Chapter 39 Friends
The four of them became temporary friends.

The card game originally played with three people was Fighting the Landlord, but with four people it became a tractor.

Tractor is also called upgrade, double hundred. It is a game of four players with two decks of cards. Its popularity is second only to Fighting the Landlord and Running Fast.

With the common participation of the game, the atmosphere began to warm up.

Even if you pull me a chicken leg, I will give you a handful of beef jerky, like a friend you haven't seen for many years.

However, the friends I met on the train, after turning away in many cases, went their separate ways and stopped communicating.

Throughout the day, we chatted quite happily.

At night, the two no longer joke about sleeping together.

The next day was another happy day. Everyone was playing cards and joking again. It seemed that everyone had forgotten the unpleasantness when they first met.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after a long journey of two days and two nights, we finally arrived at Yangcheng Railway Station.

A full 48 hours of pain and suffering are finally relieved at this moment!

It's better to take the handcraft, the time is short and the speed is fast.

Even if you don't take the handicap, you can have a motor car.

The green-skinned train finally came into the station!

Everyone began to get excited, and one by one stood up and packed their bags.

Shen Guanglin also called Su Youpeng and Erlen to get off the bus together, but the girl was reluctant: "Mr. Shen, which school are you teaching in, can you leave a contact information? I'll write to you when I arrive at the school, but I can't say it's okay. Visit your school."

Forget about such a primitive means of writing a letter.

Sure enough, another woman who covets his beauty.


"No need, seeing each other is like seeing each other, how affectionate is ruthless. I just came to Yangcheng for a business trip. In fact, I am teaching in the capital."

Shen Guanglin didn't think that he and this girl could develop a story, especially the domineering temperament that people didn't like.

"Then you can leave the contact information, maybe we can meet in the capital in the future." The girl still didn't give up.

"Beauty Xiang, see you by fate." Shen Guanglin waved his hand and got out of the car, he only knew the girl's surname Xiang, and didn't want to know the name.

Er Leng walked at the end, and he whispered to the girl, "Mr. Shen teaches at Beijing University. He is a university teacher, not a primary or middle school. You can go to the physics department to find him."

A group of people bustling out of the station, this is the best time for pickpockets to start. As half of the society, Su Youpeng and Erlang are very vigilant, and they are afraid of being stolen.

"Mr. Shen! Here! Here!"

At the exit of the station, a man with a military temperament held a big sign with three big characters on it: Shen Guanglin.

"Hello, Brother Wang!" Shen Guanglin saw the person, and he was greeted by Wang Shishi.

It turned out that before arriving in Yangcheng, Shen Guanglin and Wang Shishi had contacted, and he said that they would come over, and they took the bus today.

After not seeing him for many days, Lao Wang's temperament and image have not changed much, and he is still dressed like a dog.

Regardless of the hot weather, he still wears leather shoes, dark striped suit pants, and a white shirt tucked into his belt, just like the real estate salesman of later generations. No wonder he will choose to be a real estate tycoon in the future.

"Let's go, Mr. Shen. I drove the unit's car. You are lucky today. This train is only two hours late."

Wang Shishi is very enthusiastic, this person is really interesting, and this friend is worth making.

Standing on the square, Shen Guanglin took a good breath, then stretched out seriously, and was ready to set off.

He motioned to the two younger brothers behind to bring their luggage, how could he be the boss doing such rough work.

The square of Yangcheng Railway Station is full of people, from all over the country, with all kinds of accents.

After all, it is the early stage of reform and opening up, and the law and order here is fairly good.

In places where the economy is too active, law and order sometimes cannot keep up.

As the most economically active city in the 80s, Yangcheng carried the country's hope and was at the forefront of reform and opening up. Judging from its liveliness and prosperity, it was even more powerful than the capital.

After all, the capital is still a bit too orthodox.

This is an era of savage economic growth. Some famous memoirs of later generations say that there was gold everywhere here.

Now, Shen Guanglin came here with certain assets and a different vision.

At this time, Yangcheng did not have the shadow of later high-rise buildings, but it was still obvious that the enthusiasm of Yangcheng could be felt.

Mainly heat.

The thick clothes on one's body quickly become unusable.

After walking a few steps, the coat could no longer be worn, and the sweater had to be taken off. Each of the three only kept a close-fitting autumn coat.

Or Erleng and Su Youpeng are more experienced. Their autumn clothes are actually sleeveless, and the sleeves have long been cut off to make T-shirts.

Teacher Shen was careless and didn't show off, but they gave her a show.

In fact, Shen Guanglin also knew that Yangcheng was very hot, but he just forgot.

One Spring Festival, he flew from Jinling to Shencheng, and flew back and forth several times a month. It was a seamless switch between down jackets and short sleeves, and then a circle of blisters appeared on his mouth.

Following the flow of people through three streets, Pharaoh's parking spot arrived.

"I'll wipe, it's ok, old man, Mercedes-Benz is on, Mercedes-Benz, enough brand!" Shen Guanglin has traveled for so long, this is the first time to see a Mercedes-Benz car, although the appearance of this car is not good-looking , but the logo is strong enough.

Now Mercedes-Benz has not introduced domestic products, and they will not set up a sales center in Hong Kong until 1986.

"As you know, the first car in China was a Mercedes-Benz. Yuan Shikai bought it for 1 taels of silver and gave it to the Empress Dowager Cixi as a birthday gift. As a result, Lafayette asked the driver to drive on his knees, and then the car was left idle. Woke up, and it’s still on until now.” Teacher Shen Guanglin is really knowledgeable.

"Mr. Shen, you are this!" Old Wang gave a thumbs up.

"Is this your own car?"

This old man is still amazing, the Mercedes-Benz has already opened, and he is still complacent about having a bicycle.

"This is a unit's car. It was imported from Heung Kong for Pingzhi. It is used by the bureau to attract investment. I can't afford it personally."

Pharaoh told the truth, he joined the Foreign Economic and Trade Commission, and he was very open-minded. He also borrowed this car specifically so that he would not lose his share in front of Shen Guanglin.

"Pingzhi" is the name of Xiangjiang, and in Wanwan, Mercedes-Benz is translated as "Benz".

I go, when was the Trademark Law established?
There is no Mercedes-Benz BMW yet, so go and register yourself?
Who else?Coca Cola?apple? ...

"Su Youpeng, take your notes and write them down. When you go back to Beijing, we will see when the domestic trademark law will be promulgated? Remind me not to forget, I want to register the trademark of Mercedes-Benz."


After getting in the car, Su Youpeng and Erlen were very cautious when facing this car, but Shen Guanglin was generous and sat directly with Lao Wang, showing no envy for this car at all.

Just a classic car.

Lao Wang didn't know that Shen Guanglin had a background of "studying abroad", but looking at his performance, he couldn't help but glance at Teacher Shen.

The Mercedes-Benz drove all the way, and there was no traffic jam.

The vitality of Yangcheng is indeed more vivid. There are construction sites under construction everywhere, and scaffolding made of bamboo can be seen everywhere.

Even if it is just bamboo, it is possible to build a small building with five or six floors. In the era of lack of steel, it is not uncommon to even use bamboo as steel.

After Lao Wang's introduction, Shen Guanglin also had a partial understanding of Yangcheng. Now Yangcheng is divided into three districts, namely Yuexiu, Liwan and Haizhu. Lao Wang's unit is located in Yuexiu District, very close to the Pearl River, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery. beautiful.

Mr. Shen, this road is called Zhongshan [-]th Road. It is the most prosperous street in Yangcheng. After you check in, take a rest. When I return the car, let's go out to eat.

The grade of the guest house is very general, but there are fans, mosquito nets and hot water in the room.

Don't worry about rest, the most urgent thing is to buy some seasonal clothes, otherwise it will be too stupid to integrate into local life.

Shen Guanglin called the shots, each bought a suitcase, and each bought several sets of clothes.

In the past, two people would definitely be reluctant to spend these unjust money.

Now, it's all up to Mr. Shen to call the shots.

The three people who have been cleaned up are really different. Leather sandals, toad mirrors, POLO shirts, and big pants are all windy when they walk on the road.

Summer and summer quietly pass by leaving little secrets,
Press my heart, press my heart, I can't tell you...

For dinner, Lao Wang took them to eat food stalls.

This is the characteristic of Yangcheng.

Food stalls, formerly known as "big pai stalls", are named after the large license plates of fixed stalls are mounted and hung.

This mode of operation originated in Xiangjiang after World War II.At that time, the British Hong Kong government issued two kinds of business photos, one is the "fixed-stall hawker license", and the other is a large-scale license that is a large piece of paper, which needs to be mounted and hung in a proper position.

Lao Wang is an acquaintance. The place he looked for looks inconspicuous, but the taste of the dishes is good.

Fried yellow croaker with soy sauce and sugar, bitter gourd with foie gras sauce, chicken wings in soy sauce, pork offal porridge, barbecued pork with honey sauce, and sliced ​​chicken.

There are quite a lot of dishes, and there will be others coming later?

All of this is in line with Mr. Shen's taste. China is indeed a country to eat, and the food is different from the capital, but it is still very delicious.

Several people eat and drink. Beer is not popular now. They drink Jiujiang double steamed.

This is a kind of rice wine, which is produced in Jiujiang Town, Nanhai, and has nothing to do with the city in Jiangxi Province.

When the meal was almost finished, Pharaoh's girlfriend came over, riding a bicycle, looking like a mess.

"Sui Sui, this is my friend in Beijing, Mr. Shen, he is a teacher of the Department of Physics at Jingcheng University, and the other two are his friends."

"Mr. Shen, this is my daughter-in-law, Suisui."

Pharaoh made an introduction to both parties.

"Brother Wang, are you getting married now?" He didn't say anything when he was in the capital a few months ago. Is this a flash marriage?
"Not yet, but soon, probably this year. It was Sui Sui's suggestion that I left the Railway Bureau to go to work in the China Merchants Bureau." Jiang Sui, Pharaoh's future wife, came from an extraordinary family.

"Fast enough buddy."

When paying the money, Shen Guanglin originally wanted to pay by himself, but Lao Wang refused. Although my buddy is a poor cadre, he is not bad for this amount of money.

It's amazing that you can eat here without a ticket, as long as you have money.

"You can only charge money here, even Hong Kong dollars."

This is another impression left by Yangcheng to Shen Guanglin.

After dinner, it is usual to have a long talk.

Shen Guanglin felt that he needed a business partner in southern China to help him manage his business, while Lao Wang felt that he needed a friend with an international perspective. The two chatted happily.

In the late 70s and early 80s, China had just reformed and opened up, and most people only wanted to be able to go to college and eat public meals. However, Yangcheng, located in southern China, was different. Many people thought about how to make money.

Clothing, electronics, processing, this is the best and easiest way to make money.

Pharaoh has no intention of going to sea now. He has a great future. He has just joined the government agency from the railway bureau, and is just about to make a big splash. In addition, his father-in-law will be the leader in the future. As long as he works hard, he will achieve great success.

 (please ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket, ask for monthly ticket)

(End of this chapter)

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