Start with a college teacher

Chapter 407 Graduation

Chapter 407 Graduation
Shen Guanglin left school for more than half a month, but he was still a passerby when he returned.

The reason why he became a passer-by was because Shen Guanglin gave up his right to be a judge because he couldn't bear the disturbance.

Professor Shen decided not to take care of awards and awards and study abroad, and many people stopped bothering him.

Power is really a good thing, even a small amount of power.

The power in the university is more fascinating, because it has less risk and more benefits.

A beautiful female student is much more useful than the top card in Yihong Academy.

In particular, the realization of this kind of power is very easy, and it is also very addictive.

However, it is very difficult to give up it, but Shen Guanglin did it at a young age.

Even the leaders of the school are saying that it is really amazing that Professor Xiao Shen can do this.

Shen Guanglin wasn't great, but he found it troublesome.

He likes the feeling of being respected, and also likes the feeling of controlling other people's destiny, but it is really uncomfortable to be disturbed frequently.

Shen Guanglin even refused to be a defense judge in the college. There are many reasons and excuses: I am really busy recently, and the matter of insect-resistant cotton has involved too much energy. Even the country's top leaders are going to inspect it. .

From the looks of it, he was really busy.

Recently, insect-resistant cotton is broadcast on TV every day, with various refurbishments.

In particular, this is still made using high-tech means——genetic technology, which is very powerful when you think about it, and it is simply a special function.

Shen Guanglin also said that in the future, people with perfect genes may not appear, that is, through artificial editing, the genes of various genetic diseases have been removed, and the children born will be smarter and healthier.

Everyone was even more surprised.

Even, some supernatural power masters are going to use these words in their own theoretical system, and they are even willing to let Shen Guanglin be the second master.

Just look at the effect of insect-resistant cotton. Genetic technology is really powerful.

Moreover, the capabilities of media workers in this era should not be underestimated.

They also made a horizontal comparison of the insect-resistant effect of insect-resistant cotton.

They also photographed bollworms infested with traditional cotton, and it is not uncommon for cotton farmers to use too many pesticides, resulting in human and animal poisoning.

In stark contrast, there is no bollworm growing on the insect-resistant cotton, and it is not harmful for cattle and sheep to eat it.

The basic genetic technology is already like this, what about the advanced technology?

Shen Guanglin wants to say that when advanced technology comes out, everyone is no longer looking forward to it, but opposing it.

Whether it is out of jealousy or other psychology, in short, it is opposition, all kinds of opposition.

The consciousness of this era is not the same now, it is an era of pursuit and enthusiasm for technology.

Even the farce of water turning into oil will happen.

In particular, Shen Guanglin has made too many achievements in science and technology. Not to mention those in the secrecy stage, he has several major achievements in optical physics and chemistry; in addition, he also invented the Chinese character input method, and he is now so powerful in biology.

Some people began to refute that these works were done by Dou Wei, and he, Professor Shen, was busy making speeches every day to make money.

However, Dou Wei himself said that this idea was given by Professor Shen, and the types of bacteria were also pointed out by Professor Shen.

When Professor Shen asked a question, he just answered the answer, but the process of answering it was not easy, and then he began to advocate the high-end of this technology.

In short, Shen Guanglin is the first child, this is undisputed, but Dou Wei is the second child, this is also undisputable.

Due to the fact that Dou Wei went abroad a lot on TV screens, Shen Guanglin's name was mentioned the most in the report.

In this way, even after many years, when everyone saw Dou Wei, they thought he was Shen Guanglin himself.

Shen Guanglin is really popular again.

Many people wrote letters to the TV station, and also wrote letters to Beijing University.

Some asked for insect-resistant cotton seeds, some asked about the Wubi input method, some said they had solved physics problems, and some wooed Professor Shen.

Some bold girls even put photos in the envelopes. These are girls who are extremely confident in themselves. Their boldness and enthusiasm are very useful to Shen.

There were too many letters from the enthusiastic audience. Shen Guanglin read a few of them happily at first, but later found that the letters were all packed in sacks, so he didn't have time to read them any more.

Helpless, he could only ask a few students to help him dismantle it.

Because he was afraid that the male students would hide their love letters and do bad things at night, Shen Guanglin also made a special rule: if there are photos in them, let the female students dismantle them. If there are particularly good letters written by Literary Talent, he will also read them personally, provided the photos Be nice.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's purpose was not to read the girl's letter. He was also afraid that if he had something else to write to him, it would be bad if he missed it.

Now that the time has come for the graduation defense of the Capital University, the graduation defense of the National People's Congress is naturally the same.

Li Rong is finally graduating.

Early in the morning of the graduation thesis defense, Shen Guanglin specially accompanied Li Rong to the last class, which was the thesis defense class.

When Shen Guanglin came over, the students were very enthusiastic, not because they knew that he was Professor Shen from Capital University, but because Shen Guanglin's brother-in-law did a really good job.

Until now, they didn't know what Shen Guanglin did, but they did know that Li Rong was the son of a high official.

Let's just think that Shen Guanglin is also the son of a high official.

He is a really nice person.

Especially the students who went to Hangzhou to do research. When they came back, they told what they had seen and heard, and everyone was envious.

Even, a young man abducted a waitress who worked in a hostel. This time, he insisted on going to Hangzhou to marry that girl for his graduation assignment.

A National People's University graduate married a beautiful waitress, and I don't know who made the money.

Shen Guanglin mixed in the crowd, and was also very happy listening to the shouts of brothers-in-law and brothers-in-law of his classmates.

He made a promise: when everyone left, he invited everyone to have one last meal in the class, and we would break up after the meal. At that time, he would take your sister Rong away, and you would go back to your respective homes.

Everyone was chatting eagerly, and the department leaders and judges came in.

Then, Shen Guanglin was discovered.

Then, under the surprised eyes of the students, Shen was invited by the teachers of the National People's University to sit in the front row of the rostrum: "We are very honored that Professor Shen can take the time to come here."

Shen Guanglin also did his part. He came over and said modestly: I came here to study. The subject of political economics is the dominant subject of the National People's Congress. He came here as a student.

Being a student is not necessary, but it is true to marry a student.

Who doesn't know what he's here for?

This is the famous "brother-in-law", everyone just pretended not to know and not expose it face to face.

Even, they put Li Rong's defense in the last place, because they were afraid that Shen Guanglin would leave early.

Now, the students finally found out that the brother-in-law is indeed a big shot, and the head of the department should treat him warmly.

Sister Rong kept it a secret!

As for whether Sister Rong is really tight, only Shen Guanglin knows.

The defense began.

After each student defended, the judges also specifically asked Mr. Shen for his opinion.

Teacher Shen can have any comments, he can only say, yes, very good, very good.

At noon in the cafeteria of the National People's Congress, the leaders of the departments proposed to drink some wine, but Shen Guanglin refused, and he could not drive after drinking.

What car do you drive?

Shen Guanglin didn't say it was the old man Tui's car, but it was certain that he would make some moves tonight.

Shen Guanglin could only say that there was still a defense in the afternoon, and he would get sleepy after drinking, so he didn't dare to sleep in the afternoon.

Li Rong's defense was the last one, but the students didn't leave either. We were a united group.

Li Rong came to the stage, and seeing Shen Guanglin seriously writing notes, she couldn't help laughing.

The teacher in the audience didn't ask any Zheng Lin questions: "When and how did you and Teacher Shen meet?"

Li Rong could only answer: "When I was on a business trip to Jinling, I was still a policeman, so I caught him back."

"Then how did they get together?"

"He kept peeking at me on the train and tricking me with sweet words, and then I got scammed."

"so envious."

"how romantic!"

"... "

The students in the audience also expressed various sighs, feeling that this is a good love scene.

The defense is over, and passing is inevitable. The head of the department also asked Li Rong a last question: "Would you like to stay and teach at the school?"

(End of this chapter)

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