Chapter 403 Taste
The man is affectionate, and the concubine is interested.

This kind of flirting with each other naturally ended with two people exploring the mysteries of the human body in the dormitory of the laboratory.

Young is good, you can enjoy unfettered love.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is actually proclaiming Yin during the day, which is a little bit rebellious.

If this were placed on the ancient emperors, it would be a daily note, and the historians would have to write such a stroke, and the embryonic form of the faint king would come out.

But Shen Guanglin also said that during the day, the true taste is more apparent, not going to the balcony is already very conservative.

Shen Guanglin has a bold idea. He wants to build a [-]-story building, and he will live alone on the roof, and then no one else can see what he does in it, even if the curtains are not drawn, even if it is full of floor-to-ceiling windows.

However, the balcony is really not a good place. Throughout the ages, how many people have fallen from it.

Once, Uncle Benshan had a beautiful female apprentice who fell naked from the balcony of a hotel one day.

Such terrible things should be done less.

After wandering around for a long time, the two of them came out of the dormitory of the laboratory. It was really a little farewell to a newlywed.

After working for a while, the two of them immediately felt refreshed and relaxed.

Young people, we still need to communicate more.

Recently, the two of them couldn't stay in school any longer. Everyone was being harassed in various ways to varying degrees.

Shen Guanglin was harassed here because he had power, and this kind of power could bring a lot of benefits, but Shen Guanglin didn't want to.

Li Rong was harassed because she was about to graduate. If she didn't pursue her at this time, it would be too late.

Only whether she has a partner, this is not something they should consider, and they don't know where their confidence comes from.

Beating suitors does not exist, Shen Guanglin has always used money to open the way, and the threat of force has already gone to the bottom.

If you can't provoke us, can't you hide? Or, let's go to the Huairou base to have a look.

go for what?

Can I go outing in May?
Why can't it, they are all freshly planted cotton seedlings, fresh and green.

Because there is no shortage of funds and manpower, the insect-resistant cotton seedling group moves quickly.

Now, new seedlings that can be transplanted come out of the box every day, and the planting speed has basically stabilized, and 80-100 mu can be transplanted every day.

This speed is already very fast. Up to now, hundreds of acres of cotton seedlings have been planted.

In order to grow these cottons, local farmers have really made great sacrifices.

Not to mention the shoveling of the well-grown wheat, Shen Guanglin also sent in a bulldozer and re-applied chemical fertilizers, just to increase the cotton production in the future, which took great pains.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is still Meng Lang. He originally planned to build a scale of at least 8000 mu, but now it seems a little impossible. According to the current progress, [-] mu has already come to an end.

In fact, the window for cotton planting is only these two months. The weather does not allow it. If it is later, the cotton will not last until it blooms and produces cotton bolls, and it will be frost.

At that time, the cotton seeds will not mature, and they will be white.

Shen Guanglin brought Li Rong over to inspect the work. Different from the green wheat fields in other places, the lines here are all small cotton. Everyone has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the planting is very neat. Quite spectacular.

Anyway, there is enough manpower, and the distance between each of their cotton plants has been accurately measured. After the scale is increased, the momentum will come out.

Now, those cotton seedlings that were planted earlier have more than a dozen leaves.

In another half a month, people can be organized to come over to check and inspect the results. By then, it is estimated that the media from all over the country will come over.

Insect-resistant cotton is really important to China, a big cotton-producing country.

The Institute of Agriculture of the Academy of Sciences also put in a lot of effort in this big battle. They contributed people, energy, and technology, and they didn't want money. They just wanted to discuss with Shen Guanglin whether they could share some of the results.

Dou Wei didn't want to, but it was hard to refuse. After all, he was a member of the Academy of Sciences since he was a child, and his father was also a member of the department. It was hard for him to refuse.

Shen Guanglin didn't refuse, but readily agreed.

Although the application value of this level of achievement is very good, it can't increase his scientific research reputation, because the difficulty is not great. The most difficult thing is to find the source of the gene, but this is just a sentence from Shen Guanglin.

Everyone admires Shen Guanglin, and that's why it's here. Things that are difficult for others are often just one sentence for him.

Sometimes, this sentence is very hurtful. Many people feel the gap between themselves and geniuses, and even don't want to engage in scientific research.

In the matter of insect-resistant cotton, he, Shen, is the head of the laboratory, and it should be his honor.

Can't care too much, and the light and the dust are king.

Shen Guanglin has already enjoyed this sweetness. He just shared a few unimportant scientific research results. Now if anyone dares to speak ill of him, the entire scientific research community will disagree.

Huairou is really a good place, it is close to the capital, there is no shortage of water and fertilizer, and there are cultivation experts from the Academy of Sciences, the growth of cotton is not bad.

Dou Wei and Shen Guanglin are more professional than others.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong around, and the two of them saw Miss Wei who was busy again.

Compared with the last time we met, this girl was obviously a little tanned and a little shy, but she was still pretty good-looking.

For girls who are really good-looking, changes in skin color can't change the value of their appearance too much.

In front of Li Rong, she dared not say that she was going to marry Shen Guanglin. The two girls greeted each other warmly when they met, calling each other "Sister Rong" and "Xiaowei", as if they had regained what they had lost for many years. friendship.

"Xiaowei, are you this old?"

"Sister Rong, I'm still not as old as you." Wei Wei glanced at Li Rong, feeling emotional.

Li Rong suddenly asked again, is your brother okay, but Shen Guanglin caught the clue.

Hurry up and tell the truth, and come from the truth.

It was also at this time that Shen Guanglin realized that Li Rong still had something to hide from him.

The two of them are indeed family friends, and the relationship between the juniors in the past was also very good.

Moreover, Wei Wei also has an older brother named Wei Wei, who is about the same age as Li Rong.

This brother used to be Li Rong's suitor, but at that time Li Rong was playful and had no intention of falling in love, and thought Wei Wei was a bit of a motherfucker.

People are just young and handsome.

In this way, Wei Wei became angry and became a soldier to cultivate his masculinity.

Before he came back as a soldier, Li Rong met Shen Guanglin again, and was captured by Shen Guanglin who possessed a special charm.

When a woman surrenders her body, she also surrenders her heart.

"Have you ever done anything sorry to me behind my back?" Shen Guanglin asked with a smile, he knew she would not, the meaning of this sentence meant that he was not narrow-minded, otherwise he would not have asked such a question.

"It's not like you don't know what happened to us the first time." Li Rong punched Shen Guanglin angrily, and the small punch hit Shen Guanglin's chest, which was quite painful.

Classmate Wei Wei was dumbfounded, can you restrain yourself in front of a big girl with yellow flowers.

The three of them were restrained and went fishing in the reservoir. The reservoir management office still had a patrol boat. Shen Guanglin paid to rent it as a yacht, and was going to take a good tour of this large reservoir that supplies drinking water to the capital.

If classmate Xiao Wei doesn't mind, Shen Guanglin doesn't mind letting her observe what is called a boat quake.

Ever since seeing their dog and boy, Xiao Wei has felt his own redundancy.

While looking at the picturesque scenery, the two were not being honest, and they were still feeding each other beef jerky and various preserved fruits.

There's a guy who's really fucking nice.

At noon, I accepted Shen Guanglin's suggestion and went to have another meal of ground pot fish.

Shen Guanglin said, you should learn from this practice, and Li Rong nodded in agreement.

In fact, the method of this kind of fish is very simple, the key is that the quality of the fish is better.

First, put oil in the pot, sauté the onion, ginger, garlic, and chili until fragrant, then put the large pieces of fish in, add water when the fish starts to turn golden, add fungus, shiitake mushrooms, salt, cooking wine or a bottle of beer, and then you can cook in There are small pancakes on the side of the pot, this is the essence.

The small pancakes that have not been soaked in the soup will lose a lot of flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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