Start with a college teacher

Chapter 388 Excavation

Chapter 388 Excavation
The content of the meeting was beyond everyone's expectations, even more beyond Li Gang's expectations.

This meeting turned out to be a personnel adjustment meeting, and the person who was transferred turned out to be only Li Gang himself.

He will no longer be the director of the textile factory in the future, and he has not arranged a new position for the time being, so he is at home.

What do you mean and why?
There is no why, it's up to you to ask yourself.

After many inquiries, Li Gang learned that it was his incompetent son who "molested" the female relatives of Xiangjiang guests.

People complained at the banquet.

It seems that asking their own mother-in-law to play tricks didn't work, so they still gave them eye drops.

This matter is a big deal for Li Gang, but for other Xiangjiang guests, it is just a matter of mentioning it.

I heard that it was Professor Shen who accompanied the Hong Kong businessman who said something more that made the situation worse.

The leader also said that the suspension is only an expedient measure. When the Xiangjiang guests leave, it is impossible to say that the council officer will be reinstated or make other arrangements.After all, Director Li is a capable person.

The guests from Xiangjiang did not stare at Director Li, but there are also deputy directors in the textile factory.

As soon as Li Gang was suspended, the letters of report came one after another.

The report letter said that there are noses and eyes, Li Gang has style problems, corruption, nepotism.
It is true that Li Gang is capable, but his butt is not clean, and there are many problems with his body.

It's difficult now.

Li Gang was first suspended, then dismissed, and then I heard that he was still going to be executed.

Perhaps, in a few days, even personal freedom will not be guaranteed.

Li Gang is still a smart person. He knows that in this situation, the wall is overthrown and everyone is pushing. What they lack is an opportunity, and now the opportunity has come.

Others gave him a suggestion: Otherwise, you resign.


Kyoto University is finally about to start school, and Li Li needs to go back to register, so she has to leave.

A few days before leaving, both of them didn't go out. Teacher Shen decided to have a full meal, because he didn't know when it would be until the next time he ate.

There is morning exercise in the morning, lunch break at noon, and homework in the evening.

In short, Shen Guanglin has mastered the skill practice of undressing and undressing.

Young is so good.

In the past few years, the younger sister's figure has developed twice, and finally it is no longer a pair of A, at least it is also B.

This is something worth celebrating, but he doesn't know who to tell about his joyful mood.

The younger sister is good-looking and has a good figure, and wearing pajamas with bumps can't hide her exquisite curves.

Shen Guanglin couldn't help wanting it when he saw it, and Li Li didn't mean to refuse.

Give as you want.

Life is so beautiful, enjoyment needs to be early.

"I want to go back to China." Li Li suddenly said something without beginning or end.

"What?" Shen Guanglin became sober in an instant, "Aren't you in China now, why did you return to China?"

"You know what I mean, how do you plan to arrange me."

Shen Guanglin did understand this sentence.

If Li Li comes back, how will the relationship between her and her sister be handled.

Shen Guanglin also thought about this matter, but he never thought about it thoroughly. Li Li suddenly mentioned that she wanted to come back, and Shen Guanglin was momentarily unprepared.

It seems that Li Li is really happy to play in the country during this time. She probably doesn't plan to stay in Fusang for a long time.

I don't know when Li Li came up with this idea, but Shen Guanglin couldn't say no to it, he didn't have this position.

He was thinking about how to place his sister.

What did she mean by that?She really didn't want to go back and she just said so casually.

Li Li finally couldn't help it anymore: "I really want to come back to China. I don't have any acquaintances in Fusang. I think I can continue to do physics research when I return to China. You will support me, right?" .”

But he still tried his best to think about how to arrange for her next.

In the future, he will be tested how to coordinate the relationship between the three people. This subject is still quite complicated.

In fact, Shen Guanglin still had some vague expectations for Li Li's return to China.

He even had an immature idea.

Three people, there must be my teacher.

Shen Guanglin really thought about it, it's really not good to keep Li Li in Fusang. Although Fusang is very close to Huaxia, it is a foreign country after all, and Shen Guanglin will not go there many times.

"Lily, what you said is a bit sudden. I haven't made any specific preparations yet? Which city do you want to stay in? Do you have any intention? Do you want to go back to Beijing University? Or do you want to stay in Hangzhou in the south?"

Shen Guanglin sorted out his thoughts and asked Li Li carefully. He was also afraid that Li Li was just impulsive.

Li Li didn't notice the change in Shen Guanglin's mood, she just continued: "Let's talk about it when I graduate from graduate school, you said you would help me build a laboratory, does it still count?"

"Of course there is no problem with this. The funds have not been prepared long ago."

Shen Guanglin patted his chest and said no problem, he has nothing but money.

After all, it was daytime, and the two of them woke up, tidied up the scattered sheets, and then went to take a bath together.

"Then I'll start making arrangements for you later on. You'll be graduating in two years, so there's still time."

"Well, it hasn't been two years, and there is still one and a half years left. I won't study for a Ph. D."

It's okay, Shen Guanglin said cautiously: "How about you stay in Jinmen, it's also close to the capital, and Jinmen University is also a good school."

The relationship between Shen Guanglin and Nankai University is not as close as before, but the relationship with Jinmen University is getting better and better.

Li Li didn't continue to say anything.

"My sister is about to graduate in two months."

This was the last sentence Li Li left for someone Shen before she left.

Immediately, Li Li got on the plane back to Fusang, transferred from Hangzhou to Shanghai, and then flew to Tokyo.

Shen Guanglin watched her leave silently, with mixed emotions in his heart, what else could he do?

It is impossible for Shen Guanglin to marry her.

His marrying his sister was expected by everyone, but he and his sister were really together, but they didn't get anyone's blessing.

In the end, it all depends on what Li Li thinks.

Li Li still left.

Shen Guanglin's mood also began to become chaotic, and he had no strength to do anything.

Fortunately, the 200 million Hong Kong dollars donated by Shen Guanglin worked at this time.

The West Lake Management Committee also set up a Leifeng Pagoda Repair Committee, which is responsible for the reconstruction of Leifeng Pagoda.

They invited Shen Guanglin to be the guidance expert, after all, he donated the money.

In fact, the new Leifeng Pagoda has been designed a long time ago, but there is no money to build it.

Shen Guanglin is an outsider who doesn't speak jargon. He has no suggestion for this. He actually just wants to see the process of archaeological excavation.

Use this to divert your attention.

The reconstruction of Leifeng Pagoda began.

And if the Leifeng Pagoda is to be rebuilt, the foundation is an indispensable part. If the foundation is re-excavated, it will naturally touch the underground palace. Shen Guanglin just wants to see what is inside the underground palace.

Is there a Buddha bone relic? Is it really Shakyamuni's?

For several days, Shen Guanglin accompanied the construction team to clean up the broken bricks.

Don't underestimate these bricks, which are also historical relics, and some of them are engraved with words.

It's a pity that after the Leifeng Pagoda fell, most of the broken bricks were taken away by nearby residents to repair houses, and it is estimated that they will never be found again.

After all, rebuilding Leifeng Pagoda is a grand event.

I heard that the Leifeng Pagoda is going to be rebuilt, and many people still come here, including many traveling groups.

One day, Shen Guanglin was wandering around the Leifeng Pagoda, when a strange woman suddenly pointed at him and said, "It's him, the one who destroyed the belongings of the foreign guests."

(End of this chapter)

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