Chapter 397

If Xiangjiang in this era is compared with the mainland cities, it must be extremely prosperous.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and there is a lot of traffic everywhere. Uncle Shen Longxian and Lao Zhao were all shocked.

The instigator, Shen Houdao, behaved like a quail just out of its nest, daring not to say anything, not daring to look at anything.

Aren't there just a few girls in hot pants on the road, what are you afraid of?

In fact, not only is Shen kind, but also the other two middle-aged men panicked when they saw the woman in hot pants, and unconsciously began to make up their minds, and they could only pretend that they didn't see their ugliness. I'm sorry for the temptation, I haven't taken them to the big health care yet.

In this era, people in China still dress very conservatively. Faced with such a visual feast, they think not to watch it, but they can't help but still take a peek.

Those white thighs are really impactful, and the denim shorts are opened to the thighs, which are smaller than the underpants that everyone usually wears.

"How dare they go out in such clothes?"

Shen Guanglin didn't answer the question, because in later generations, girls in China would only wear so much, and everyone would act as if they hadn't seen it.

In China, the clothes are relatively "foreign style", but when they come to Xiangjiang, compared with them, they must not keep up with the situation.

Poor students Shen Houdao and Zhao Fang still came here in their school uniforms.

The soil is indeed a little soiled, but it is better than truth.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Company originally made clothes. Shen Guanglin had already provided all kinds of new clothes for everyone, but they hadn't changed their clothes yet.

Of course, even if she changed her clothes, she shouldn't be so revealing.

If Zhao Fang were to prepare a pair of the same shorts, she probably wouldn't dare to wear them.

This girl behaved very honestly all the way, she didn't talk much, she just said something when she asked, and she didn't know how she had the guts to steal the forbidden fruit back then.

Did this bastard use force?

A group of people stayed in Xiangjiang like this.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry to find a transfer school for them. In order to allow them to quickly adapt to life here, Shen Guanglin hired tutors for them, not to teach learning, but to teach Cantonese.

Putonghua is not very popular in Xiangjiang, and either vernacular or English is spoken here.

Xiangjiang really started to learn to speak Mandarin until after the handover, more precisely, after the country’s economic development in 2010.

Only when the mainland's economy started to develop and the opportunities for Xiangjiang were running out, they thought about changing and integrating into it.

Everyone can't come to Xiangjiang for nothing. Shen Guanglin took them to visit Central, and also went to several more prosperous places, so that Lao Zhao and Lao Shen bought some things that they could take back and give away.

For the rest of life, the home court will be handed over to two young people who are not deeply involved in the world.

Although they are already a family, Shen Guanglin did not arrange for Shen Houdao and Zhao Fang to live in the same room. Anyway, there are enough rooms here, so many people in the negotiation team could live there, let alone these few now.

If Li Rong hadn't made the decoration of this house "broken", it must be a good house.

Li Rong also practiced with this house and learned the decoration style of Tiangong No. [-], and finally redecorated a passable house.

From now on, the four of them will live together here. This is a process of adaptation. Shen Guanglin did not help them hire Filipino maids. After all, there are two middle-aged housewives here, and they would not agree if they were hired.

In order to allow them to integrate into this society faster, Shen Guanglin has done everything he can.

Didn't Da Liu also develop some real estate projects? Shen Guanglin specially asked for a few shops to come here, not for selling and exchanging money, but for collecting rent and earning rent.

Shen Guanglin had already made a plan, he was going to use the rent as the source of daily living expenses for his aunt and the others.

Otherwise, a group of people in Xiangjiang eat horse chews, how to maintain their lives is a difficult problem. The prices here are not low, and even if they live frugally, they cannot last without a source of wealth.

If they were really given a lot of money, they probably wouldn't want it either.

Uncle Lao Shen and aunt also said that spending Shen Guanglin's money all the time is not good, why not take out those calligraphy and paintings kept at home and sell them, anyway, it is useless to keep them.

This is not needed, Shen is not short of that little money.

However, he still tearfully agreed to take over all the antique calligraphy and paintings.

After all, it's a family, don't speak two languages.

There is no need for his own family to calculate so clearly. Shen Guanglin has already achieved financial freedom, and earning more money is just enjoying the process of chasing wealth.

Shen Guanglin suggested, why don't we trade calligraphy and painting for shops, these shops will be the property of their old Shen family in the future, and will be inherited by Shen Houdao and his children in the future.

Leaving aside the condition of the shop, the two families are very satisfied with this house anyway.

Shen Guanglin said, let them live as long as they want.

Shen Guanglin also bought a large piece of land nearby, with a 999-year property right, he can also hold it forever.

The vegetable field where they planted dragon fruit in the past has been abandoned again, and now that my aunt and the others have come, it just happens to be reused again.

Shen Guanglin showed them the land, and they were very satisfied, saying that they would not need to spend money to buy vegetables in the future, and they would not be able to eat them if they planted them casually.

The only inconvenience now is that the location is a bit out of the way. There is a car at home, but no one can drive it.

Shen Houdao didn't rush to learn his driver's license temporarily.

In the future, apart from two young people, there will be two women in the family. This is a villa area in the middle of the mountain, and it is easy to not get a taxi, so it is very inconvenient to travel.

It seems that it is still necessary to hire a driver who can drive. Hu Xuyong's subordinates happen to have someone who can do it. He has many subordinates.

After finishing all this work, Shen Guanglin was ready to go back, and he was going to take his uncles, Old Shen and Old Zhao, back together.

Uncle Lao Shen still has a formal job in Jinling, as does Lao Zhao, and he is also reluctant to give up his job in the steel factory.

Shen Guanglin suggested whether Lao Zhao should come to the Great Wall Company, but Lao Zhao disagreed. This was his last stubbornness.

Old Zhao is also a decent person, he is not willing to take advantage of others, but Shen Guanglin has done too many things, a man has no money, so he has no confidence to speak.

After returning to Shencheng, it was only then that Shen Guanglin couldn't leave for a while.

Because their new game console is ready, Shen Guanglin can enter the mass production stage after seeing it, and the next step is to consider how to sell it.

The design of the new handheld game console is very delicate, and the battery uses 4 AA batteries. If you keep playing, you can play for two days.

The experience is very good. Even Shen Guanglin, who is used to eating chicken and pesticides, can't put it down after playing such a game console.

For the release of new products, everyone is full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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