Start with a college teacher

Chapter 399 Introduction

Chapter 399 Introduction
Interlaced like mountains.

Only then did Shen Guanglin know that the first genetically modified crop had appeared as early as 1983, and tobacco was used for genetically modified crops.

In 1980, molecular biologists incorporated foreign DNA into plant cells for the first time.

Since a plant can be cloned from a single plant cell, this result means that people will soon be able to breed transgenic plants.

Strictly speaking, genetically modified crops appeared in 1980, but this kind of genetic modification has no purpose, and it is purely for the purpose of genetic modification.

Three years later, in 3, the first genetically modified plant—a tobacco carrying a gene for resistance to antibiotics—was officially born.

This is purposeful genetic modification.

Therefore, even if Dou Wei and the others have released genetically modified cotton, it is no longer a good paper, at least, it cannot be published in top journals.

It can only be said that their research has filled the domestic gap and kept up with the progress of international research.

The technology of genetic modification itself is neutral, it depends on how to apply it.

Shen Guanglin himself hesitated whether to continue to develop this technology.

In particular, there is still a lack of instruments such as PCR. It is very difficult for everyone to manipulate genes. Dou Wei and the others have spent a lot of energy to realize genetic modification.

As for how PCR was produced, Shen Guanglin himself did not understand, after all, this was not his specialty.

Under such circumstances, Shen Guanglin was able to allow Dou Wei and the others to study genetic modification, which is already a manifestation of the laboratory's sufficient funds.

Fortunately, with Shen Guanglin's reminder, Dou Wei's research finally succeeded.

The difficulty of this research is not gene implantation and crop cultivation, after all, any cell can develop a complete plant.

The real difficulty is how to find the target gene segment and isolate it.

In this matter, they actually adopted an exhaustive method, collecting different gene fragments and implanting them separately, depending on which one is useful.

Then, genetically modified insect-resistant cotton appeared.

Whether genetic modification is beneficial or harmful has not yet been clearly demonstrated. Even decades later, everyone is still arguing.

However, for cotton, it is necessary to develop insect-resistant cotton.

After all, cotton is not for food, and the harm of GMOs is negligible compared to the harm of cotton bollworms.

No wonder Dou Wei didn't feel that he was so good. The greatness of this achievement is really not in the creativity, but in the application.

How to promote this technology, Shen Guanglin has an idea.

He knew that one of Lao Li's classmates was the deputy leader of the agricultural department, so Shen Guanglin asked Lao Li if he wanted to be a favor.

Anyway, this achievement is also used for promotion, and it would be even better if it can help some relatives and friends by the way.

Lao Li said, young man, you are very good at life.

Shen Guanglin's biological breeding base has actually planted some cotton, which is now at knee height, and it is very easy to verify the cotton's insect resistance.

Shen Guanglin went to see it. Whether it is experimental records or actual inspections, the resistance of insect-resistant cotton to cotton bollworm has reached 100%.

And not just bollworms, but some other Mothoptera insects also worked.

It used to be a delicious crop, but suddenly it is not sweet, and it is poisonous after eating.

In later generations, insect-resistant cotton has always been the main force in cotton production, and the cotton bollworm has also been transferred from cotton to corn. Even after decades of development, the cotton bollworm has not solved this problem at the genetic level.

"Have you really developed insect-resistant cotton?"

Lao Wei, the deputy leader of the agricultural department, was originally called by Lao Li to eat roast mutton, but he did not expect that such a big gift was waiting for him.

Cotton is the main economic crop in our country, and it is widely planted in the entire northern region. The country spends a lot of money on pesticide research and development and production every year.

The use of pesticides such as 3911 and 1605 is particularly rampant, and people die because of it every year.

Some families drank pesticides because of trivial things, and some people were directly poisoned because of skin penetration.

"Xiao Shen, cotton is resistant to insects, how did you do it?"

The Academy of Sciences also has a dedicated agricultural research institute, but they focus more on topics such as wheat's resistance to lodging, and corn's hybrid vigor. In terms of genetic modification, they really haven't made much achievements.

"It's easy to say, Bacillus thuringiensis produces a toxic protein that can damage the digestive system of the cotton bollworm. So, our researchers extracted this gene and transferred it to the cotton gene, So insect-resistant cotton was bred."

The principle is really simple, and Shen Guanglin made a special demonstration to increase his persuasiveness.

He had people prepare some bollworms of different periods, put them on cotton, and then observed how the bollworms would react after eating the cotton.

As soon as the cotton bollworm was placed on the cotton, it began to chew on various cotton leaves. After a while, the fresh cotton was bitten with various scars.

"Let's go back and continue drinking. We have to wait until tomorrow to see the results. Bt cotton is not a pesticide after all, and it won't work so quickly."

Old Wei was skeptical, but he felt that such a well-known professor as Shen Guanglin would not lie to him, so don't be happy for nothing.

Early the next morning, Old Wei rushed over again.

good results!

Most of the bollworms were dead, and those that were not were too sick to eat.

Old Wei was very surprised, how did this happen?
Are they still secretly using pesticides?

of course not!

Shen Guanglin said, let's let the research go, and you can let people in the agricultural department test it yourself.

"Then it's disrespectful, and you know that this incident has too much impact, and there is nothing we can do if we are more cautious." Old Wei apologized, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes began to loosen, and he was very happy.

"It's justifiable, this is a new technological product, not a special function." Shen Guanglin was very confident.

He couldn't wait another day, so Lao Wei immediately mobilized a group of staff from the agricultural department to test.

They tested for several days one after another, and they all came true.

Moreover, in order to confirm whether the cotton is "clean", they also bathed them specially.

The cotton bollworm was also cultivated under their own eyes, without adding any suspicious ingredients.

Finally, the cotton bollworms all died.

It's amazing!

The merits of the future will benefit the country and the people!
After eating, it will be a celebration banquet, and Lao Wei insists on treating guests.

This is his opportunity, Shen Guanglin can give him such a big gift, I can't thank you enough.

Of course, the place to eat did not choose a very expensive place, but chose Baodu Feng.

The taste of Baodufeng is quite good.

After all, the times are different, high-ranking officials and ordinary old Wei actually don't have much money.

When the wine was in full swing, Lao Wei looked at Shen Guanglin and couldn't help but said, "Xiao Shen, I have a daughter who is 20 this year. I heard that you are not married yet. Would you like to introduce you?"

"If Lao Li can agree, I have no objection."

(End of this chapter)

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