Start with a college teacher

Chapter 410 Chapter 430

Chapter 410

This afternoon nap, I slept from noon until it was almost dark.

If you don't go out again, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain your face.

Looking at the time, it was almost 5 o'clock, and the two of them tidied up the scene and slipped out of the room.

Fortunately, the old man and the old lady went out for a walk, and the staff also pretended not to see them, which was to save some face for the two of them.

The two of them went out for a walk.

Yuquan Mountain is picturesque, and the weather in early summer is neither too hot nor too cold, which is a good time for a walk.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong have never seen such a scenery under the sunshine and sunset. There are all antique Chinese traditional buildings nearby, and the pagodas on the mountains in the distance are also shining brightly.

Thus, Shen Guanglin had an immature idea.

This idea is really immature, because there are security personnel nearby, it seems that there is no one here, but it is not.

It really makes sense for the old men to choose to retire here, at least there is no problem with security.

When the two of them came back from their walk, the old man and the little grandma would have already returned, and they really didn't ask about their playfulness and sleepiness in the afternoon.

Young people, no one has the right length and depth.

Continue to stay overnight.

The old man also said that this will be their home from now on, and if they want to come here often, they can just live here if they are not busy.

Both Shen Guanglin and Li Rong refused to agree, and quickly said that they had a place to live in the capital.

Shen Guanglin couldn't finish his own house. Apart from Fuyuan Gate and Tiangong No. [-], he also had several courtyard houses that he rented out, and the rent had not been collected for a long time.

Now that the two of them have obtained the certificates, they can hand over these houses to Li Rong to take care of them.

But the houses in other places are different from the houses in Yuquan Mountain. You can't just come here if you want.

Besides, if you have a car, what are you afraid of?

The little grandma pulled them aside and tried to persuade them in private, just to make them think about it.

Because, the old man is really old now, and he began to look forward to people.

Raising geese specially for Shen Guanglin is an example.

Especially in the past few years, in response to the call of the organization, he has completely retired. He has nothing to do, no one around him, and he is very lonely.

Sometimes, a person's political life and his biological life are closely related, and when an old man retires, he ages very quickly.

That being the case, the two of them will not go back today, and decided to stay overnight to have a look.

Everyone knows what the two of them did in the afternoon.

During dinner, the old man also told a joke, which originated from "Xiao Lin Guang Ji".

In other words, there was a student who was married to a daughter and was still wandering in the front hall in the middle of the night. The servant said: "Sir, it's late at night, please go to bed."

Mr. Daoxue stamped his feet, and said angrily: You don't know, that little beast is acting recklessly right now.

Unexpectedly, the old man is quite educated, and cursing is quite dirty.

Shen Guanglin, a little beast, was not only reckless during the day, but also reckless again at night.

This house is really nice, the sound insulation is good, and the bed is very stable.

Except for the sound of people panting, there are no other sounds, and there are no creaking or clanging noises.

Shen Guanglin even thought in his heart that if the old man is gone one day, it would be even better if he could inherit the house.

In the future, if it can be left to the children and grandchildren, that will be the most awesome wealth.

Too bad he thinks too much.

When the old man is around, they can still live there. If the old man is gone one day, if the old lady is still there, they should be able to live there too, but if it goes on later, it probably won't work.

After returning from Yuquan Mountain, the two experienced a different state of life.

This can be seen from the occasional smiles between the two of them.

Smiles are full of stories.

Now, they are no longer separate individuals, but really a family.

After returning home, the two of them talked about getting the certificate. The mother-in-law was very happy, but she still asked with concern: "Is the wedding going to be held?"

In fact, in her heart, she wanted to hold a grand wedding, after all, she was her precious daughter.

But Li Rong said, "Let's not do it for now. We all promised Grandpa that we will keep it simple. Let's talk about it later."

Shen Guanglin also said with relief, "Let's not commit crimes against the wind.

When the time comes, we will not be in the capital, but will go to Jinling. We can do whatever we want, and we will book the best hotel in Jinling, so we can have a good time. "

The current Jinling Hotel is well-known throughout the country. It has been in business for more than a year. It is known as the tallest building in China, and it is also a landmark building in the city of Jinling.

If this hotel can be contracted to hold a wedding, it really is not an ordinary style.

Li Rong's mother was soothed in this way.

They didn't buy wedding candy, and they didn't tell anyone other than Lao Li about getting the certificate.

Anyway, I live my own life, and I just know what I have obtained the certificate.

For Shen Guanglin, his work and life are not different from the past. He still visits the school every day, walks in the laboratory, and then goes to the National People's Congress to hang out.

For Li Rong, she is running out of time to stay in school, and it's like living one day at a time.

During these few times, Shen Guanglin was with her. Even so, some people who felt good about themselves came to strike up a conversation with her, and did not take Shen Guanglin seriously at all.

Do you have mines at home or guns in your waist, why are you so confident one by one.

On this day, when Shen Guanglin came to the National People's Congress from the laboratory, he was stopped by someone.

At first glance, he looked like a literary youth, with long hair, wearing flared trousers, and a sea soul shirt.

Fortunately, I didn't have an anti-recorder, and I didn't bring a toad mirror, otherwise the set would be complete.

Shen Guang Lin Xin said that the closer to graduation, the more messy things will happen.

The literary youth pointed at Shen Guanglin and said, "Old Miangua, you can't give her happiness, so leave her early, she should pursue her freedom."

"Your suitor again?"

Li Rong shook her head, "I don't know him either."

However, Shen Guanglin laughed angrily when he heard that he was called an old face melon.
"I don't need to give her happiness, she can bring me happiness, that's enough.

If I marry her, I can get a registered permanent residence in the capital; if I marry her, I can get a good job in the capital; ? "

Is this still human?Do you want to be so straightforward.

This is exactly the point at which the young literary and art youths were going to expose Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin voluntarily admitted it, but he didn't know what to say.

"Student Li Rong, don't hurry up and leave him, such a person is a liar!"

Being robbed of the words, literary youths can only change their methods.

"But, I've already lied to him, what should I do?" Li Rong replied with a smile.

"Then leave him immediately!"

"Are you here to raise the child?"


"I said, will you raise my child with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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