Start with a college teacher

Chapter 395 Pregnancy

Chapter 395 Pregnancy

The early summer in the capital is filled with a different atmosphere.

At the turn of spring and summer, everything sprouts.

Young people in this era like to carry tape recorders, toad mirrors, and bell-bottom pants, and run around the streets and alleys.

The hottest song is Teresa Teng, the hottest dance is disco, and the hottest actor is Chen Chong.

My cousin, Shen Houdao, is also one of the fashion seekers, and his recent behavior is not kind at all.

Because he caused a big deal.


Shen Guanglin was also to blame for this matter, who let him hide some unsuitable videotapes at home.

Shen Guanglin left on a business trip, and there is a backup of the key aunt at home, and she usually helps clean up.

Shen Houdao also likes to come to Shen Guanglin's house to play.

He is not interested in those antiques, because he has quite a few in his own home.

For young people, those VCRs and game consoles are the ones they like the most.

It's fine if it's an ordinary tape or film, anyway, it's some Hong Kong movies, so you can watch them casually.

There are also some treasures of Teacher Shen, brought back from Fusang, usually used to adjust emotions with Li Rong, but by coincidence, this little bastard found them too.

This is Fuso's high-end teaching film.

Although the plot is blunt, the action is rough, and the language is not fluent.

But my cousin still understood.

Since Shen Houdao transferred to Beijing to study, his academic performance has indeed improved to a certain extent, but his communication skills have improved faster.

Without him, only money.

If you have money, you can invite good-looking girls to eat; if you have money, you can invite good-looking girls to the playground; if you have money, you can invite good-looking girls to go home and watch videos.

Then happens what is most likely to happen to young men and women.

It's not necessarily love, it's more of passion.


Now, the girl has not been there for more than two months, and she realized something was wrong, so she told Shen Houdao.

Shen Houdao was immediately frightened.

He didn't even treat him well as a son, so he was going to be a father in a blink of an eye?

He didn't dare to tell anyone about this, so he just waited for Shen Guanglin to come back.

It is estimated that everything must be decided by the cousin, otherwise, the father will beat him to death.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin was back, Shen Houdao hurried to find his cousin and explained to him what he had done.

Shen Guanglin also had mixed feelings when he heard it.

What a beast.

For the first time between him and Li Rong, she was already 20, and they were in love.

It's good for you, kid, you got it right in one step.

It is now 1985. In real history, Shen Houdao had a child in 1996 and 1997. There is a gap of more than ten years.

It was also the first time for Shen Guanglin to encounter such a thing.

what to doHe doesn't know either.

After all, this matter still cannot get around the parents.

It is estimated that Shen Houdao was also afraid of being beaten, so Shen Guanglin was asked to help him.

Shen Guanglin really had to help with this favor, who made him his cousin, so he couldn't be killed.

Uncle hurried over by plane from Jinling. If such a big thing happened, there was no need to worry.

However, when they really met, the uncle stopped beating him.

After all, beating people can't solve the problem, no one has ever been young.

The family first sat together for a meeting, and Shen Houdao hid in a corner and pretended to be dead.

Li Rong attended the family meeting as her sister-in-law. She was already considered a member of the family and no longer attended as a girl.

The result of the meeting was that there was no result. Let's discuss it with the girl's family. They don't have the initiative.

If people want to pay compensation, they should pay compensation, if they want to get married, they should get married, and if they want to be born, they can be raised by their family.

Let's meet that girl first.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong really saw the girl.She looks pretty good, with delicate features. Although she is not as good-looking as the Li Rong sisters, she is not ugly either.

Li Rong took the girl to the hospital for an examination, and the result came out that it had been three and a half months, and she could almost hear the fetal heartbeat.

That is to say, the weather is not too hot yet, and I can still wear school uniforms, otherwise I won't be able to hide it when my belly gets bigger.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that it would be a good thing for Shen Houdao to marry her, this girl looks really good.

Thinking about it, Shen Houdao was originally good-looking, but now that he has money thanks to his cousin, how could he date an ugly girl?

But, what should I do with the child in my stomach now?
But now Shen Guanglin is in awe of life. He feels that God has the virtue of loving life. This child is very important and should be kept.

Just in this case, history will be changed.

However, history has changed, so I don't have to face the paradox.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin's suggestion is that after birth, if they don't want to raise them, they can raise them by themselves, just hire a nanny. Anyway, if they have money, there is no shortage of such expenses.

Uncle and aunt also agree with this point of view.

Through further understanding, the girl's family is a native of the capital, and she has a residence permit in the capital, so what else is she thinking.

How to deal with this matter will ultimately require Shen Guanglin to come forward, who will give him the highest status.

On this day, Shen Guanglin brought his uncle and aunt and came to the door with a lot of gifts. Li Rong didn't go, and she stayed to take care of the girl as a sister-in-law, because she was afraid of any accidents.

They asked the girl what she thought, but the girl didn't say anything, but judging from what she meant, she still wanted to continue studying, and she didn't want to get married and have children so early.

Shen Guanglin asked her if she would like to go to Xiangjiang?

The girl did not speak, but her eyes were bright.


Shen Guanglin brought all kinds of gifts prepared by his uncle and aunt to the door, including birthday stickers, cigarettes, alcohol, money and so on.

This is a posture of coming to propose marriage.

The girl's surname is Zhao, and her name is Zhao Fang. Her father, Zhao Youcheng, is an ordinary employee of the Jingcheng Iron and Steel Plant. The family lives normally, neither poor nor rich.

The most enviable thing is that Lao Zhao's family has two very good-looking daughters, and the eldest is married and has a child.

If there is another son, everything will be more perfect.

It's a pity that the husband and wife are old, and even if they want to have children, they are already unable to do what they want. Besides, the national policy does not allow it.

On this day, Lao Zhao was at work, and then saw the director of the workshop come to him, saying that Professor Shen from Capital University wanted to see him.

It is rare to see the workshop director leave the workshop.

Sure enough, it was Shen Guanglin who wanted to see Old Zhao, accompanied by the deputy factory manager. This is a big man.

Shen Guanglin came by car, brought his uncle and aunt, and introduced a few people to each other when Lao Zhao was confused.

What are you guys doing?
Let's talk at the dinner table.

Shen Guanglin drove the old Zhao's daughter-in-law to the Beijing Hotel. She was an employee of the Beijing Clothes Factory.

The Capital Hotel is the best hotel in Beijing in this era, at least, it is the most expensive, and it only accepts foreign exchange certificates.

Shen Guanglin is already a regular customer here, because the dishes here are rich, and you can order from various cuisines.

It can be seen that the couple are a little restrained when they arrive at this kind of place, this is not their usual home for consumption.

This was also the effect Shen Guanglin wanted.

"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Zhao, my name is Shen Guanglin, and I am a professor at Capital University. These two are my uncle and aunt. My cousin and Ling Yan are classmates." Shen Guanglin introduced again, and the uncle and aunt also smiled. Say hello to the two.

"You mean Xiaofang?" Lao Zhao was a little confused, not knowing what they meant.

"Yes, classmate Zhao Fang is a good boy. He is handsome and has a good temper..." Shen Guanglin could only say some random compliments, because he didn't know how Miss Zhao Fang was.

Then, Shen Guanglin told the story of the love between his cousin Shen Houdao and Zhao Fang.

Lao Zhao's face immediately turned dark.

"What are you going to do? My child is still studying. Are you here to propose marriage?"

Shen Guanglin could only bite the bullet and said: "I don't know what to say. These two children are in love with each other. They accidentally made mistakes that young people are prone to make. It has been 3 months now."

(End of this chapter)

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