Start with a college teacher

Chapter 390 Leifeng Pagoda

Chapter 390 Leifeng Pagoda

Shen Guanglin was very impressed with Li Gang's family.

Not to mention his lustful son, he also has a wife who is very good at tricks, which left a deep impression on Shen Guanglin.

That lecherous little fat man Li Sanjiang was beaten up, is he honest now?Have you ever gone up to rub against a good-looking woman?
And Li Sanjiang's mother, that fat woman, she had deceived Shen Guanglin Wen.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how he found her way, but luckily she was just protecting herself.

Now Li Gang is really desperate.

Shen Guanglin's complaint to the government, which led to his temporary suspension, was just the straw that broke the camel's back, and it was just an opportunity.

Li Gang quickly felt what it meant to be pushed down by everyone.

If it wasn't for this incident, he wouldn't even know that he had offended so many people.

It is true that Li Gang helped the textile factory earn a lot of foreign exchange, and he also had several capable officers under him.

However, when they really want to turn against the water, they jump more fiercely than anyone else, and their knives are deadly.

What does it mean to turn one's face and be ruthless, what does it mean to be double-faced and three-handed, he has caught up with them all.

Now the situation is very serious.

If Li Gang doesn't save himself, I'm afraid he really has no chance.

Who made him not too clean.

The problem of style is really not a big deal at ordinary times, but it cannot be ignored when it comes to critical moments.

In particular, Li Gang's business ability is quite strong and he can make money, so he doesn't care much about spending it.

There are always some expenses that are not visible. Even if it is used to invite leaders and customers, this is just an unspoken rule, but now that they are all exposed, it is really enough for him to drink a pot.

Li Gang thought of various methods. He also heard that Shen Guanglin was a professor at the Capital University and had a high status. He said a word, and if he was not sure, the higher authorities would stop investigating him.

It is no longer expected to continue to be the director of the textile factory. It is a blessing to be able to land safely, and it is possible to go in and sit there for a few years.

Therefore, he had already put all his hopes on Shen Guanglin. He was the first to be dissatisfied with Li Gang. If Professor Shen said a word, it might not really save his life.

In particular, they donated 1200 million Hong Kong dollars this time. These foreign currencies can do a lot of great things, and it is impossible for Hangzhou to ignore it.

Shen Guanglin listened to Li Gang's introduction.

"You said that the main partner of your factory is Great Wall Clothing in Shencheng? Have you supplied all your raw materials and semi-finished products to them?"

Shen Guanglin thought it was a coincidence, this world is too small, it could be related to it.

"Yes, it is said that their headquarters is a company in Xiangjiang. The boss's surname is Su, and his ancestral home is in the capital. He has a particularly strong influence in Shencheng. He is already above ten thousand people at a young age." Li Gang still admires Su Youpeng. Wei Wei doesn't know how much wealth he has mastered.

When Shen Guanglin heard this, he knew that it was right, it was Su Youpeng.

"Did you teach the accident that your wife came over last time? It's very strategic."

Shen Guanglin stopped being angry a long time ago, but he was very curious about the handling strategy of the last incident.

At first he thought that the fat woman was a model of being arrogant, domineering and ignorant, but he didn't expect her to be so wise.

First, he intentionally provoked Shen Guanglin, and then let Shen Guanglin act angrily, so that it would be difficult to pursue her son's asshole.

Probably, she already knew that Shen Guanglin and old man Shao were big shots they couldn't afford to mess with, and it was really difficult to make a decision in this situation.

If it wasn't for Shen Guanglin who likes to write it down in a small notebook, if they hadn't gone to Yongcheng and then returned to Hangzhou, it might be that this matter has been exposed.

"Really, she has always been smarter than me. I often ask her for advice. I can be the factory manager because of her. It was her idea to go to Shencheng to find a cooperative factory."

Li Gang went on to talk about how they went to Shencheng to find a market. It was hard to tell. The Great Wall Clothing Company was still a small company. They were a big state-owned enterprise, but they were willing to supply at a low cost. They were really courageous and not afraid. Losing money.

Awesome, Shen Guanglin was even thinking, if Li Gang were to go to the Great Wall Garment Factory and let him take care of the procurement of raw materials, would he be able to save more money.

Shen Guanglin and Li Gang's family didn't have any blood feud, and it wasn't his own woman that the little fat man harassed. Shen Guanglin didn't have any resentment in his heart, but instead developed some love for the fat woman.

"Well, let me say hello, you resign too. After resigning, take your wife and children to Shencheng, and go to Great Wall Clothing. Just say that I introduced you, resign early, and you may not be able to escape safely." Shen Guanglin helped him. After making the arrangement, he specially emphasized that the fat girl would also go to work together, so he didn't care about the little fat guy.

"You and Great Wall Clothing Company?" Li Gang didn't fully understand Shen Guanglin's identity.

"I am the chief scientist of Great Wall Company. Great Wall Company owns Great Wall Clothing, Great Wall Electric, and Great Wall Entertainment. Now you understand. If you go there, there will be a place for you."

Li Gang was very surprised. It turned out that the Great Wall Company was stronger than he imagined.

He was grateful for Dade's departure, and before leaving, he actually brought his wife and children to say goodbye.

It turned out that Li Gang's fat wife was called Liu Xiuhua, a very earthy but penetrating name.

Embroidered sister-in-law also apologized to Shen Guanglin in embarrassment, saying that what she did was just the survival wisdom of a small person, and I hope Shen Guanglin doesn't mind.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't mind, and he planned to let the little fat man go to Xiangjiang, maybe he could make a difference. He has an entertainment company there, so the little fat man can take pictures seriously.

Later, old man Shao brought Ms. Fang back, planning to set up a foundation to donate to build schools and teaching buildings.

That is to say, from now on, old man Shao has transformed from a strange old man who is greedy for money and lust into a philanthropist for the country and the people.

Now, Li Li is gone, and old man Shao is gone, leaving Shen Guanglin alone in Hangzhou. He wants to stay and continue his unfinished business, which is the archaeology of Leifeng Pagoda.

Speaking of Leifeng Pagoda, we have to mention "The Legend of the White Snake", after all, it is one of the four folk love legends.

I just don't know when that hot TV show was broadcast?

The love story in "Legend of the White Snake" is poignant, and the other three are just as joyful.

Shen Guanglin also did some special homework. The other three love stories are "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "Meng Jiangnu Crying at the Great Wall" and "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl".

Among them, the ending of Cowherd and Weaver Girl is not bad, at least the story continues.

But even this story, when you think about it, is not so pretty.

The weaver girl took a bath in the river, and the cowherd stole her clothes, and then started hahahaha.

Isn't this playing hooligans? In this era, you have to be shot.

Later, the two separated, separated by a Milky Way, every July 7th is the day when the two meet again.

But the problem is, one day in the sky, one year on the ground.

It is true that Cowherd can only see Weaver Girl once a year, but Weaver Girl can see Cowherd every day, even if the monthly letter comes, she will not be spared. It is not easy to receive Cowherd.

Let's go back to "The Legend of the White Snake". After all, it is the story of Xiaobai and Xiaoqing. Feng Menglong, a novelist in the Ming Dynasty, wrote this love legend so vividly that it is fascinating.

In fact, the real origin of this pagoda is the Imperial Concubine Pagoda, which was built by King Wuyue for his concubine in the early Northern Song Dynasty. It was only because this pagoda was on the Qingshan Mountain that it was called Leifeng Pagoda.

There is also a saying that the real reason for building the pagoda is to enshrine the conch hair of the Tathagata Buddha, not to celebrate the birth of the beloved concubine Huang.

Now is the time to unravel the mystery.

In fact, the fate of Qian Chu, the king of Wuyue, was also very tragic. He was poisoned to death by Song Taizong, the god of medicine.

Too many people were poisoned to death by Zhao Guangyi, such as Li Yu, the Empress of Tang Dynasty, who belonged to someone after Xiao Zhou; It's a tiger's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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