Start with a college teacher

Chapter 402 Rivals in Love

Chapter 402 Rivals in Love
Shen Guanglin stayed at Huairou's side for a while and then came back. Anyway, it's close, so he can go back anytime he wants.

Fishing depends on the weather. The weather is not good these days, so let’s wait a few days. Anyway, I will come again when the cotton branches are in full bloom.

Miss Wei stayed there to continue the experiment. She had work to do, but she was not as free as Shen Guanglin.

Moreover, this matter is not only related to her, but also to her father, so I don't want to pay attention to it.

If this matter gets messed up, Shen Guanglin will pay the money anyway, but political opponents will definitely attack him.

Official career is the most important thing for a man.

Fortunately, the traffic is quite convenient now, and it only takes two hours to drive from Capital University.

Li Rong said she wanted to come, but she didn't really want to come. After all, she had a car, so she just wanted to drive here.

What she meant was actually a warning to Shen, saying that I know exactly what you are doing, and asking some people not to make mistakes.

Therefore, Shen came back obediently.

After all, it was just a temporary seedling breeding base, and it was not fun except for fishing in the reservoir.

Is it really possible to have some romantic stories with Miss Wei?

Now, Li Rong's graduation thesis has almost been written, and there is no need to worry about the defense at all.

Regardless of which university in China, it is extremely rare or even non-existent to fail to graduate simply because of the thesis.

The situation of domestic education is like this, it is difficult to enter, but easy to exit.

Even if you go to a university under an impostor, you can usually graduate smoothly.

After Shen Guanglin came back, he returned to school and went to class normally. He was also used to being surrounded by people watching every class.

Of course, whether in class or out of class, he seldom answers questions raised by others, because some people are too bad and always ask all kinds of boring and uninteresting questions, none of which are related to study.

Shen Guanglin just wants to be a simple scholar, attend class on time every day, go to the laboratory on time, and go home on time.

He is a good man who takes care of his family and never thinks about going to the big health care.

The time has come to mid-May, and every time this season comes, it is time to assign work after graduation and determine the number of international students.

This is the first open and secret battle before entering the society. It is cruel and intense, full of intrigue and heartache.

Shen Guanglin is also a member of the school's review committee, and he has a certain right to make suggestions and veto, so many people put the work to him.

In order to study abroad, some people do everything they can.

Not to mention deliberate encounters on the road every day, this is still the lowest level, Shen Guanglin can run into many students with one or the other thoughts every time.

Even, some good-looking female students planned to use their bodies for public relations, and Shen Guanglin was frightened.

Of course, their goal is not to get a good job. After all, they are students of Beijing University. Do they want a good job? Their goal is actually to study abroad, which is more attractive.

In order to go abroad, you can let go of many things, including ideals, family, love, friendship, not to mention the body, and that is not loss, but comfort.

Once, when Shen Guanglin was taking a lunch break in the office, a girl came in and began to take off her clothes, then spread her legs and leaned on Shen Guanglin's body, which was extremely bold.

Shen was almost attacked by the Overlord.

When he woke up, Xiao Shen was as hard as a rock. If this wasn't an office, and if he didn't care about public order and good customs, something might happen.

Men are fragile.

Fortunately, neither of them dared to speak out, so Shen Guanglin protected his reputation.

From then on, Shen Guanglin had no choice but to go out and hide.

Perhaps, in Shen Guanglin's eyes, the National People's Congress is another pure land, at least the people here will not run after him.

However, when Shen Guanglin rode over here, he realized that it was not working here either.

Li Rong is being harassed by someone, and the one who harassed her is a good-looking boy.

It is said that he looks good, but in fact, in terms of appearance, he is a little bit more handsome than Shen Guanglin.

Why, did you meet a rival in love?
Shen Guanglin didn't speak, nor was he angry, he just stopped his bicycle and watched the play quietly.

This is a miraculous scene that hasn't happened in many years. It seems that Li Rong herself has rejected many temptations from the outside world.

"Is this play good? I didn't even mention coming up to make a rescue, leaving me alone for a long time."

Of course Li Rong saw Shen Guanglin coming, she couldn't help complaining, she also took this opportunity to show her charm, you don't care, some people care.

"I'm rich and powerful enough to treat you all to dinner, why are there still people who don't open their eyes to harass you. Kid, you are very charming."

Shen Guanglin scratched Li Rong's nose, thinking that his own daughter-in-law was more attractive than that little Wei, even her breasts were more vivid.

Because of Shen Guanglin's aesthetics, Li Rong didn't know how to wear bell-bottom pants. She wore a pair of straight jeans, which made her legs look straight and her buttocks were particularly upturned. Shen Guanglin couldn't help but slapped her.

Li Rong was not reserved either, and directly straddled the back seat of the bicycle, put his arms around Shen Guanglin's waist, and signaled that he could drive.

"Those people said that what money buys is not love.

The one on the bicycle is the true love. Besides, most of the people chasing me are not from our class, and some are not from our department. Who of them knows you. "

"Because I'm from the capital, chasing will be more useful at this time."

What Li Rong said is also reasonable. The National People's Congress is no better than Beijing University. Where do most students' work assignment principles come from and where will they go back.

However, Shen Guanglin couldn't stand the harassment of this female hooligan in public.

It's still a good posture, and you can still hold the headlights with both hands.

Of course Li Rong refused to do it, and moved his hands to his waist. Although this place is also itchy, feel free to touch it if you want.

How could Mr. Shen do what she wanted, and his hand slid down.

"Hey, hand, where do you put your hand? If you put your hand in your waist, you will be finished."

(End of this chapter)

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