Chapter 398 GMO

In April, the peach blossoms of the mountain temple begin to bloom.

Therefore, to find flowers and ask willows, you still have to go to the mountains, where there are wild flowers.

By the time Shen Guanglin returned to the capital, it was already the end of April.

Lao Zhao has long since returned to work, and has become a happy steelworker again.

Now that he is rich, he can also eat braised pork, which was a treatment that only leaders could enjoy back then.

However, without a wife and young daughter at home, life alone is always meaningless.

In the dead of night, he felt that he still had a lot of energy and had nowhere to vent it.

The human body of steel workers is good.

It's just that there is no big health care in China now, and even if there is, you can't go there casually. Even the piano prince has fallen, let alone ordinary people.

Although health care is good, it is always easy to wet your shoes if you go too much.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin did not forget this single man, and often took him to participate in the naked-barbecue conference held at the biological base.

This is a party that only one's own people can attend, and students like Li Rong cannot enjoy this kind of treatment.

When introducing it to the outside world, Shen Guanglin directly introduced that this is my relative, and he didn't continue to call him Uncle Zhao, just "Old Zhao".

Don't talk about Lao Zhao, even Lao Li doesn't call him Uncle Li anymore. He really just calls him "Lao Li". It doesn't matter to Lao Li.

Now, Lao Li's biggest hobby is to study the arms of various countries in the world. Shen Guanglin also provides him with this condition. Anyway, if he has money, if his brother wants something, his brother will buy it for you.

Anyway, the two daughters have already been obtained, and it is not wrong to spend some money on Lao Li.

Moreover, I really want to buy advanced arms, but I haven't had a good life for a few years. When I start to engage in Batumi in a few years, I will not be able to buy them.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin has already begun to plan ahead. He asked Lin Wenwei to establish different types of companies in Singapore one after another, with a complicated shareholding structure. He was prepared for the fact that one day he would have other ways to go when he was sanctioned.

Including Apple, including Great Wall Corporation, their shareholding structures are also very complex, through cross-shareholding to achieve the stealth of equity and shareholders.

Anyway, everyone who knows knows that this company is inseparable from Shen Guanglin. As for who is the major shareholder, no one knows unless the core staff say.

The release of Apple's new products did delay Shen Guanglin for a few days. Originally, Shen Guanglin didn't want to participate in such matters. He is a scientist, and scientific research is his job. There can be activities to make money, but they shouldn't. As the most important thing in life.

When Shen Guanglin came back, he had two serious things to do, one was to continue to engage in scientific research, and the other was to return to teaching activities.

Fortunately, April is not yet the end of the semester, Shen Guanglin can still have a lot of time to return to class, and the assistants can put down the courses at hand and return to work.

It was not a solution for Shen Guanglin to be absent from class all the time, so he thought of a trick. From this semester onwards, it was no longer the school's regular teacher who replaced him, but his laboratory staff.

The level of these staff is not low, anyway, they are seniors and sisters, and it is not common for postgraduates to work part-time for their bosses, and those bosses in later generations will order students like this.

At least Shen Guanglin hasn't played the unspoken rules yet.

In later generations, how many beasts have unspoken rules for their students, especially female beasts.

The darkness and chaos in this circle is comparable to the entertainment circle.

Compared with them, Shen Guanglin is a saint.

He is not greedy for money, not lustful, and he can still teach undergraduates. How many people can do that?

You know, Professor Shen's class is worth 5 US dollars. Knowing that Shen Guanglin is coming to class, even students who study Chinese language and literature came to attend.

They don't come here to learn knowledge, and they don't understand high-energy physics. They just come to the Internet celebrity place to check in.

However, Shen Guanglin is not yet an idol of the times, and the current idol of the times is Zhang Haidi.

This girl is physically disabled and strong, and has inspired generations of young people, and has been active in textbooks.

This time, after Shen Guanglin came back, he was going to work hard for a period of time. He couldn't always herd sheep, that's not good.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's so-called serious work is actually very simple, let each research group take turns to report on the work, and then Shen Guanglin gives comments, that's all.

He went off to do experiments by himself, and such things were rare, and Shen Guanglin didn't have the energy to do such repetitive research.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, the research group that has not made any achievements is actually under a lot of pressure.

They have the best scientific research conditions in China, almost inexhaustible funding, and a completely free research environment. If they still can't produce results, it's because the researchers are not good enough.

Of course, after Shen Guanglin's on-demand broadcast, the results of most research groups are good. Even if they can't be published in "Science", there is no problem with the next-level journals.

Among all the research groups, Shen Guanglin didn't expect the biology group the most. Shen Guanglin didn't give any tasks to the biology group, as long as he could run the biology company well.

However, they still achieved passable results.

There are several aspects of achievement, both animal and plant.

There are two main points in terms of animals. First, they have bred fast-growing, large-bodied white-skinned pigs. This kind of pig eats a lot, grows fast, and has a lot of fat. It is the most scarce high-quality food in this era.

On the other hand, they have developed frozen embryo transfer and segmentation techniques.

Frozen embryo transfer technology is widely used. Many animals in later generations buy frozen embryos for breeding. This is a business that can continue to make money.

In addition, humans can also perform frozen embryo transfers.

For example, do test-tube babies.

As early as 1978, Eagle Country had a test-tube baby, but there is no such thing in China. Whether to develop this technology can be discussed later.

In Shen Guanglin's view, the biggest achievement of their biological group is the successful development of insect-resistant cotton.

This is a cross-age technology, which is both technological and practical.

There are too many bollworms on cotton in this era.

Regardless of adults or children, the first thing to do when getting up every day is to catch bugs in the cotton field.

I really have to go every day, catch every day, and have it every day.

Of course, the cotton bollworm is not without other uses, it can be fed to chickens.

Chickens fed with cotton bollworms have tastier eggs.

However, the harm of cotton bollworms is too great. Pesticides are sprayed over and over again, and people are poisoned, but the cotton bollworms are still alive.

Sure enough, the biological group is still powerful, Shen Guanglin just gave a hint, there is a gene in Bacillus thuringiensis, to see if it can be transplanted into cotton.

The reason why insect-resistant cotton resists insects is that after the exogenous Bt gene is integrated into the cotton plant, a parasporal crystal called δ-endotoxin can be synthesized in the cotton plant.

This crystal is a protein crystal. After being swallowed by the larvae of sensitive insects such as Lepidoptera, the parasporal crystal can be hydrolyzed into a toxic peptide, and the toxicity will soon occur, and then the cotton bollworm will die.

In later generations, almost all cotton is insect-resistant cotton, and genetic modification is not completely without benefits.

Dou Wei is in charge of the biology group. Their research has a great impact on people's livelihood. It will be a big deal if this achievement is released.

(End of this chapter)

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