Chapter 401
When it comes to fishing, Shen Guanglin has never conceded defeat.

Now, in his own fish pond, Shen Guanglin can also catch big fish.

This gave him unlimited confidence.

When Shen Guanglin came, he also told the reservoir management personnel that the project team will buy their fish every day in the future, and if it is the fish he catches, he is willing to buy it at double the price.

Is there such a good thing?

Moreover, he has a letter of introduction from Capital University, even if he doesn't give money, he must let him fish if he should fish.

Facing the rich man, the management staff provided excellent service, and they even suggested golden fishing spots to Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin hooked the hook with confidence, and he brought many kinds of fishing gear, including lures, sea poles, and dip nets, all of which were missing.

However, one morning passed, and it was still the Air Force.

Lunch is easy to solve, and I eat it at the management office. They enthusiastically made a pot of fish in a ground pot. They used fresh big herring from the reservoir, put some sauerkraut in it, and put cornmeal pancakes on the side of the pot.

Shen Guanglin also had to pay for this meal, but the people in the management office refused to accept it.

There is a big business, who cares about a meal, doesn't it look down on people?

Come on, the future is long.

Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged.

Fishing activities continued in the afternoon.

A sunshade, a radio, a bamboo deck chair, whatever the wind and rain for life.

"I heard that you want to marry me?" Shen Guanglin was fascinated, and a crisp voice sounded in his ear.

"Who will you marry? Are you Wei's daughter?"

Shen Guanglin looked up, and there was a young and beautiful girl standing behind him, wearing blue denim overalls, and the mud spots on the white sneakers were very eye-catching.

This girl is really good-looking, with bright eyes and white teeth, red lips and white teeth, no wonder Lao Wei is so confident, she can make a move.

"Wei Wei, a third-year student at the Agricultural University, the daughter of Vice Minister Wei, I heard that you are a professor at Capital University?" The girl offered to shake his hand.

"You haven't heard of me?"

Shen Guanglin also shook hands with her lightly. His hands were soft and white, and he could play with her for half a year.

"I've heard of it. I've also attended your class. A class worth 5 US dollars is just a lecture on theoretical physics. It's similar to what our school teacher taught."

The girl also became curious about Shen Guanglin. It is estimated that Lao Wei told a joke with Shen Guanglin when he went home. She is a student of the Agricultural University and came to the conference with the research team. She heard that Professor Shen was fishing in the reservoir, so she came to find her.

"Foreign monks can chant scriptures, alas, this matter is the same as that of an actor, except that my appearance fee is higher. If there is no money I earn, how can there be such a big scene in front of me."

Shen Guanglin stopped fishing. He stood up and walked to the dam and pointed at the hot scene below, as if scolding Fang Qiu.

There is a beautiful woman, he is going to take a walk with the girl.

There is no need to collect fishing gear, and the reservoir management staff will come to deal with it. Anyway, Shen Guanglin will come back tomorrow.

Standing on the embankment of the reservoir, you can see farmers cutting young crops not far away. The current wheat is really useless and can only be used to feed cattle and sheep. It is too early to eat green wheat.

The girl snickered.

"I heard that the farmers are scolding a lot, but they said that we are playing the piano randomly." The girl has already put herself and Shen Guanglin in the same group. After all, this is a project led by her father, Old Wei, really. Very important.

"It's a structural problem, they don't understand."

Shen Guanglin waved his hand, "Go, let's go to the laboratory."

"Aren't you going to take the fish you caught?"

Shen Guanglin didn't have the nerve to say that he was from the Air Force. He gave the girl a meaningful look and said, "I'm actually catching people."

Miss Wei blushed, "If you want to marry me, sister Rong must agree."

"Are you familiar with her too?" Shen Guanglin stopped in his tracks. He didn't expect this girl to be so bold, and he wanted to continue this topic.

"Well, our two families have always been in touch. In fact, I am more familiar with Sister Li Li. Later, she went abroad to study, and we have seen each other less these years."

Shen Guanglin understood, and so did Li Rong. She didn't introduce herself to those good-looking girlfriends, little sisters, etc. There were so many celebrities in the capital.

"I'm also very close to Sister Rong, so it's okay to be the second room."

The girl bounced forward and walked forward. It is good to be young and have a good figure.

"You can't be the second wife." Shen Guanglin shouted behind her.

"Why? Is it because my dad is Vice Minister Wei? Uncle Li's rank is not low either."

"You don't understand. With me, you can be the third room at most, also known as the mistress."


The seedling cultivation base has arrived, and the bungalows are built, regardless of men and women, four people live in one room.

They went directly to Wei Wei's dormitory first to see how the accommodation conditions were.

Although the weather is not too hot, Shen Guanglin still prepared floor fans, one for each person, and they can be brought back in the future.

What is rich and powerful, this is it.

Toiletries, a change of clothes, and bedding are all available.

Moreover, there are separate men's and women's bathrooms.

There are really not many people who can prepare as well as Shen Guanglin for the big battle.

It's a good thing that everyone doesn't bring their own dry food. How could it be possible with such good conditions.

After seeing the dormitory, I went to the laboratory to take a look.

There are petri dishes and culture fluid everywhere, and there are also seedlings that have grown rhizomes.

Dou Wei went to the field to transplant the finished product, but was not in the room.

Shen Guanglin brought Wei Wei over, and Dou Wei was busy, so no one cared about him.

These days, Dou Wei was really scolded miserably.

He is also leading the team under pressure. Fortunately, all the capable people come, and everyone obeys his command.

I heard that Dou Wei has developed insect-resistant cotton. Even Commissioner Dou came here. He stood up for his son. This is a remarkable achievement.

The scene is very busy, some land has been leveled out, and some people are carrying boxes to transplant seedlings in the fields.

Everything is planned. Even if the seedlings have been planted in the field, when more leaves grow, the excess leaves must be removed to cultivate new plants.

Huairou is the site chosen by Lao Wei, and it is really good, it is close to the reservoir, it is convenient for irrigation, and there is no need to worry about natural disasters.

This was originally the most fertile farmland. It was used to grow insect-resistant cotton, and there must be a good harvest.

Shen Guanglin lived here for two days, seeing that everyone's work was busy and uncluttered, there was no need for him, Mr. Shen.

Shen Guanglin's job is to urge the cafeteria to improve the food, that's all.

Then go back.

Li Rong sent a message saying that she would come to play, but Shen Guanglin refused.

In vain.

The BP machines they bought in Hangzhou can still be used after arriving in Beijing, but they just skipped the network of Beijing.

The paging station here also uses Motorola, and there is no Nokia yet.

(End of this chapter)

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