Chapter 409
This certificate is not the same as that of later generations.

It's not like a marriage certificate, but more like a certificate of merit.

There is also a decorative texture in the shape of a pennant printed, and the content inside roughly means that whoever agrees to marry whom is issued this certificate.

Shen Guanglin took the certificate and looked at it for a while, his face paled in shock.

The old man frowned and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

"Yes!" Shen Guang replied bluntly.

"Huh?" The old man was obviously upset, and you still can't resist.

Not only the old man, but even the faces of the little grandma and Li Rong changed.

What does Shen Guanglin mean? Is he going to regret it?

"Why is there only one marriage certificate? Who should I give it to? Shouldn't there be two copies for each person?" Shen Guanglin asked his own question.

Hi, that's what happened!

If you really want to, just make one more.

There is indeed only one marriage certificate in this era, and not everyone has one.

Moreover, the marriage certificate is not a group photo of the two of them, but two one-inch single photos pasted together.

Simple, but not simple.

The two have known each other for so many years, and it's time to have a special account of the past.

Shen Guanglin hasn't planned his marriage proposal ceremony yet, the old man helped him to do it.

Moreover, the certificates are all in place at one time, and the meaning is obvious. He recognized that the two young people are together.

It's just, doesn't this matter require the parties to come forward?

It seems that it should not be needed.

The marriage certificate has been obtained, and the marriage registration procedure must have been completed by the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin had no intention of objecting to obtaining the certificate, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be bad if the fight really broke out and the scene couldn't be closed.

Shen Guanglin also knew what to do next.

He quickly poured two cups of tea, "Grandpa please drink tea, grandma please drink tea."

The old couple laughed and cursed and took the tea, "Xiao Shen, you are a person of fame and status. Now the country is in ruins. I know you have made a lot of money, but I still hope that your marriage can be simplified."


"I'm in charge of Rongrong's affairs. If she marries you, she won't be wronged. Don't think about making a fuss. Don't let her down. This is what is good for her. Send more wedding candy to relatives and friends That's it, we don't blame you."

It turned out that the old man had this in mind.

Shen Guanglin did mention the wedding with his mother-in-law.

He said that when Li Rong graduates, he will do it, and it must be done in a prosperous and decent manner.

Maybe the mother-in-law told the old man about it, and then the old man came out like this.

It doesn't matter if you don't make a big fuss, the so-called wedding of the century, few people get good reviews
Today is a special day, so Li Rong was not asked to cook. Anyway, there is a special chef at home, so she can take a rest.

After becoming a family, the atmosphere of the conversation suddenly changed again.

Oops, I'm so embarrassed.

Even Li Rong, who is carefree on weekdays, began to feel shy.

"It doesn't matter if you get the certificate, when you live in a hostel in the future, you won't be afraid that the police will come to check the room in the middle of the night." Shen Guanglin teased with a smile.

Li Rong hit him, talking nonsense, as if he had been inspected before.

A professor at Capital University, how could others find him.

Today's lunch was very rich, and the big fish brought by Shen Guanglin came in handy.

But the old man didn't say start the banquet, as if he was waiting for someone.

Sure enough, guests came one after another.

oops!They are all famous people, the kind who get 404 when their names are reported.

Shen Guanglin usually only saw their names in the newspapers, but now they are visiting Mr. Li.

"So rich? Old Li, is there anything good about it?"

An elder who was about the same age as Lao Li asked, he also smiled and nodded with Shen Guanglin, "You are Xiao Shen, I know you, you are very good."

Lao Li stood up and made some introductions: "Today is the day for my granddaughter Li Rong and Xiao Shen to receive their certificates. They decided to keep it simple. Please come and be a witness."

Shen Guanglin felt that he had been represented again, and getting the certificate didn't necessarily mean that he had to hold the wedding today. Could it be that just a few words would be the end of the matter?

"Xiao Shen is indeed a good boy. The recent insect-resistant cotton is even more beneficial to the country and the people. I have admired it for a long time. I didn't expect to be married by your old Li. Congratulations, young man."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Shen Guanglin and Li Rong could only bow down to express their thanks.

You are full of wine and food, and the old man is also preparing to leave early, so don't leave, leave calligraphy to bless you before leaving.

Hey, this one works.

Everyone continued to chat for a while, and then left the "gift" before they dispersed.

Shen Guanglin was just like dreaming, inexplicably, could it be that his marriage is over?
Shen Guanglin helped Li Rong clean up. He was still diligent.

"Since we've reached this point, why don't you come to work in my laboratory." Shen Guanglin suddenly said to Li Rong.

"Are you raising me?"

"I raise you!"

Li Rong said without hesitation, "Then I won't go! It's not that I can't find a job, I won't tie you down, I'm going to work in the Central Organization Department."

The fact that the old man gave the marriage certificate stimulated her temper, and it may have strengthened her belief. If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night.

"I won't go to the same workplace with you, and it's not like you won't come back, so I'll wait for you at home." Li Rong said it like a little daughter-in-law.

The two have known each other for so long, and Shen Guanglin also knows her character.

What she has decided will be difficult to change in a short while.

It's okay, no matter what, it's a job, and if you're unhappy in the future, just change to another job.

After eating, it was lunch break, and the old man asked the little grandma to tidy up a bedroom for them and come out.

This will be their room from now on, come and live here at any time, and, the old man also said, don't go back today, stay here.

Okay, I haven't lived in the antique house in Yuquan Mountain yet, and Shen Guanglin also wants to experience it.

Everyone went into the room to rest, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong were no exception

The two entered the room, and the atmosphere began to grow again.

"Wow, what a pretty little face."

Sitting beside Li Rong, Shen Guanglin raised Li Rong's chin with his hand, "Little girl, give me a smile. If you smile well, I will talk to you about a billion-dollar business."

I have to say that Li Rong is really good-looking, not to mention her looks, her figure alone is very good.

She is tall and has a straight body. If she wears hot pants and shoots a short video, she will be a big internet celebrity.

Li Rong was still completely shy by him, "Keep your voice down, it's not good for your grandparents to hear. What kind of business are you talking about?" She slapped his hand away as she spoke.

However, Shen Guanglin hugged her shoulder nonchalantly, pierced through the other armpit, and caught a little rabbit, "We will be legal from now on."

"I didn't see you coming when it was illegal."

Li Rong still couldn't hold back, and directly pushed Shen Guanglin down on the bed, and buried his head and face.

He was not in a hurry, smelling the fragrance of her body, his hands started to move.

(End of this chapter)

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