu Xuyong also knew that Xiangjiang would not be able to make a fortune by fighting and killing in the future, and it would be good to go ashore safely.

Now, there is only an unimportant heroine left in the movie, so who should play this female role?

Liu Jialing.

Liu Jialing once promised Hu Xuyong to act as the heroine in a movie, but later she heard that they were making a salty movie, so she didn't come.

She is a newcomer with no qualifications, but she dared to release Hu Xuyong's pigeons, but Hu Xuyong lost face.

What do you mean?Are you looking down on me, Beard Yong?
Do you dare to come if I ask you to come?

A slap is a slap.

He is so brave and ruthless, he is really an idiot who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

When Shen Guanglin came to the set, he saw a young and beautiful girl reading the script with tears on her face, her cheeks were red, and there were slap marks.

I rely on it, the people in the mixed society are really not good men and women.

Must change!
If you dare to beat someone today, you dare to kidnap a woman tomorrow, that's fine.

"What's going on?" Shen Guanglin asked very unhappy, how could he hit a woman.

"Mr. Shen, this woman clearly agreed to appear in our movie, but she stopped coming without saying a word. If everyone is like her, then should we still mess around?"

When Hu Xuyong beat her, he still felt that he was very reasonable and did not act recklessly.

What are you doing, you thought you were still in the club.

Shen Guanglin is not a person who likes to fight and kill, he still asked carefully: "Are you all right? What's your name?"

Fortunately, Li Li is not a person who likes to be bitter and jealous, so Shen Guanglin has the mood and spare time to feel sorry for her.

This girl is indeed quite good looking, not stunning, but very good-looking, she is not very old, she should be a newcomer who debuted not long ago.

Hearing the mandarin spoken by Shen Guanglin, the little girl raised her head and said mandarin: "My name is Liu Jialing, an artist from TVB. I just graduated from the TVB artist training class last year."

Hey, it's a celebrity again, why doesn't it look alike?

"How do you speak Mandarin so well?"

Shen Guanglin thought that Liu Jialing was a mandarin learner, but she was not. She only came to Xiangjiang in middle school.

"My family is from Suzhou, so from the Mandarin of the novel, who are you?" The pear blossom with rain is the most touching.

"I'm still a fellow. My surname is Shen, and I'm from the capital."

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, don't you know who I am?

She really didn't know, she only knew that Shen Guanglin's status should not be low.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, I didn't intend to let Mr. Pan dove. I'm also afraid. I haven't made that kind of movie, and I don't want to be that kind of actor."

This is a bold woman who knows what she wants.

Shen Guanglin is a fan of Viagra, and he is full of respect for Ms. Liu, so he decided to save the actor's wife.

"Pan Renyong, come here and apologize, how can you hit a woman."

Hu Xuyong wondered if Mr. Shen had taken a fancy to this woman, but he didn't think it looked like the real wife was still there.

But he did come and apologize anyway.

Liu Jialing hurriedly said no, no need.

Let's meet and smile to obliterate grievances.

"If you work boldly in the company, no one will force you to make movies you don't want to make in the future, just say that's what I said."


After finishing his work in Xiangjiang, Shen Guanglin decided to accompany old man Shao to the mainland.

Old man Shao is a real charity person. His charity work started this year and will continue.

In Xiangjiang, there are actually only two people doing charity in the mainland, one of them is Shao Yifu, and the other is Gu Tianle.

Few people have done statistics on how many schools and teaching buildings these two donated in the Mainland, but there are quite a few people who make sour remarks.

Shao Yifu said he wanted to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and Shen Guanglin was willing to accompany him, not to flatter him, but just out of respect.

You can't fly directly to Hangzhou from Xiangjiang, you have to take a plane to Yangcheng.

When leaving the port, Shen Guanglin took Master Shao Liu to visit his Great Wall factory. Shen Guanglin said that the profit is not much, and it is good to have enough.

Of course, in Shencheng, Su Youpeng also met Li Li, and no one was surprised. They had already heard that Mr. Shen brought a very beautiful girl in Xiangjiang.

After staying in Xiangjiang for a day, the next stop is Hangzhou.

Shen Guanglin made a guarantee and said that the law and order in the mainland is very good, there is no need for security, and I will take you to live a private life.

In this way, three generations of old, middle-aged and young people formed a special family and went to visit the West Lake together.

(End of this chapter)

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