Start with a college teacher

Chapter 389 surrender

Chapter 389 surrender
The last time Ah Wei was forced to pull out the foreigner's film happened.

This time it was the woman who came with a few staff members.

The last incident ended hastily, and foreigners generally feel that they have been insulted, and it is certain that they will complain.

This girl was also severely criticized by her unit and her monthly bonus was cancelled.

It seems that she has hated this matter in her heart for a long time, and the wound in her heart has not been healed. This matter has become her nightmare.

Yesterday, she actually saw that villain at the ruins of Leifeng Pagoda!
After tracking him for a while, he found that the villain was doing hard work here, and he had no intention of leaving for a short time.

Today, she purposely came over again to check that the villain was still there, and then turned around and went back to rescue the soldiers.

The rescuers came, but the villain didn't seem to be panicked, instead he asked calmly:
"Who are you?"

"You, you caused me to be complained by foreign guests. This month's bonus is gone. How dare you say you don't know me!"

The woman was so angry that she was not a girl from the Northeast, otherwise she would definitely have cursed.

"Little Tao, are you sure it was he who attacked the foreign guests?"

A man who looked like a leader stood up and was ready to uphold justice. He was one of the rescuers brought by the woman.

"Yes, I also know turned into ashes! Look at his uneducated ashes, he is not a good person with quality at first glance."

Shen Guanglin moved bricks with the workers who cleaned the foundation. He only entered and exited the construction site a few times. It is normal for his body to be dirty, and even this became evidence in court.

Now that it has been confirmed that Shen Guanglin is the murderer who attacked the foreign guests, let's take him away and see what the superiors do.

"Comrade, come with us." The purpose of sending a few people over was to take people away.

However, they miscalculated.

With so many people at the scene, how could it be possible to take Shen Guanglin away easily? Even if he could agree, neither could the workers working on the scene.

When everyone saw someone besieging Professor Shen, they didn't say a word, and immediately surrounded him with working tools.

Seeing so many people, the person brought by the woman was immediately scared.

"Don't obstruct law enforcement!"

Shen Guanglin laughed, are they also law enforcement?
Law enforcement is really chaotic in this era, and many people without law enforcement power are also law enforcement indiscriminately. The most obvious example is reflected in market management.

In layman's terms, the so-called market management is actually an ordinary market.

Now it is legal for the public to set up stalls, but the stall fees are not counted. The industry and commerce will collect a wave, the tax will collect a wave, and even the gangsters around the market will charge a wave.

However, for businessmen who set up stalls, these are not the most abominable things. The most abominable thing is that they often encounter "robbery" blocking the road.

The civilized way to rob is to check the license plate.

What they checked was not the license plate of a car like in later generations, but the license plate of a bicycle.

Buying a bicycle in this era also requires a license plate. The vehicle management office will put a steel stamp on the handlebar and issue a lead alloy number strip. If it is stuck on the belt tile, it will be the license plate.

Today, the few people brought by the female guide are here to practice Shen Guanglin's law.
However, Shen Guanglin didn't seem to be afraid. The dozens of brothers working here were all his people.

Everyone also knows that this is the Leifeng Pagoda that Shen Guanglin donated on behalf of the Great Wall Company to rebuild. In addition, Shen Guanglin asks everyone to improve the food from time to time, so everyone loves him very much.

"Why should I go with you? You said that I attacked foreign guests. Where is the evidence? Time, place, witnesses, physical evidence, take whatever you want"

Shen Guang Lin Xin said that you are also funny, you dare to come and take people without anything.

"Little Tao? How do you say, are you sure it's him?" The leader already felt a little bit hard to get off, if Xiaotao said it wasn't him, the leader would definitely leave immediately, and the face was not so clean.

"It's him!" The female tour guide named Xiao Tao was a little puzzled.

The leader is so embarrassing, aren't you setting the leader on fire?

Shen Guanglin smiled at the side, "You said that I attacked the foreign guests, how did I attack, and what did I use to attack? Tell the big guys about the ins and outs of the matter. Anyway, everyone is tired from work, so just listen to a story gone."

"Yeah, let's talk about it. Now I still have a chance to beat up foreign devils. I have only seen it before but never dared to beat up." A worker replied very spiritually.

The female tour guide actually started talking:
"That day, I was traveling with foreign guests, and I met this man. He refused to let the foreign guests take pictures, and ordered someone to take away the foreign guests' cameras, and threw all the film into the river..."

The matter is roughly like this, but she also knows how to add oil and vinegar.

"But why is what you said so illogical? Why didn't I let the foreign guests take pictures? What did they do? According to what you said, someone else stole the foreign guests' cameras. What does it have to do with me?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"You are stingy. Foreign guests take photos to record beautiful moments. It is wrong for you to stop them. Not only do you not cooperate, but also let people attack foreign guests. This is a very bad behavior. Leader, arrest him quickly."

The female guide mobilized the leader to act quickly, but the leader didn't move. He knew that it was impossible to take this person away today.

"Do foreigners have to cooperate if they want to take pictures? For example, if someone says to you, come on, give me a smile, will you pose for a smile too?"

"Also, in case he wants to see what clothes you're wearing underneath, will you take them off too?"

Shen Guanglin is not used to her, this person's cognition must be biased, he doesn't know what he is thinking.

"You, you're a hooligan!" The female tour guide got angry.

"How did I get hooligans? Why, foreign guests can play hooligans, and if they stop it, they will attack foreign guests. I can't use an analogy."

Shen Guanglin continued to tease.

"That's right, don't be the Second Devil, it's not the Eight-Power Allied Forces anymore, wake up."

A group of people were having a lively conversation when suddenly another outsider came in.

He didn't say anything, and knelt down when he came up: "Professor Shen, help me."

"Don't, get up quickly, who are you?" Shen Guanglin felt that today is really lively, is there another moral kidnapper here?

"My name is Li Gang, and I work in a textile factory. Professor Shen, you don't remember villains, please help me."

Li Gang is really desperate. If the unit really wants to investigate, he will not be able to afford it.

Shen Guanglin dispersed everyone, including the female tour guide, and was ready to have a good chat with this factory manager named Li Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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