Start with a college teacher

Chapter 384 West Lake

Chapter 384 West Lake
The old man Shao is just as he pleases, and Shen Guanglin is stupid and bold. Only Fang Yihua feels that he should pay attention to safety when he is in a strange place.

Therefore, she still asked two security personnel to follow remotely.

It's okay, be prepared.

They live in a guest house not far from the West Lake, which is the kind that has hosted countless domestic and foreign celebrities and can receive foreign exchange.

At present, the domestic infrastructure is still not good enough, and only in this way can the units that can communicate with the outside world have a better service level.

Shen Guanglin has been in this era for the fifth year, and he has already figured out the laws and pulse of this era.

He also didn't want to meet a very beautiful waitress, after all, no one's water is shallow, he just wanted to have delicious food and good service conditions, and the requirements were not high.

In this era, as long as you have money, you can enjoy a high-quality life without hard work. The key depends on how you spend your money.

Drinking soy milk one bowl after another is not enough, it is not strong enough, soy milk is decent soy milk, but it should not be wasted.

As long as you have foreign currency or foreign exchange certificates, you can enjoy a different living treatment from ordinary citizens in any big city.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin carried his official seal with him, so he could open a letter of introduction anytime he wanted, which made it much more convenient.

When the other party called Capital University to verify, the school's answer was very simple, of course it was true, hadn't Professor Shen heard of it?

Of course I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. I didn't expect him to be so young.

Young is good, young has vitality, young has physical strength, and young has imagination.

It is really comfortable to live in the guest house that spent foreign exchange, and the waiters are really good-looking. I don’t know why this standard was selected. Shen Guanglin was wondering if he would come back after sending Li Li away.

After all, the food in the capital has the taste of the capital, while the food in Hangzhou has a different taste, and you can eat authentic Hangzhou food here.

Oops, I get excited just thinking about it.

Shen Guanglin finally tasted the West Lake vinegar fish of this era, which is similar to the ones eaten by later generations, and it really is the same bad taste.

That's why Li Li likes this sweet and sour taste. Old man Shao and Ms. Fang also said that they can't enjoy this taste, they can only say it's a fresh taste.

However, Dongpo meat is still good. Each person has a jar, a small piece, fat but not greasy, and full of fragrance.

Ms. Fang is worthy of being a strong woman who can serve old man Shao and control TVB. She has arranged all kinds of schedules in an orderly manner. Shen Guanglin originally wanted to be the host once, but there was no chance.

Li Li is also interesting, calling her Sister Fang, but old man Shao's grandfather.

The old man Shao expressed his dissatisfaction. He is still young. If you call her Sister Fang, you can call me Brother Shao.

What about Mr. Shen?
"You can call me Papa."


The scenery of West Lake in early April is just right.

I really didn't expect that the old man Shao, despite his age of almost 80 years old, was actually very strong, and he didn't feel tired after running around.

Awesome, this is almost more than Professor Shen who exercises regularly.

Several people toured together, and the old man was the most diligent one.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about them, he took Li Li's little hand and walked slowly, strolled slowly, and bought some snacks from time to time to replenish his lost energy.

The most beautiful thing is holding a box of snacks, you feed me and I feed you.

Old man Shao and Ms. Fang couldn't do this kind of thing.The old man Shao is really an old man, but Ms. Fang still has charm. She is a singer. She has a good appearance and figure, and her clothes are also foreign. She is full of sex symbols. rub soft.

Shen Guanglin had been prepared for this kind of situation a long time ago. He was about to hold Li Li in his arms, which attracted a lot of people's attention. This person is too shameless to bring such a beautiful girl out.

A few people walked and watched, anyway, time is not in a hurry, you can stroll slowly.

There are many people who come to West Lake to play. Even without the blessing of the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake", the legend about the White Snake in West Lake has been passed down for a long time.

It's a pity that there is no Leifeng Pagoda in this era, it fell down.

Mr. Lu Xun once wrote "On the Fall of Leifeng Pagoda", and the current Leifeng Pagoda has fallen, and it has been going on for 60 years.

Now not only the pagoda, but also the bricks used to build the Leifeng Pagoda have been picked up by the people around them. It is a good brick to build a house, just like people near the Great Wall demolishing the Great Wall to build houses.

Fortunately, the foundation of Leifeng Pagoda has been surrounded by a wall, which can be regarded as a protection.

No one knows that there is a gilded and silver Ashoka Pagoda hidden under the underground palace here.

Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to donate money to rebuild the Leifeng Pagoda, just to let Fa Hai and Bai Suzhen get back together.

Old man Shao said, count me in too.

Are you also like-minded?
In fact, Fa Hai is also a man of the same path. He subdued two snakes by himself, one is a green snake and the other is a white snake. They can be played with and eaten.

Snake soup is a good thing, and the taste of snake that the people in southern Hunan like is also good.

Shen Guanglin always likes to make some bad associations.

He has always had a question, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are both widows, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu both died young, will these two sisters end up taking advantage of Sun Quan?
Another fellow.

Is it true that Sun Quan is so gifted that he can live longer?

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, West Lake has you.

Now is the time to watch the spring dawn on Su Causeway.

Weeping Liu Yiyi saw it, but Shen Guanglin didn't know what was Su Causeway Spring Dawn.

Chunmian didn't realize it, who is Su Xiaoxiao?
Su Xiaoxiao is lying on the bank of Xileng Bridge. He was the number one royal KTV in the Southern Chen Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

The little girl was unfortunate all her life. She was born in Sereng, died in Sereng, and hid in Sereng.

Shen Guanglin used to visit the West Lake and saw Su Xiaoxiao's tomb by the Xileng Bridge, and there was a Mucai Pavilion next to it.

Now it has disappeared, and the Wu Song tomb not far away is also gone.

After many inquiries, I learned that Su Xiaoxiao's tomb was eradicated around 1964, including Wu Song's tomb.

It turned out that there really was a righteous man named Wu Song here.

However, Wu Song here is not Wu Erlang, who was originally from Qinghe County, Qilu, but a person from Lin'an.

Today, Sister Fang regretted coming out wearing a cheongsam. Many people stared at her butt. If Shuiyu was present, she would definitely push Auntie again.

However, some people were not so bold, but they still deliberately walked behind her, turned their backs, deliberately bumped into her, and almost flew into the sky.

Not afraid of harassment, the four of them were enjoying the tour with great interest, when they suddenly heard a commotion not far behind, and many people gathered around to watch.

As a Chinese, it is impolite not to watch when there is excitement.

When they are bored on weekdays, some people don't even let dogs fight, let alone human fights.

Of course, dog fights look better.

Especially for the frightened dogs, the big ones dragged the other to run, and the thin ones bear the weight they shouldn't have to bear, which is enjoyable.

What happened?

Shen Guanglin led Li Li to watch.

Before I saw what was going on inside, I saw that Sister Fang's expression was wrong.

"Awei, Long Zai, what are you doing?"

It turned out that it was Sister Fang's two bodyguards who fought, and the one who was beaten was a wretched fat man with blood all over his face, probably because his nose was broken, and it was bleeding everywhere.

I don't know why, but as long as a person grows a little fatter, he becomes obscene.

"Miss Fang, this person is secretly filming you. He even touched your ass just now. We suspect that he is plotting something wrong."

Being fat and owning a camera can be said to be pampered in this era, and his family background must be unusual. When has he suffered such humiliation.

"No! I didn't! I was just taking pictures of the scenery. I didn't take pictures of you, and I don't know you. Who are you? You beat people when you come up. I want to report to the police."

Fatty saw that there were more people watching, and he gradually gained confidence, and he no longer looked like he was willing to suffer humiliation.

"Nonsense, you have followed you all the way from the beginning of the tour, and you changed the film halfway, how dare you admit it." The bodyguard named Awei is very experienced in dealing with paparazzi, let alone such amateur players.

Soon, people from the management office came.

"Comrade police, they beat people! They dropped the camera and beat people. My father is Li Gang, and my name is Li Sanjiang."

(End of this chapter)

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