Chapter 385

West Lake Police Station.

It was already the second day, and the two bodyguards hadn't come back yet, so Shen Guanglin came to find out the situation.

The fight didn't disturb their enjoyment, it was just a fight with a little hooligan.

Let alone the corruption of capitalism, Ms. Fang has never cared about the development of the situation at all.

Even, the two of them followed the police station to deal with the development of the situation afterwards, and she didn't continue to ask questions at all.

This is probably Xiangjiang style.

The rich at the top don't care about the lives of their subordinates.

It was Shen Guanglin who said that he was the one to deal with it.

Since Shen Sheng came to handle it, it made sense for her not to ask, after all, she believed in Shen Sheng's influence.

In fact, she thought too much, Shen Guanglin was fine.

Literally, he doesn't have any connections in Hangcheng.

But don't worry too much, these two bodyguards have evidence for beating people, because the camera is still there, and the photos in the camera are the evidence.

And the bodyguards are from Xiangjiang, this is their protective color.

In this era, foreigners enjoy super-national treatment, and those from Xiangjiang are no exception.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't even need to think about it, Li Li must be in Fatty's camera, because Shen saw many people secretly taking pictures of his women, Li Li didn't care, and Shen didn't care too much.

She looks good, but are you afraid of being photographed by others?

It's not about shooting skirts, what are you afraid of.

Yesterday, Ah Wei and Long Zai had been following them to protect Mr. Shao and Ms. Fang. They did see many people filming them. Who made Mr. Shen's female companion look good?

However, only the fat man acted differently. He had already leaned over to rub Ms. Fang a few times. This was not just taking pictures, but playing hooliganism.

Fatty's family background has also been roughly clarified. His name is Li Sanjiang, and he is a photojournalist for a certain newspaper. He is nothing, but his father is the director of a textile factory in Hangzhou.

In this era, enterprises are stronger than the government, and light industry is stronger than heavy industry, especially this kind of light industry that can be related to food, clothing, housing and transportation. Their cotton yarn and silk can be exchanged for foreign exchange, and they are even more confident.

However, Shen Guanglin's side is not false. They are Hong Kong people invited by Beijing University to visit, and they are considered overseas Chinese in this era.

Things are not easy to handle, this is not something that an ordinary police station can handle.

When Shen Guanglin came to inquire about the outcome of the matter, he was told that it had been handed over to the higher-level unit.

Shen Guanglin came to the higher-level unit again. The service attitude of the other party was good, and the leader came forward to receive him. He said: "The family members of the victim have also come. Our suggestion is that you should focus on mediation, and both parties take a step back."

"You haven't said how to deal with it yet. What does it mean to take a step back?"

Shen Guanglin was also very puzzled, there must be an attitude whether to enforce the law impartially or to act in collusion, what is the meaning of this ambiguity.

"Let me talk about the injury first. The other party's nose is broken, the retina is detached, the front teeth are loose, and there are many abrasions on the body. The two of you beat him really hard."

"Professional bodyguards, there is a reason for being ruthless. Doesn't he know what the fat man did? I won't talk about sneak shots, and he was caught for harassing women. It's good if he doesn't take a gun."

"Everything needs to be based on evidence. Now we have insufficient evidence here. It means that you are Hong Kong businessmen, so it is difficult for us to deal with it further."

What's the meaning?evidence?

Isn’t the camera the evidence? What about the film?

After all, Shen Guanglin was entrusted by others, he wanted to see what happened to the two of them first, and whether they had received "inhuman" treatment.

Just entering the sub-office, a short and fat middle-aged woman was crying and cursing there, and her body was 8 points similar to the man who was beaten:
"Let me tell you, my son's teeth have fallen out and his nose has been broken. If you want to uphold justice, you must severely punish such things."

The person responsible for appeasing the short and fat woman should also be a leader, and the purpose of his speech is also to make big things smaller:

"The other party is a Hong Kong businessman. He knows what your Li Sanjiang has done. If he harassed his female guests, he would have been sentenced last year."

On the contrary, the woman got excited, "How about the Hong Kong businessmen? Hong Kong businessmen don't abide by the law. My Jiang Jiang family is very honest. How could they play hooligans. Sentence? You come, come! Arrest me too, my boss Mrs. Li is also a cadre, if you have the guts, arrest all three of my family."

Shen Guanglin heard a conversation between them, and knew that this woman was really affectionate, but with his mother like this, his son probably wouldn't be too kind.

This is the end of the intersection of the two parties.

The leader who received Shen Guanglin here also said, "Don't take it too easy. The two bodyguards on your side beat others and caused serious injuries. They still have to bear certain legal consequences."

"That fat man is playing hooligans. His camera is the evidence. After washing the rubber ring inside, you can see the photos he took." Shen Guanglin said indifferently.

"What film? We didn't see the film. The other party's father works in a textile factory, and his level is not low. If you have any evidence, hurry up and collect it."

What about film?

I go, the evidence was destroyed?

Shen Guanglin could also imagine that the other party would definitely do some tricks. If he was the other party, he would most likely do the same, so it's not surprising.

It seems that the leader did not do anything better, and it should be for the sake of foreign businessmen.

His meaning is also very obvious, if you have a relationship, show it quickly, if you don't, quickly find a relationship.

Shen Guanglin could only say, "I can take them away first. This is my work permit. I am a professor at Capital University. I have to think about how to deal with their affairs before I can make a decision."

The leader agreed.

It is estimated that what he meant was that you quickly take the person away, and this matter is over.

The spirits of the two are also fine, and they have not suffered any torture, which is not bad.

Let's go.

Seeing Shen Guanglin bringing two people out, the short and fat woman was really unhappy.

"Okay, you really are together. Just now when I saw this little bastard, I wondered, what is he doing here? It really is a litter. There are people who have no one to raise them..."

The fat woman's original swearing words are really exciting.

Shen Guanglin resolutely couldn't bear this kind of swearing: "You pig-headed bitch don't know what's good, if you want to beat these two guys, you can satisfy you."

The fat woman picked up the bag in her hand and threw it at Shen Guanglin, "It's fair for you to hit someone, come on, come and hit me!"

Is there such a requirement?
Shen Guanglin couldn't bear this, he decided to satisfy her, he kicked the woman's chest, two big chunks of pork bounced back, almost staggered, but the woman also let out a loud howl.

"He beat me, Comrade Public Security, he wanted to kill someone, and he killed me."

(End of this chapter)

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