Chapter 406 Patents
Shen Guanglin does not cherish his body for work, but he takes good care of his kidneys.

Shen Guanglin has indeed become darker and thinner recently, but his body has also become more flexible, and he has changed from a sub-healthy state to a completely healthy person.

Teacher Shen is very strong, and student Li is very satisfied.

Since the beginning of this year, after Shen Guanglin focused on training, his battery life has been significantly enhanced, and his mobility has also become much stronger.

Xiao Wei couldn't sit still anymore. She saw Shen Guanglin and the others glowing and glowing. They were obviously out for a while, but they were still moved to tears. She saw it in her eyes and was angry in her heart.

Is there any work that allows her to show her presence?
You just told the media that you are the daughter of Vice Minister Wei, and you went to the fields to cultivate insect-resistant cotton, and you also got tanned and tired.

Cut, that's too low-level.

The media is also not interested in knowing the daily life of an ordinary person like her.

Even if Professor Shen's wife, Li Rong, is said to be a college student studying at the National People's Congress, she came with Professor Shen, and she was tanned and tired, but this didn't attract much attention. You, an ordinary farmer College student, what's the matter with you?

Therefore, Shen Guanglin assigned her a new task, which was to write a patent for insect-resistant cotton.

If it is a domestic patent, it is also possible to write it casually.

Shen Guanglin didn't intend to make a lot of money from this, even if there was any profit, it would probably be put in the laboratory.

What Shen Guanglin was thinking about was whether to apply for an international patent.

However, it is not so simple to write an international patent application. Xiao Wei is still a little immature, and she has no experience in this field.

Even, she doesn't even have the experience of being a woman.

She couldn't do this kind of thing without special training.

In fact, Shen Guanglin has a dedicated team of lawyers working for him, and they are dedicated to helping Shen Guanglin write international patents and provide legal support.

But seeing that Xiao Wei is full of confidence, it is good to give her a job task, so that she can save herself from knocking on the door of Shen Guanglin's room when she has nothing to do all day long.

She didn't come when Shen Guanglin was in the office, but every time he took Li Rong back to the dormitory and wanted to work overtime, she would come.

It's called chatting with Sister Rong, and every time it happens that they knock on the door when two people are together, it seems that he and Li Rong are just halfway through their intimacy, and they are not at the same level.

This is a great situation for destroying stability, unity and harmony. You can either bring her in and let everyone play together, or you have to find something for her to do.

Even though her good business was interrupted, Li Rong was not in a hurry, she still had a happy face and whispered to Xiao Wei, leaving Shen alone.

It can be seen that classmate Xiao Wei is not very happy either. Seeing that Sister Rong's clothes are not neatly dressed and her face is full of beauty, she is not happy with the success of the trick, but feels faintly disappointed.

Shen Guanglin found something for her to do, and she happily did it.

She even made a special trip back to the capital and took someone else's patent from the Patent Office as a template.

In fact, there are specializations in the technology industry, and people who engage in scientific research may be very good at professional aspects, but they may not be good at writing patents.

But Shen Guanglin is different. He is best at writing papers and patents. Otherwise, how could he be an academic hooligan?

Shen Guanglin's masters and brothers are also proficient in this way, they make a living by this way, this is also inherited, and Shen Guanglin is still the best among them.

Of course, even if the patent application is completed, it is difficult for others to avoid patents, but it is easy to say.

For example, the so-called generic drugs are not completely 100% imitated. Pharmaceutical companies generally add a tail to the main chemical formula of the drug.

Different companies add different tails.

In this way, everyone produces drugs with the same effect and does not infringe each other's patents.

Because the "Patent Law" basically has no way to prove which part is responsible.

Of course, the pharmaceutical company is not completely idle, they have to prove that the added tail has no bad consequences, and they would rather have no effect than messy effect.

In fact, some drugs have different effects on different groups of people.

For example, in this era, there is a drug for gout that lowers uric acid called allopurinol.

Gout is actually a metabolic disease caused by high uric acid.

When people eat foods high in purine, uric acid will be produced after metabolism. However, the solubility of uric acid in the blood is very low. After exceeding a certain value, it will precipitate in the joints far away from the heart.

The body's immune system recognizes the presence of uric acid crystals, which can induce acute arthritis, that is, gout.

After the research of scientists, allopurinol appeared. It can inhibit xanthine oxidase, reduce uric acid production, and reduce blood uric acid concentration. Moreover, its side effects are very strange, and the side effects after taking it by whites or blacks are very small.

However, targeting the yellow race, especially the yellow race with a certain gene, is almost lethal.

This is also only found in practice.

In this day and age, there are very few people in China suffering from gout, and everyone can't get enough to eat. How can they have the opportunity to get diabetes, gout and other diseases of the rich and the rich?

However, people in developed countries in Europe and the United States live affluent lives and have poor eating habits, so the chances of getting gout are very high.

Among the drugs for the treatment of gout, colchicine is highly toxic, so they developed a uric acid-lowering drug called allopurinol.

However, no one thought that the fatality rate of this drug would be so high for people of the yellow race.

It was the people of Fusang who really discovered this phenomenon. They used to be poor, but thanks to a series of factors such as the Korean War, their economy took off and they became an emerging developed country.

Moreover, they are an island country, relying on the sea, the fishing industry is well developed, and the people like to eat seafood most.

The purine content in seafood is very high, so they are countries with high incidence of gout.

However, it is obviously the same medicine, Lao Mei is fine after taking it, but they die after taking it, what's going on?

It was later learned that this was due to genetic and ethnic problems, so they had no choice but to re-develop a drug called febuxostat to lower uric acid.

Shen Guanglin decided not to apply for an international patent for the patent on insect-resistant cotton, because countries like Asan are big cotton-growing provinces, and they are not very good at abiding by patent laws.

It is very difficult and uneconomical to sanction them.

The badness of the three people is natural, they don't abide by the law at all, for example, a woman is raped, she goes to the police, and then she is raped by the police again, this kind of thing can happen, their laws can still be violated Do you believe it?

Huairou is very lively these days, and everyone takes turns to come and see.

After everyone came over, they really saw cotton that did not grow cotton bollworms. After searching for a long time, they did not find any pesticides. Instead, they saw a laboratory where cotton bollworms were being cultivated.

Why raise cotton bollworms?Not to experiment with them.

Everyone has also seen that the cotton bollworm ate the cotton leaves and died one after another.

Everyone couldn't help worrying whether there would be no cotton bollworms in the future.

You don’t have to worry about this. In the future, cotton bollworms will grow on corn instead of cotton.

It only took three to five days to write Xiaowei's patent. Shen Guanglin looked at it, and there was no major problem, only a small request.

Let’s change the patent owner to Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University. It’s better not to put this kind of achievement under the personal name. It’s good to use the laboratory as the right holder.

Insect-resistant cotton does not need to apply for international patents, but solar photovoltaic manufacturing technology has to apply for international patents, and this matter must be paid close attention.

(End of this chapter)

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