Start with a college teacher

Chapter 396 Immigrants

Chapter 396 Immigrants
Today's banquet is very rich, there are roast suckling pig, nine-turn large intestine, crystal elbow, sea cucumber with green onion, and steamed grouper.

These are the dishes that Lao Zhao usually wants to eat but can't eat, but today he is unwilling to eat them.

The food is delicious and the wine is Moutai, but Lao Zhao is not in the mood to eat it.

"I'm going to beat this stinky girl to death!" Old Zhao yelled at himself.

Old Zhao's daughter-in-law hurriedly took Lao Zhao's hand, she seemed to be afraid that he would beat her daughter, no matter what, she was her own child.

In fact, the child wasn't here at all, and he knew that Lao Zhao would be angry, so Li Rong made a special trip to accompany the two young people today, and didn't dare to let them come over.

Shen Guanglin's uncle and aunt had nothing else to say, so they could only keep apologizing.

Who let their own pigs drive other people's cabbage? It's still fresh and tender cabbage.

Lao Zhao didn't appreciate it, his daughter was only 17, how would he see others after something like this happened.

This matter had to be settled by Shen Guanglin again, and Shen Guanglin could only continue to say:

"Since the matter has already happened, we must find a way to solve it, Uncle Zhao, let's see what you mean here.

If our side wants to abort the child, the Shen family is willing to compensate some money for nutrition, so that it will not affect Zhao Fang's continued study;

If our side is willing to give birth to the child, then the Shen family is willing to take care of it. Even if the two children drop out of school now and get married immediately, there is no problem. We have a house in the capital and a ready-made job, so we can go to Great Wall Company to work. Not to mention food and clothing, there is always a place to live. "

Lao Zhao didn't say a word. He was not satisfied with these two conditions. He just silently looked at the B-ultrasound sheet given by the hospital. Although it was black and white, it was still a life. He had actually accepted the result that his daughter was pregnant. .

Shen Guanglin went on to say: "I have another suggestion. I still have some connections in Xiangjiang. Maybe it can be like this. You can send her to Xiangjiang, give birth there first, and then find a school to borrow. This will not affect the continuation. If you study, you can still go to university, even if you are studying abroad, you will not be ridiculed by your neighbors."

"Go to Xiangjiang to study abroad?" Lao Zhao was really moved.

"Is it really possible to go to university there?"

"Well, this can be regarded as studying abroad, and we will pay for it. They are still young now, so they have to plan for their future. If they want to be together in the future, we will definitely support them if they want to get married; We didn't walk together, because we have this child, we are also relatives, and we also give our most heartfelt blessings to their respective happiness."

As expected of a university professor, his speech is very organized and quite provocative.

This is the best suggestion Shen Guanglin can give. Let Zhao Fang go to Xiangjiang to wait for delivery first, and continue to study after giving birth, which will not affect their respective development in the future.

Lao Zhao took his wife back to think about it.

Shen Guanglin took his uncle and aunt and put all the prepared gifts at Lao Zhao's house.

Lao Zhao’s home is in the family area of ​​ordinary workers in the steel factory. The conditions are not bad. There are two rooms and a small yard in front. He built a kitchen with bricks and a grape trellis with steel pipes. It is full of small green grapes.

The group didn't stay at Lao Zhao's house for too long, and they left soon.

Before leaving, they also left the dowry money.

Not to mention anything else, just that pile of money is worth 8888, which is rare in this day and age, and the money that the Shen family put out is more than all the savings of the old Zhao family.

Old Zhao was scared dumb by their riches and grandeur.

Both Professor Shen and the Shen family had a good attitude, and they were not overbearing. Old Zhao could feel that they were respected.

A well-known university professor also spoke to him in a conferring and requesting tone, which means that people think highly of them, which is very good. With such relatives, the child's future will be easier.

The final ending naturally followed Shen Guanglin's suggestion.

Lao Zhao didn't beat or scold his daughter either, so he acquiesced in their relationship.

Shen Hou said that this kid was still a little happy, jumping up and down very happily.

Shen Guanglin specially gave them a new house as a gift, which is for Lao Zhao's family to live in.

Lao Zhao visited this house, it is too luxurious, this is not something they can live in the working class, we still don't come here, as long as the children are not wronged.

The matter was settled in this way, and both of them went through the formalities of suspension of school and lived together.

Although they didn't sleep in the same room, they imitated Shen Guanglin and Li Rong's way of rubbing each other's ears and temples together.

They really looked like a young couple, even Shen Houdao could cook for Zhao Fang.

Shen Guanglin didn't master the skill of cooking, but Shen Houdao had already begun to hone it.

Not long after Shen Guanglin returned to the capital, he was about to set off again.

According to Shen Guanglin's plan, the group went to Shencheng first, and then went to Xiangjiang after completing the formalities.

The uncle will continue to work in Jinling, and the aunt will accompany them in Xiangjiang to wait for the delivery. As for Lao Zhao and his wife, Lao Zhao is also reluctant to work by himself. Lao Zhao's wife has resigned and made a special trip to accompany them.

Of course, Shen Guanglin arranged a new job for her, a temporary position in Great Wall Biology, where she only took money and did nothing, so she also had something to rely on in her heart.

The day of departure was approaching, and Shen Guanglin bought a plane ticket to Yangcheng.

Lao Zhao is just an ordinary worker. This is his first time traveling far away, and he feels all sorts of apprehensions, but he also has the generosity of the men in the capital.

Who is afraid of whom, if they really dare to bully us, we will fight them desperately.

But the problem is, your daughter has been bullied, and now her belly is swollen. Although it doesn't affect her actions, she is already showing her pregnancy.

let's go.

Uncle's family of three, Lao Zhao's family of three, and Shen Guanglin alone formed a special tour group to Xiangjiang.

Because Li Rong is about to graduate, she has to do a graduation project, and there are many other things, such as work arrangements, etc., so she has no time to accompany them to Xiangjiang, but this time the team to Xiangjiang is already huge. not lonely.

Su Youpeng arranged for someone to pick him up at Baiyun Airport in Yangcheng, and then went to Shencheng to pick him up.

Shen Guanglin told Su Youpeng what happened to Shen's family on the phone, after all, there is nothing that cannot be told to others.

Su Youpeng admired him very much. He is over 30 and still single.

When I was poor in the past, I thought about finding a wife every day, as long as I could have children.

Now that he has money and status, he doesn't want to start a family anymore. There are too many Yingying Yanyans outside, but he is dazzled by pick and choose. He doesn't know what is true love and what is false.

Su Youpeng took them to visit Great Wall Electric and Great Wall Clothing, and directly stated that Shen Guanglin is the chief scientist of this company and also owns shares.

There are more than 5 workers in the garment factory alone. It turns out that the Great Wall Company is so large.

However, they didn't stay in Shencheng for too long, and then entered Xiangjiang in the name of a tour group.

She still lives in Shen Guanglin's mosaic villa.

Although the decoration style of this house is a bit old-fashioned, it has spent real money after all, the materials are not bad, and it is so big that it can accommodate many people.

They feel the decay of capitalism very much.

The four of them wanted to stay, and Da Liu helped with the formalities. Since his cousin still had to study, Shen Guanglin was also afraid that he would be bullied, so he specially arranged for Hu Xuyong to protect him.

There is nothing else to do now, just have fun in Xiangjiang, Shen Guanglin has a lot of business in the capital, so I won't accompany them.

(End of this chapter)

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