Start with a college teacher

Chapter 404 Survival in the Wild

Chapter 404 Survival in the Wild
There is food, drink and fun, and the scenery is boundless. The two of them lived here seriously.

It is not appropriate to say that it is serious, because neither of them works, but just strolls.

Others were busy walking around, but they walked here and looked there, acting like a street stalker.

Of course, everyone knew who Shen Guanglin was. After all, he was in the academic circle, and he was an academic celebrity.

And Shen Guanglin is the big sponsor of this project, even if he didn't know him before, he knows now.

You know, Shen Guanglin is the idol of many people in the education and academic circles in the capital. Regardless of academics or wealth, he has achieved freedom in two aspects.

This is amazing. Many people dreamed that if I could get 5 US dollars for a class, I would have left the country long ago, so why stay in China.

Shen Guanglin didn't have any thoughts on this aspect. He insisted on staying in China for development, which was unexpected by everyone.

You have heard that many internationally renowned universities have offered olive branches to Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin has also been a visiting professor in some schools, but his heart is still in China, no matter how far he goes, he will always come back.

Could it be that all this was for the girl who followed him everywhere?
Just take her out with you.

Everyone faintly admired Professor Shen again. It is really rare to be willing to be poor in China despite having higher qualifications.

Is Shen Guanglin poor?
Make money every day, which country can have this condition?

In this era of freedom of thought, many teachers and students are full of yearning for foreign countries, so someone suggested: Professor Shen often goes abroad and has a lot of experience. Tell us about foreign experiences. There are no entertainment methods in this backcountry.

Shen Guanglin also jokingly said, it costs 5 US dollars per class, who will offer it?
Of course it's just a joke
He didn't put on airs on purpose, and it's okay to tell everyone.

Shen Guanglin knew very well that what everyone wanted to hear was nothing more than the powerful Citigroup. Let's see if what Shen Guanglin said was helpful for him to go abroad.

Shen Guanglin saw that most of the people were students, from various schools, and many people came here to work with passion and without pay, and he, Shen, didn't want to be too high-toned.

If you don't talk about professional content, just talk about some experience abroad, he can talk for three days and three nights without a break.

Shen Guanglin agreed.

There is a square in front of the dormitory area and the office area. It is usually used for parking and a few cars. It is pure earth and fairly flat.

A few tables were set up as a stage, with loudspeakers on the side, and Shen Guanglin gave a lecture while drinking tea.

The teachers and students don't work too hard, they also sit. There are plenty of stools here, not to mention everyone in the dormitory, and there are stools in the office as well.

Shen Guanglin cleared his throat:

"Let's start with Citigroup. Citigroup is a multi-ethnic country. I won't say how rich and powerful it is. They pursue equality on the surface, but in fact life is full of discrimination. White people Discriminate against blacks, blacks discriminate against yellow people, yellow people discriminate against their own people..."

Then, Shen Guanglin focused on the dark side of Citigroup, for example, rampant robbery, drug addiction, fellow villagers seeing fellow villagers, whoever believes will suffer.

As a post-95 generation, not many people have a good impression of Citigroup. Most of the people who really admire Citigroup and Fusang Country are born in the 60s and 70s, that is, the group of people in the audience.

What Shen Guanglin thought was whether he could alert some people, even if it was of little use.

However, Shen Guanglin's words directly made many people in the audience express unacceptable.

"Professor Shen, isn't Citigroup beautiful, rich, free, equal, united, and friendly? Isn't what you said too biased?"

"Where did you hear such rumors?" Shen Guanglin asked back.

"There are classmates and teachers who went to Citigroup to study abroad. They wrote to us and told us. Their letters are not what you said."

"Study abroad at this stage, even if it is publicly funded, requires work-study programs. They are either busy with classes or part-time jobs every day. How much time do they have to observe the society? I have gone to many places in Citigroup. Even in New York, it is almost impossible to go out in the middle of the night. Nine will be robbed, and besides, Citigroup is just a paradise for the rich..."

"I have a brother who went to Columbia University to study and started a work-study program. Now he has stayed there to work. If Citigroup is not good, why should he stay?" Still some students expressed their dissatisfaction.

“That’s another downside of studying abroad.

Less than half of the people who went out came back.

Why?When many people go abroad, they think that I will come back to build the country after I have finished my studies.However, after they really go out, they would rather wash the dishes and lay the floor outside than come back. This is also a question worth thinking about. "

Shen Guanglin revealed another phenomenon. Some people are determined not to come back for the sake of face or other ideas.

"What about other countries, such as France and West Germany?"

"These countries are even more unfriendly. Citigroup still leaves opportunities for students to work and study in colleges, but in those European countries, they have good social welfare, so there are few opportunities to work. Men can still move bricks on construction sites, and women can only work. I can be a little phoenix."

"Little Impatiens?"

"Well, bear the humiliation."

In short, Shen Guanglin basically gave a certain degree of negative comments on studying abroad, which can also be said to have exposed the cruel truth.

Studying abroad is not so easy and beautiful, it depends on how you choose.

Everyone was not satisfied with Shen Guanglin's poisonous chicken soup, but there was nothing to do.

What Shen Guanglin thought was that it could influence one or the other.

Everyone went back to work.

Shen Guanglin still didn't go back, because he would come to check and accept after a while, and the insect-resistant cotton must be able to resist insects.

Then continue to play, call Wei Wei together, three people are more fun, and the seedling cultivation can't be done without her.

The scenery here in Huairou Reservoir is very good, but it is annoying to play every day.

It's not too far from the Mutianyu Great Wall, and above the reservoir are high mountains and dense forests. Li Rong encouraged us to explore the wild Great Wall.

Wild Great Wall?

The eagle flies upside down?

There wouldn't be any big wild animals there, Shen Guang Lin Xin said, even if he couldn't meet a tiger, he wouldn't be able to contend with a wolf.

Li Rong is not afraid,
The base security department has a gun, the standard five-six type, and you can borrow one for use.

This is really amazing.

Shen Guanglin was not good at marksmanship and couldn't shoot accurately, but Li Rong was very good at shooting targets. Whether it was a fixed target or a moving target, his results were good.

There is a heroine, so go hunting, do you want to bring a tent?The three sleep together.

(End of this chapter)

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