Start with a college teacher

Chapter 391 Discovery

Chapter 391 Discovery
Li Gang brought his family to Shencheng, and all of them joined Great Wall Company.

He landed safely, and the higher authorities did not continue to investigate him. After all, there is no credit but hard work.

Li Gang and his wife went to Great Wall Clothing, but Li Sanjiang did not go to the entertainment company, but to Apple.

Many fat people have a game dream.

The little fat man heard that the company that produced the Apple computer learning machine is also a subsidiary of their Great Wall, and he was immediately interested.

Li Gang and Su Youpeng also knew each other, and even became friends in the business field because of their business relationship.

Professor Shen's suggestion was really useful. Su Youpeng really appointed him as the purchasing manager, and let him be responsible for the procurement of raw materials, mainly cotton and silk.

Therefore, Li Gang returned to Hangzhou, facing his old employer Spinning Mill.

This is Shen Guanglin giving him a chance to perform, so that he can continue to stand up and be a man.

On the other hand, the work of rebuilding Leifeng Pagoda is still going on.

Under the Leifeng Pagoda, an underground palace was actually discovered!

This incident immediately shocked the entire Hangzhou archaeological community.

In fact, for many years, there have been many rumors that there are important treasures buried here, so there are many people and things who came to steal and dig.

However, after all, it was just a private theft, not as thorough as the official digging.

In all the history of tomb robbers, the most rampant official tomb robbers are probably Cao Cao and Sun Dianying.

No one knows how many tombs Cao Cao stole, and they raised a lot of military expenses by relying on this.

Everyone knows that Sun Dianying stole the tombs of Empress Dowager Cixi and Qianlong in the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. In the end, he only left Lafayette with a pair of underwear. Qianlong was even worse, with his head missing.

Now that the underground palace of Leifeng Pagoda has been found, everyone does not know if there is anything in it, and how many things there are. It has been abandoned for decades. Many people think that even if there are things, they have been taken away.

Now, Shen Guanglin has paid for the rebuilding of the Leifeng Pagoda. This excavation is really a search of mountains and seas.

After digging down, everyone discovered that the legend that there was a treasure buried underneath turned out to be true.

And there are so many good things out there.

In fact, many historical legends are true.

For example, the story of Zhang Xianzhong's Jiangkou Shenyin is also true. There is a folk song, "Stone dragon and stone tiger, gold and silver are ten thousand and five, whoever can see through it will buy Chengdu Mansion."

If conditions permit, Shen Guanglin really wants to organize people to go to Jiangkou to check.

This kind of word-of-mouth story is actually a kind of oral history. Some people say that moon cakes were invented by Zhu Yuanzhang, and there is no historical evidence, just oral history.

The fact that the Leifeng Pagoda discovered the mysterious underground palace also spread to the people, and everyone talked about it. Is the White Lady going to be born?

Is snake soup delicious?
Of course, the story of the White Snake is actually just a beautiful imagination of everyone. Everyone's point of view is mainly focused on whether this is the imperial concubine's tomb or a buried Buddhist treasure.

Since some good things have come out, everyone has paid attention to them.

Soon, the Hangcheng Archaeological Institute formed a capable force, and they will unite to carry out archaeological excavations on this discovery.

Fortunately, they did not exclude Shen Guanglin, but instead invited him to be a member of the expert team.

Although Shen Guanglin does not study history or archeology, he has some status in the academic world after all, and this time he got the funds, so everyone should respect it accordingly.

Some people have money, some people contribute, and the progress is of course very fast.

Treasures have been unearthed one after another, and more than 60 cultural relics have been rebuilt successively, all of which are related to Buddhism. It seems that the Wuyue Kingdom was still rich.

Although the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms at that time were constantly in war, they were better than those in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

During the period of the Five Husbands, the barbaric Jiehu even drove people to serve as military rations. That was the darkest moment of the Han nation.

Just when Shen Guanglin was obsessed with archaeological discoveries and couldn't extricate himself, news came from Citigroup that their lawsuit between Apple and Nintendo had begun.

Making money is Shen Guanglin's base, and archeology is just a hobby.

According to the general procedure of litigation, the first hearing is to exchange evidence, and then discuss whether an out-of-court settlement can be made.

Nintendo acted very strongly, and they collected sufficient information. They even dug up Apple employees as witnesses. It seems that it was premeditated.

Everyone was outraged.

There are always some people who do outrageous things for their own interests. No wonder Nintendo has a lot of lawsuits. They are both good and bad.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin is not unprepared for everything, especially when he was still in the beginning of "development", Shen Guanglin was preparing for the lawsuit.

It is estimated that this lawsuit will not be so easy to end.

In court, the other party made many demands, among which they not only asked their "Apple" company to stop selling home computer learning machines, but also asked them to lose money.

However, Shen Guanglin's litigation team also refuted them one by one, and argued hard.

Of course, Nintendo also proposed a settlement plan, and the request is very simple. As long as Apple releases the copyright including the cube game for free, they can consider withdrawing the lawsuit.

Apple's legal team hired Xiangjiang lawyers who understand international law, and they hoped that Shen Guanglin would give careful consideration to their economic advice.

Because, how much are the copyrights of these games worth?

If the lawsuit is protracted, no matter whether you win or lose, the money spent may be much more than the copyright fee.

Shen Guanglin didn't think about it that way, sometimes he couldn't think about the momentary gains and losses, and he could only avoid a hundred punches with one punch.

Shen Guanglin instructed that we must fight to the end.

"They'll fight for as long as they want, until they're completely victorious."

No matter how much the lawsuit costs, as long as there is still a chance to fight, then fight to the end.

However, while fighting, don't forget to occupy the high ground of public opinion.

Propaganda is also very important. Sometimes, public opinion can also affect judicial justice.

Of course, business can't be lost either.

Although it is very important to win the lawsuit, what is more important is the competitiveness of the product and the market performance. If you make money, you will not be afraid of anything.

Shen Guanglin also said, don't be tied up because of the lawsuit, and don't forget about the development of new products.

In addition, Shen Guanglin also asked: Has a handheld game console been developed?
has been developed.

But the game only has "Sinking Cube", isn't it a bit thin.

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, are you all stupid? You don’t know how to live without yourself, right?
Of course, the game console that mainly focuses on sinking cubes can also be compatible with other games. It can also play some games such as racing cars or greedy snakes, plus some rebound elimination games, which will enrich the game content. Is it difficult?

Shen Guanglin was still thinking about whether he should go to Shencheng or Xiangjiang for on-site guidance, but Li Rong came to him through Hangzhou.

Because she already knew that her sister had come to the country and left again, so she came after her.

Of course, her explanation doesn't go that way.

She also had business to do when she came here, and they set up a research group to do a social survey, which was also the topic of their graduation thesis.

Li Rong is finally graduating.

This time they came to Hangzhou, and they did come because they heard that Teacher Shen was here.

The subject of their research is the development status of the silk industry.

This time Li Rong came with several classmates, both male and female. They really had research projects, not just supervising what Shen Guanglin was doing.

 The laptop is broken, and the mobile phone is broken. I plan to get a new one tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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