Chapter 40
The lack of ambition does not affect the normal friendship of the two.

Shen Guanglin also felt a little indifferent.

After Lao Wang's career was frustrated, he knew that it would be more fragrant to make money.

The next day, Shen Guanglin and the three ate the local specialty snack here at the entrance of the guest house-intestine noodles, and then waited for Lao Wang to take them to apply for the pass.

Intestinal powder, also known as Luoding Intestinal Powder, originated from Takizhou during the Tang Dynasty. According to Lao Wang, the title of "Intestinal Powder" was named when Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River.

In fact, these are basically false rumors and gossip.

Teacher Shen is still a researcher, because such legends cannot stand up to careful study.

There are too many delicacies in the folk who like to attach the Emperor Qianlong or Emperor Kangxi.

"Emperor Qianlong has never been to Lingnan." Shen Guanglin was very sure.

"Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River six times. The first southern tour was in the 16th year of Qianlong. The route was through Zhili, Shandong, and went south. The farthest reached Hangzhou and Jinling. After paying homage to the Ming Emperor's Tomb, he returned; The second southern tour was in the 22nd year of Qianlong’s reign, and he arrived at Suzhou, Hangzhou and Jinling, and then returned; the third time was in the 27th year of Qianlong’s reign, the farthest was Haining. Then I returned; the fourth time was in the 30th year of Qianlong’s reign, and I went to Jiangning; the fifth time was in the 45th year of Qianlong’s reign, and the route was the same as before; the last southern tour was in the 49th year of Qianlong’s reign, and I returned after arriving in Jinling.”

Still going to Lingnan?impossible.

However, the taste of rice rolls is really good, and you can add various condiments, such as eggs, sliced ​​meat, shrimp, fish, etc., but you can't eat too much, and you will get tired of eating too much.


Shen Guanglin and the others came to Yangcheng with a tight schedule and heavy tasks, and they had to go to work next. It was impossible to delay indefinitely here because Yangcheng was fun.

With a full set of procedures, it is not difficult to apply for a pass.

It's not like what is written in some novels. If you want to go to Xiangjiang, you have to prepare a tire or a few basketball bladders, jump into the sea and float along the current.

Shen Guanglin really asked Lao Wang, where do they usually go if they want to smuggle to Xiangjiang?
There are two places, both in Shencheng, the regular crossing point in the east is Shatoujiao, and in the west is Shekou.

Want to swim the Shenzhen River?
It can only be said that this is a very dangerous idea. Both sides have troops stationed, and if they are caught, they may be killed.

It is convenient to have a car. Shen Guanglin was first taken by Lao Wang to the customs, and after completing the immigration procedures, he was ready to send them to the train station.

As for playing with Xiangjiang, Lao Wang can't do it yet, he also has work to do.

The attitude of the customs staff is not bad, especially when they see that they have a letter of introduction from the Public Security Bureau, they specifically remind them that they can ask for help from XX agency when something happens in Xiangjiang, which is the mainland office in Xiangjiang.

Shen Guanglin thought that he had money and thought that he should not be able to use it.

In this era, not many people entered Hong Kong through official channels. Most of them passed by "swimming". Many people floated over with a tire on their waist. Therefore, Hong Kong people call mainland stowaways as big circles.

"What are you doing in Xiangjiang?"


"So young? Yo, he's still a teacher at Jingcheng University, so young and promising."


Once the red seal is over, the pass is ready. It is valid for seven days. Remember to come back on time.

Then you can think about how to get to the deep city.

Pharaoh's ability is also limited, he can only send them to Yangcheng Railway Station, and then help them plan a certain route map.

You can take a train from Yangcheng Railway Station to Luohu Railway Station in Shencheng, and then go through customs clearance procedures. After customs clearance, you will be on the side of Xiangjiang, which is also Luohu Railway Station, which belongs to Xiangjiang.

In the 90s, for the smooth return of Xiangjiang, the country built a Beijing-Kowloon Railway.

Initially, the planned route of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway was to build from the capital to Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province. Later, at the suggestion of Deng Cunlun, Deputy Minister of Railways: "Extend the Beijing-Jiujiang Railway to Kowloon, and strive to make it before returning to the motherland on July 1997, 7. All the way through.”

Therefore, the end point of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway is actually Kowloon, which is Hung Hom.

Now, this section of the railway already exists, it just needs to cross the customs port.

After entering the country, they can take the bus from Luohu Station in Heung Kong all the way to the most prosperous areas, such as Mong Kok, Hung Hom, and Tsim Sha Tsui.

Yangcheng Railway Station arrived soon, Pharaoh waved goodbye, and then the three of them went on their own journey.

Time is in a hurry, they bought a standing ticket this time, and there are no seats.

Seeing the crowd of people in the waiting room, Shen Guanglin's scalp felt numb.

There are too many people going from Yangcheng to Shencheng. Many people carry various luggage such as bedding rolls.

The weather in Yangcheng is sultry and hot, and there is no air conditioner in the waiting room, only a row of creaky ceiling fans, inciting all kinds of sour odors.

As a person who loves cleanliness, is accustomed to keeping clean, and even has a little bit of a cleanliness addiction, Mr. Shen really couldn't stand the smell, and even planned to charter a car to Shencheng for a while.

The ticket was finally checked, and the crowd was full of people, but seeing how Su Youpeng and Erlen looked so happy, it seemed that this was the life they were used to.

There are too many people crowding the train, and when you get to the platform, the door of the train is the same.

At this time, the benefits of practicing martial arts came, and Er Leng climbed in directly from the car window.

The man sitting at the window was about to pull down the window to block it, but he was directly blocked by Er Leng's fist.

I wiped it, and it really is Erlang!Enough blood.

"Mr. Shen, Brother Peng, get up from here!"

Su Youpeng also got into the car very well, but Shen Guanglin was inexperienced and unskilled in drilling car windows, so he was pulled into the car by two people.

Everyone had no seats, but the person by the window gave way to let the three of them sit down.

At this time, Shen Guanglin could only pretend that he was not a university teacher.

However, the experience of drilling through the window and getting on the train is quite exciting and novel.

"I'm going to sue you!" The beaten man was unhappy and was about to say to the marshals.

Unexpectedly, Su Youpeng is also a tough guy:

"Friend, do you know that the water in Shenzhen River is muddy? Don't wait to get off the bus and accidentally slip in and can't climb up. It's not good to be drowned and become a water rat."

In the current deep city, the personnel composition is disorganized, and the security is really not good.

If someone was thrown into the river, it was really possible.

"Also, come and touch me, what is this?" Su Youpeng patted his bag
"I don't touch it!" The other party was frightened.

"You said you won't touch it if you don't touch it?" Su Youpeng grabbed the man's hand and asked him to touch his bag.

From the outside, Su Youpeng's bag is a round and hard thing, which is very likely to be a sheathed knife.

The face of the "arrogant" passenger turned pale.

It's actually rolled pancakes.

The train finally set off, and the body was moving with a bit of wind, so I didn't feel so uncomfortable. The crowded few times just now were really not easy.

It is not far from Yangcheng to Shencheng Luohu, but it takes three hours by train.

Halfway through, the black-eyed man wanted to go to the toilet, but Er Leng directly said that he was not allowed to go.

The other party did not dare to move.

It turned out that the feeling of bullying is such domineering and unpretentious.

After that, things went smoothly. After arriving at the station, the three of them mixed in the crowd and went out together. The beaten man wanted to sue them, but no one could be found.

After leaving Shencheng Railway Station, next to the entrance and exit of Luohu Customs, with the introduction letter, work permit, and pass, the other party also checked several times before letting them enter the capitalist city opposite.

Walking and walking across a connecting bridge, this is the entry to Xiangjiang!
You can buy tickets from Luohu Station at one end of the Xiangjiang River to go to the city.

In Hong Kong, Hong Kong dollars are used, but Shen Guanglin is not afraid, he took out US dollars, he knows that this is just as good here.

In Hong Kong, one is US dollars and the other is English, and with these two, you can travel all over the world.

Sure enough, it’s different if you have U.S. dollars. The other party is very flexible. They calculated the exchange rate clearly, bought the tickets for them, and gave them change. Of course, they gave them Hong Kong dollars.

I got on the train again, this time it was much more relaxed and there were not many people on the train.

Also on the train, Er Leng and Su Youpeng's aura has been restrained a lot. After entering Xiangjiang, they have become a submissive appearance, and it is no longer the momentum on the train from Yangcheng to Shencheng Luohu who will kill with a knife if they disagree.

The train went all the way along the railway, and the two of them looked out the window.

Soon, the two were disappointed. Is this Xiangjiang? Why is it completely different from what we imagined?

"Mr. Shen, doesn't Xiangjiang say that he is very rich? It looks similar to Shencheng. There are rural farmlands everywhere. You can see that those houses are broken enough."

How can such a dilapidated place have such a developed legend?

"The prosperous area of ​​Xiangjiang is not here. In Shatin, Sham Shui Po, Yau Tsimwang, even after a few decades, the location we are in is desolate."

Shen Guanglin made a conclusion.

At that time, Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, who had hoped to change the status quo, was ousted by the people of Heungkong himself. Therefore, on the one hand, the house prices in Heungkong were extremely high, and on the other hand, the land was not allowed to be developed.

Finally, into the real city.

"Wow! Is this Xiangjiang? I don't think the capital can catch up to it in 100 years. Look at how tall that building is!"

The emotions of the two people entered the other extreme. This scene was too shocking. It turned out that this is an international metropolis!

"You think too much. It doesn't take 100 years, 30 years is enough, and there is no need for the capital. Even if it is the Shencheng next door, they will soon surpass here."

The two didn't believe it, but they still became problem babies, and Shen Guanglin became their answering teacher.

"Beautiful boy, I know that you mainlanders have strong self-esteem, but you have to rely on reality. The income of an ordinary person here can catch up with you for a year. If you still want to catch up with us, don't dream."

A man from Xiangjiang, who can speak a little Mandarin, interjected.

Shen Guanglin took his $[-] with him. At this time, it was time to show off his wealth.

So he took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from his bag and said in English:

"This is my monthly income, but you can show me your one-day salary."

The other party stopped talking immediately.

The US dollar is a hard currency. Like English, it is used all over the world.

In this era, the exchange rate of RMB, Hong Kong dollar and US dollar is very chaotic.

For example, in 1980, if 100 Hong Kong dollars were converted into RMB, it could be exchanged for about 110 RMB.

And also in 1980, if 100 US dollars was converted into RMB, it could be exchanged for about 149 RMB.

It seems that the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar against the RMB is similar, right?
It's actually far!
The denomination of the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar are not on the same level.

The current exchange rate between US dollars and Hong Kong dollars is that 100 US dollars can be exchanged for 775 Hong Kong dollars.

That is to say, if you have 100 US dollars in hand, you can exchange it for 775 Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, and bring the Hong Kong dollars back to China. If you use these Hong Kong dollars to convert them into Chinese yuan, you can exchange them for 852 yuan.

Therefore, 1 to 8.52 is a reasonable real exchange rate!
No wonder Su Youpeng and the others went so well when they first came to Shencheng. It turned out that the US dollar was powerful enough.

The official exchange rate is 1 to 1.49, which is simply a scam!
This domestic practice was later learned by Argentina.

In fact, not all of Er Leng's money was in renminbi, and some of it was exchanged for US dollars, which was exchanged by Shen Guanglin, who was looking for Citiland's diplomat friend Kent.

The Kent people are fairly loyal. Knowing that Teacher Shen went to Xiangjiang, they directly exchanged [-] US dollars for them.

Therefore, the 28 in their bag actually contained [-] foreign currency.

So, many friends, many ways.

According to this algorithm, 5 US dollars can be converted into more than 40 RMB.Plus the original 20 RMB, 60!How about direct investment in Shencheng?
Tsim Sha Tsui Station is here.

Tsim Sha Tsui is actually Tsim Sha Tsui, and at this time it was called Heung Po Tou.

In the past, fragrant wood was planted all over Dongguan, and the juice from the roots of the fragrant wood could be used as a spice. This spice is called Wanxiang.

Due to the convenient transportation of the Xiangjiang waterway, the spices will be concentrated and trafficked to Tsim Sha Tsui first, and then shipped to Shek Pai Wan in Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Island and other places.

Therefore, Tsim Sha Tsui is also called Heung Po Head.

Shen Guanglin's destination is the central ring of Hong Kong Island, which is the political and commercial center of Hong Kong, where banks, multinational financial institutions and foreign consulates are established.

Moreover, the government headquarters of Hong Kong, the Legislative Council Building, and the Governor's Office of Hong Kong are also located in Central.

If you want to work, come to Central.

TAXI taxi started.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Shen, look there are so many ghosts!"

"Wow, that hairy girl is so tall! Nai Zi is so big, the person who throws it is dizzy."

"Shut up! That's not Mao Mei. Mao Mei said that the Soviet Union is cool. I'm afraid that's not the case. I'll let you open a foreign meat meal at night." Teacher Shen deeply felt that these two people couldn't carry it.

The group got off the bus in Central, which is almost the most prosperous place in Xiangjiang.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket, ask for monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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