Start with a college teacher

Chapter 405 Take care of yourself

Chapter 405 Take care of yourself
Although there are many mountains here, it is not a desolate virgin forest. Usually, after a short walk, there will be traces of human actions.

After all, this is still under the jurisdiction of the capital, and Yanshan Mountain is not a barren mountain. Although the Great Wall is wild, the people near the Great Wall are not. They will move bricks from the Great Wall to repair their own houses.

Isn't this very common? Didn't Shen Guanglin's Fuyuan Gate also use stones from the Yuanmingyuan to build houses?

After a week of tossing in the mountains like this, all three of them were dark and thin.

However, there is no need to be afraid of getting lost or encountering any danger here.

Even if there is no GPS positioning in this era, it is very difficult to get lost here. At worst, just ask the locals.

Moreover, they declared that they were part of the scientific expedition team of the Capital University, and that they were investigating the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty. Many farmers even warmly invited them to visit, but Shen Guanglin refused.

In the past few days, the three of them went out hunting, and they still had something to gain, if the rabbit was counted.

It's just that shooting a rabbit with a rifle is really a bit overkill.

That's right, for so many days in a row, they haven't even seen a wild boar's fur.

There were birds, but Li Rong refused to shoot them.

On the way along the Great Wall, they encountered a medium-sized yellow dog, but judging by its innocent and curious expression, it did not look like a wild dog.

God still has the virtue of good life.

Although they had plenty of seasonings and tools for starting a fire, forget it and spare its life.

When Shen Guanglin went out to surf, he really brought a big tent, which was very good at sheltering from the wind and rain, and this trip really satisfied his whimsy and whimsy.

At night, they slept on the Beacon Tower on the Great Wall.

Classmate Xiao Wei was not afraid that someone Shen had bad intentions, maybe she wished Shen Guanglin would do this.

Unfortunately, no.

They sleep separately at night, with Xiao Wei sharing a sleeping bag, and Li Rong and Shen Guanglin sharing a sleeping bag.

With Xiao Wei around, he couldn't perform the golden gun's unfallible stunt, and Li Rong slept with a stick for several days.

I don't know if this kind of experience is considered wonderful, because I bring my own food and drink. Although there is no game, there is a hint of wildness.

Fortunately, it won't be long before they have to come back.

Because Dou Wei sent a message to Shen Guanglin's pager, Shen Guanglin called back to the market town, and the superiors finally came to organize the inspection and acceptance of the insect-resistant cotton.

Old classmate Wei would come over every now and then to check on the growth of the cotton, wishing he could pluck the seedlings to help them grow.

He couldn't eat hot tofu in his heart, but he was not idle, and all the preparations were done well.

Even, the biotechnology company has half an acre of cotton seedlings, where he lives and eats, and he has done countless experiments before he can rest assured.

When the first cotton seedlings planted here in Huairou were as high as his knees, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The big move that had been held back for a long time was released in one breath.

All kinds of media, newspapers, and TV broadcast together.

The newspaper was the first to make an effort, and it was the headline of the No. [-] newspaper: Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University and the Academy of Sciences jointly tackled key problems and completed the cultivation of insect-resistant cotton, which is expected to be rolled out to the whole country on a large scale next year!

This is the world's first major scientific research achievement!
The principle is also very mysterious.

The newspaper said that insect-resistant cotton is not only able to resist the spread of bollworms, it is different from the previous wheat varieties that are resistant to pests and lodging. The insect resistance of insect-resistant cotton is subversive, and it will directly kill Cotton bollworm is a class of insects, but it is harmless to other insects and humans and animals.

Many readers didn't believe it. There were too many satellites, and it took a few years to straighten things out, and they started blowing up again.

However, the newspaper was full of articles, and the person in charge turned out to be Shen Guanglin.

Isn't he the greatest physicist after Einstein in this century? How could he also study insect-resistant cotton?

Seeing Shen Guanglin's name, many people believed it in principle.

This is amazing, how did it happen?
The newspaper said that the gene for killing cotton bollworms was implanted into cotton cells through high-tech means, and then the cells were re-cultivated into a plant.

Here, cotton was originally the object of bullying, but now it is the nemesis for the cotton bollworm.

Is it real?Come and see it.

Huairou has set up 8000 mu of experimental fields, and when the seeds are left next year, tens of thousands of mu can be multiplied.

Sure enough, the media flocked.

Moreover, no matter the agricultural department or other departments are very interested in this matter, many people call Lao Wei directly, is it true?

It's true, and he specially approved Huairou's land for their research group to use.

The leader of Liulian said, you go and verify it first, and if it is accurate, he will come over to take a look.

Old man Li brags every day, saying that his grandson-in-law Xiao Shen is a genius born in harmony, and now it seems that he can really make a lot of contributions to the country.

After the newspapers began to exert their strength, the TV stations would naturally not be idle.

In addition to filming news, they will also film the verification process into a documentary.

They were also afraid that the research team would be deceitful, so they waited until the cotton bollworm was really poisoned to death.

This achievement was reported in the form of a documentary simulcast.

In fact, they know that this matter is of course reliable.

After all, this is a great pioneering work led by Vice Minister Wei and jointly completed by two academic institutions.

Before the media arrived in Huairou, Shen Guanglin brought Li Rong and Xiao Wei back first.

After more than ten days of traveling on the Great Wall, Shen Guanglin has lost a lot of weight, and he has also changed, but his physical strength has improved.

After tossing around in the room for two hours that day, Dou Wei came to knock on the door to report work and didn't even open it.

How to respond to media reports?

Shen Guanglin didn't want to appear on TV, so he planned to let Dou Wei show his face.

After all, the research and development of insect-resistant cotton is the work led by Dou Wei, and he is like a small boss.

Beijing CCTV is close to the water tower, and their reporting team is the largest, even the deputy director came to personally lead the team.

Shen Guanglin is also very enthusiastic when he sees friends from the media. Everyone is an old acquaintance and often reports on Shen Guanglin.

It is still the old rule that it is fine to report the name of Shen, but the video is not. After all, he still has to continue his scientific research life, and he will also participate in a lot of confidential work in the future.

Professor Shen Guanglin is really great!
The job of showing his face was still handed over to Dou Wei, and his age also met people's psychological needs for scientific researchers.

Shen Guanglin is not at a disadvantage. If he publishes a paper, Shen Guanglin will become the corresponding author and will also be the first author.

Moreover, all derivative interests generated by this achievement belong to Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with giving Dou Wei some fame.

Although the idea of ​​the experiment was provided by Shen Guanglin, and the experimental funds were also provided by Shen Guanglin, but Dou Wei is a practical worker, and all the technical problems were overcome by Dou Wei.

China is a large cotton-growing province, especially Qilu, Hebei, Henan, and Xinxing provinces are all major cotton-growing provinces. As soon as the news of insect-resistant cotton was released, everyone immediately became interested.

The media in these provinces can't sit still anymore, and they also want to come over to investigate first-hand information.

Everyone suddenly gathered in Huairou, just to find out, to see the reality.

For some high-end media people, Shen Guanglin took the time to receive them personally, and he enjoyed the flattery of others.

In private, he is willing to personally introduce the mechanism of action of insect-resistant cotton, and at the same time let everyone do the experiment of poisoning cotton bollworm.

More and more people came to have a look, and they saw the lush cotton seedlings, and countless new seedlings were ready to be transplanted.

It's so extravagant, to use clonal reproduction, the seedlings are paid for each seedling, and even a meal of cotton is enough for a meal.

However, this is also very advanced, but this clip is a good science teaching film.

Shen Guanglin also said that time does not wait for everyone, this is to save seeds quickly, produce earlier, and cotton farmers can benefit earlier.

Some reporters who are familiar with Shen Guanglin saw Shen Guanglin's dark and thin face compared with the white and tender one in the previous lectures, and the more emotional reporters were moved to tears.

"Professor Shen, as such a well-known professor, you are still so tanned and so thin, please take good care of your body."

(End of this chapter)

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