Chapter 386 Rules
Fighting in the police station, how can this be?

Usually this is not allowed.

Shen Guanglin rushed up and slapped the fat woman several times, and the two sides were separated, but that was all.

It can be seen that the people in the police station seem to be conniving at him to commit murder, otherwise, Shen Guanglin's actions would not be so smooth.

Now it can be evened out, you beat someone in front of us, you can't say you are innocent.

Shen Guanglin didn't know why he suddenly wanted to hit someone.

The fat woman's ability to attract hatred is really too strong. She took the bag and attacked Shen Guanglin, but she didn't really hit him, but was beaten solidly.

But if you hit it, you hit it, and the opponent's mouth is too broken, so it should be hit.

The woman waited for Shen Guanglin to be pulled away, but instead of swearing, she sat quietly on the ground, as if she wasn't the one being beaten.

Only then did Shen Guanglin understand that everything was a routine.

How does this scene seem familiar?

He remembered that there was a movie in which Charlotte's mother seemed to use some tricks to trick the principal. The incidents were different, but the reasoning was the same.

Of course, Zhang Yang is the most spiritual, brother, what are you looking for, dad will help you find it.

However, the harassment and beatings can only go so far.

According to the rules of this era, they probably can't do anything to anyone.

After all, it's not a big deal.

Shen Guanglin was scolded, the fat woman was beaten, and that was the only way things could go.

After all, the director of the textile factory still has some influence. To deal with his son, it is not a matter of looking at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

And the other side is from Xiangjiang, especially if he is the director of the local TV station, if he really tries to say bad things about this side, the impact will not be good.

It's better to let Shen Guanglin vent his anger. Both parties are at fault, and the problem will be solved.

The talent is amazing.

Shen Guanglin is not a small-minded person, he just likes to write down such small things in a small notebook, and then he can make up for it when he finds time.

The three returned safely.

The two bodyguards admired Shen Guanglin so much that they dared to hit someone in front of the cop, it was really unusual, Shen Sheng could cover him.

In Xiangjiang, sexual harassment is not a serious crime, and no one knows how to do one or two tricks.

Even, some people like to take the bus the most, and when they see beautiful girls, they start to move, and then do some indecent actions and sway some indecent liquids.

On the contrary, they injured someone, and they might have to go to jail.

Shen Guanglin came to "bail" them, and even dared to beat the sufferer in front of the note, even if he didn't admire it.

Awesome, I admire him, he deserves to be a well-known professor.

In fact, this is the difference between the two places.

In the past two years, the management in the mainland has been very strict. Those who harass ladies like the little fat man will really be in a life-and-death situation if they are unlucky.

Therefore, the other side is actually more afraid of this side's intransigence.

Calm down, both parties are at fault, and it is probably acceptable for each to take a step back.

Only Shen Guanglin felt that he had been tricked, and felt a little unhappy.

However, this does not affect their next trip. The West Lake can be visited in one day, or for three to five days in a row.

Shen Guanglin was still thinking about organizing people to dig out the underground palace of Leifeng Pagoda.

In this era, Hangzhou has not yet developed the Songcheng tourist area. Apart from going to the West Lake, there are not many other places to visit in Hangzhou, unless you go to Qiandao Lake.

Qiandao Lake is also a good place. It is said that an ancient county is submerged below it. If you can dive to find it, it is still a bit interesting.

However, in this era, Qiandao Lake has not yet been developed into a tourism resource. It has really passed, that is, it is possible to taste freshwater fish.

There is no shortage of freshwater fish in Hangzhou. They also ate authentic fish from the West Lake in the guest house, and the taste was not different.

I really went to Qiandao Lake and there was no acquaintance to bring me, so I should not go.

After visiting the West Lake and having enough fun, Shen Guanglin took Li Li and accompanied old man Shao and the others to Yongcheng.

This is Shen Guanglin's second visit to Yongcheng, and Yongcheng is also old man Shao's hometown.

Old man Shao, like old man Bao, is from Yongcheng Town, not far from the seaside wharf.

Of course, in terms of wealth and status, old man Shao cannot be compared with old man Bao. Old man Bao is a world-renowned ship king, while old man Shao is only somewhat famous in the entertainment industry.

In this era, Yongcheng Port has not yet been built, which means that Beilun has not yet developed, and Zhenhai Port under Yongcheng is an extremely important transportation hub.

In fact, Zhenhai is quite far from Yongcheng, and it takes more than an hour on the optical road.

However, these people were not interested in the port, but rather curious about the Catholic Church left over from Yongcheng. Li Li gave Shen Guanglin a meaningful smile.

What are you laughing at, hurry up and eat jumping fish, this thing is not easy to catch, and you can't catch them without some skills.

A few people didn't stay in Yongcheng for too long. There are only Tianyi Square and Tianyi Pavilion here, and there are not many other attractive places.

In the past few days in Yongcheng, a group of people went to watch the Boda University under construction and listened to the work report of the person in charge.

The school will be completed soon, and it will be put into use after autumn. The chartered boat king has made great contributions.

Shen Guanglin is still the nominal person in charge here, and he hasn't been here a few times.

The old man Shao also felt the spirit of the charter king, and directly donated to build a university, which is amazing.

However, he still asked: How much did the charter king donate?
2000 million Hong Kong dollars.

Is that enough for a university?
Of course not enough, but the name is rare.

It's just that old man Bao has already finished building a school in his hometown, but old man Shao doesn't know what to do.

He did donate a few buildings in several middle schools, but he still didn't feel satisfied.

What's next?

There are so many universities in Zhejiang Province, how can there be nothing to do.

Shen Guanglin suggested: Zhejiang University is also very good. Do you want to support it? It doesn’t need to be too much. 1000 million is also a good number.

No problem, you can consider it.

In this way, they returned to Hangzhou again, and they were really ready to inspect Zhejiang University.

There are really quite a few universities in Hangzhou, if you count them, there are more than ten or twenty.

It's just that later, as long as there are decent universities here, they have been merged by Zhejiang University, so it is not unreasonable for Zhejiang University to rank third in the country all the year round.

When the old man Shao came to play, no one cared about it. It was different when they came to donate money to investigate. The local government sent high-level leaders to accompany them.

I have to say that the trip to the university campus was really good. The school's style of study is very good, and the students are also good-looking. Old man Shao is very satisfied.

Shen Guanglin even held a lecture for free.

This is a lecture worth 5 US dollars, and this money needs to be paid by Mr. Shao.

I have to say that the girls from Zhejiang University are prettier than the girls from Beijing University, the girls from Beijing University are prettier than those from Wudaokou Technical School, and the girls from Wudaokou Technical School are prettier than those from Mining University.

The University of Mining is very wronged, how many girls are there?If you want to lose your face, why don't you go to the mining major to find girls.

Another sumptuous reception dinner in Hangtown.

The food is very good, and Shen Guanglin's decision to settle here for a long time is also very good.

During the meeting, the old man Shao proposed to donate 1000 Hong Kong dollars to Zhejiang University, and Shen Guanglin wanted to donate 200 million Hong Kong dollars to Hangzhou to build the Leifeng Pagoda on behalf of the Great Wall Company.

Great thing!

The leaders attached great importance to it and asked them what their requirements were.

There is no request, old man Shao has only one request. Is it possible to name the teaching building he donated as Shaw Building?

no problem!

Shen Guanglin didn't have any request, he just had a little suggestion:

Does our Hangcheng Textile Factory have a factory manager named Li Gang, whose son harassed Mr. Shao's concubine some time ago, should we give an explanation?

Xiangjiang is a concubine, and Ms. Fang is indeed Mr. Shao's concubine.

Before 1970, Xiangjiang practiced the laws of the Qing Dynasty.

Men can indeed take concubines.

However, it is a pity that starting from 1971, concubinage in Xiangjiang is no longer legal.

Otherwise, Teacher Shen would have some immature thoughts.

Old man Shao can have such a confidante as Ms. Fang, and also a great helper in his career, life is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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